bombay's Blog


I am a bit distressed by the lottery proceedings, as well as, the proceedings of the other 49 states. As I write this, I am in FAVOR of abolishing the Lottery and all those of participating states. I will be forth coming soon with my findings from an ongoing studying of the lottery drawings. Also do you guys find it ironic that their are only 1000 combinations for the pick three but yet triple digits and quadruple numbers are rarely drawn. Don't you think if you have two games per day for seven days a week, fourteen drawings a week, for three hundred and sixty five days a year you would at least see those type of patterns. In addition, don't you also find it a little "ponzi" that never in the history of the <snip> where drawings like 2-4-6-8-10-...Whole and even even or chronological numbers like 1-2-3-4-5-6 has never been drawn? Also, how is it possible that you can get the same pattern of numbers for the pick three/four, but yet cannot never get the same pattern of numbers for PowerBall, Mega or State games? Make you wonder right? Furthermore, if each states are using "SmartPlay" machines don't you think a uncontrolled machine has the possibility of popping the same pattern of numbers for a month straight considering its just "random" right? I guess this "SmartPlay" machines isn't so SMART! Actually they so smart they no NOT to draw quadruple, chronological and triple digits numbers.

If the lottery isn't rigged why do THEY need to do "pretest drawings?" My thing is this if they wanna pretest the balls to make sure the machine is properly functioning just USE blank BALLS!



Entry #2

Drawing Procedures!!

I have some concerns about the drawing procedures for State Lotteries, Mega & Powerball games. I find it highly impossible that you can consistently play the same triple and quadruple numbers for the midday and evening drawing for a year and those numbers do not fall within that year, for that matter, not even within the last five-ten years! With that being said, why doing the lottery drawings all number balls are already pre-placed into the “chambers? Why “PLAYERS” aren’t able to see each individual number balls placed into the “chambers” right before the pick three, pick four, Mega and Powerball drawings?  However, what department can I address these concerns too and how can I forward my petition(s) to the CEO “Lottery Commission for Texas State Lottery, Mega & Powerball Lottery?

Who agree that "players" should be able to see the balls being placed into the "chamber" despite how much it will cost for air time? At least "players" would know they have a fair chance of WINNING!!! Also if the Lottery is "legit" as they say it shouldn't be a problem right?

Entry #1
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