JADELottery's Blog

Server Shutdown

Been having severe server issues lately.

And, major network problems.

Weeks long problems.

Don't think virus or hack, but very annoying.

Haven't been able to keep the server running more than a few minutes.

Must be hardware...



Entry #4,819

An event last August makes me wonder.

Last August I had an unusual flu.

Makes me wonder if the CV was already here.

I travel a lot for work and come in to contact with many people.

Lately, I've been talking with others about this and it appears this flu was happening everywhere with nearly everyone I talked with.

Below is the post I made last August... have a look see.




Had a very unusual flu this past 5 days.


Not like anything we had before.

Started Saturday with all the symptoms something was going to happen: Muscle aches, little tired, chills then hot...

Then Sunday going in to Sunday night, started getting feverish.

The fever would go away, then come back.

I could tell the fever was coming, because I'd get this horrible chilling, freezing feeling; like being in a frozen freezer or out in the cold winter.

My teeth chattering like mad and then a fever of 100-101ºF.

Eventually I had a fever 102.2ºF around 2:00a early Monday morning.

I called in sick that Monday and was taking Tylenol most of that day, on.

Felt better later that Monday, but the feverishness hung on.

Again, hard chills, then fever, but it got less and less each day.

And what felt like a recovery, I'd sweat a little more each day, then gradually tapered off.


Here's unusual part,

I never felt sick to my stomach or wanted to throw up,

very little headache and what there was the Tylenol eliminated completely,

never felt faint or like I was going passout,

when I was not feverish, I felt like as if nothing ever happened,

never felt dizzy or like I couldn't stand up immediately,

never lost my appetite and kept down anything I ate,

the fever came and gone about once every 4-6 hrs and ranged from 100-102ºF.


This is by far the most unusual fever