thousandair's Blog

Waiting to get out of this number rut

trying to stay upbeat in this holiday season, cant seem to get a decent hit everything is off , my timing and number selections.The stars are definitely not in my favor, or haven't been for the past few weeks, the stress is unreal this time of year. I guess i should count the blessings that i have and not what i don't have. We look forward to the new Year which can be the start of better times in health and hopefully reduced stress in our daily lives. ACTUALLY Money doesn't buy happiness ( it only complicates our lives) We should thank god for everything we have and remember their are those less fortunate than ourselves, When i look at things in this respect I feel content about our lives. and hope for the best for everyone. God bless everyone this Christmas and new year 331, 977 Good luck Thousandair

Entry #294

No time left NY

The triple eights are sold out, thats all good, looking at the 977 and 988,986,997 for this eve. those trips i had one ticket for the eve and then that nasty message on the terminal said liability limit. are dang! I don't think that it will come out but Hey you never know! Good luck thousandair

Entry #293

Pick tens that I played this eve. NY






These numbers are a good mix of random selections. I like the odd numbers more than the even numbers and these selections are the best of the lot that i came up with We will see tonight  what and how i did. Thousandair

Entry #292

We hit again two combos in one day

Unbelievable we hit again it pays to play the double digit combos. 887 a nice take for one day. We are still playing those double sevens this weekend maybe we will finally hit that pick four straight that keeps missing by one number, Now that we are ,again on a hitting streak, we need to keep them coming for the new year lets sit back and have a corona with lime and relax for the best is yet to come. Like i said in a previous entry when the going gets tough the tough get going . so lets go and get some more straight hits. Good night Thousand air

Entry #291

The double seven in NY

What a day it has been in the Hudson valley! We had about ten inches of the white stuff, I personally had a very good day. Thank god that the normal Friday traffic wasn't on the roadways,( made them a wee bit safer) today we hit the 877 on a combo bet finally. now we are looking for these to pop on behind it 977 combo if it doesn't play tonight, maybe it will play on Saturday or skip a day and come out for Sunday midday. i played the pick ten this eve for five dollar's was to late to post . look for that 468 to come out somewhere in the pick four this weekend and don't give up on those winter wonderland pick fours, 5556,5557,0006,6000 they may just pop in when we least expect them to. Good luck and have a safe night. Thousand air

Entry #290

The hudson valley NY

Well its another day in the Hudson valley and we are waiting for a major storm a large blast of snow, for our morning commute , its 930 and the snow hasn't started. I like to associate the 0006 and the 5556 with snow, Im due for a major hit myself  in the next couple of days. I had one hit in a month and a half. ( back then, i was hitting every few days) now im in a rut so to speak. anyway i stay upbeat and excited for each new day and with every draw a chance to hit. this time of year is unlucky for me for some unknown reason , but im tough and keep on keeping on, ( when the going gets tough) the tough keep going. on a high note i hit for  a c note on the scratch off games. spent 20 dollars . that is a good return in my book. also took a 10 dollar ticket in the instant king Kong game and hit for a 20 spot, disappointed me though, you would think that for that kind of money we could at least hit for a hundred dollars, i have said time after time that the scratches are ripoffs and still i give the new games a shot. ( not the seasonal ones) they are total ripoffs) 586,440,654,977, good luck thousandair

Entry #289

NY pick four

has been about four weeks since my last hit in the win for this eve we caught the 8769 box for three dollars.What i was looking for was the 9486 and the 5867 to play straight, although i cant be greedy a six hundred dollar hit is better than not hitting anything at all I will be playing the 535,331, 586,358 for the rest of this week, as for last nights King Kong millions , For me im not a winner in the kk maybe next time I will hit a prize like that but for now, i will stay that happy guy anyway. Without those big bucks.Good luck and have a good night Thousandair

Entry #288

King Kong in NY

the day is finally here that we  will  see  who is the   next millionaire in NY . if My number is selected i will grab a megaphone and yell the call of king Kong throughout my place of employment and then i will call the main office and do the same. Then for all those people that i helped in the past, and for the same people that i asked for return favors and got turned down, I have two words for you people. And NO its not Merry Christmas . for this eve in the pick three 535,565,696 and 591. for the win four 2986 looks good to me have a great eve an hope you are all winners in some game of chance. Thousandair

Entry #287

Packing for the move

I will be glad when we are finished packing, my wife has an unbelievable amount of stuff that she has collected over the years and doesn't want me to throw anything out, we will need another 100 boxes, if our place isn't ready before the holiday, then she will expect me to decorate, put up the tree and outside decorations, I could see it the reindeer freeze in the ground and i will have to go back in the spring to retrieve them, Between work and packing and the holidays , and i cant keep my mind clear to pick any good numbers. There s too much chaos in my life this year end What i need is a good massage from head to toe and then maybe i will get back on track, anyway thanks for letting rid my self of that. Going with that 611 and the 535,735 and in the pick four 3713,8456, and that 5355, Good luck Thousand air

Entry #286

Numbers ,numbers NY

Sometimes when i select NY daily numbers they appear in other states as straight hits or boxed numbers. The numbers i pick can be played in NY and NJ , I myself sometimes play the NJ numbers and play NY on a daily basis. this past month has gave me few hits ( in the take five game) other than those hits i only had apick four boxed. for the month of November and hopefully i will get back on track before the new year, played the 3633 in the midday draw and didn't use the flip the six strategy that i use and look what came out the 3933 , had i did what i tell everyone to do , I would have hit for 2400 dollars,so i will be playing the 3363, 3353, and the 5353 ,5535 in the midday draw on the 26th of November when i play the triples in the pick four i take them either combo or (50) cents box for an immediate payout with no tax's, in the pick three i will be playing the 553,533, and the 968 all straight and combo also these numbers are due and also the 331 which i believe will hit before the month is out, (333) watch those triples Thousandair

Entry #285

Those double numbers are hot NY

What a holiday , I cooked some broccoli rabe, pizza gain ( which consists of three cheeses and Italian meats) We had a spiral sliced honey ham and all the trimmings, I made some bell and Evans chicken for our Maltese Bianca, and sardines for our cat (Kitty) we had a wonderful day, except for when we prayed we both started to cry about all the relatives that we lost over the years, we thanked god for all our blessings. OK now time to get to the numbers we saw those double six's again, still looking for the 535 and the 335, we had a sum of fifteen now we are looking for the thirteen or the sum of eleven in a double number. I played the 8648 , and the 5553 for today  Will try them again tomorrow( the 3555 played in NJ) oh well cant play and hit all the time, but when we do we smack those bad boys hard. have a great night , and have a safe black Friday don't get trampled in those stores, I will be going to work. Thousandair

Entry #284

Happy Thanksgiving day

Its thanksgiving day in NY and they predict snow for us. Today is the day to play the 8468 and 997 we should start to see those doubles run. We have to stay positive and work off those past numbers for a repeat hit every few days, that 766 urks me i play the 0766 and the dang thing comes out in the pick three, we could also slip a buck on the 966 for midday. we need to watch that infamous 735 which likes to be drawn this time of year. Any way its time for me to start cooking the fixings for my wife. Hopefully she will get better by the New Year, but for now im the cook in our home, god bless everyone this day and have a safe and healthy day. Thousandair

Entry #283

NY doubles are running

Here we go here come that run of double digits i have been talking about we can get some hits in the next few days if things go according to plan watch for the 968 in the midday draw tomorrow or the 553 i happen to like them both still looking for that 0676 in the win four we need to also be aware of the 044 this number can be a big possibly this week and also we can see another triple digit number before the month is over 444 and the 222,666 are the ones i like, thank you and god bless you on this coming holiday. Thousandair

Entry #282

NY numbers and the doubles

Hey there all we are looking at the possibility of a long run of double digit numbers we have to stay awake and grab some of them for the holiday, the 535,121,611,331 are all looking good those 00, cant be ruled out they might return, the double 88 and 66 need be around that dark corner where we cant see them give them all a shot we haven't seen a double in 15 draws before this eve when the 020 was drawn, so remember to pump it up and get it going so lets go and get those hits good luck and good night. Thousandair

Entry #281

Dang those NY numbers

120 looks like it may come out tonight, and the other numbers i will be playing are 968, 301,331 all straight. look for the double to play in this eve. maybe the 8854 or the 8896 give them a try and good luck thousandair

Entry #280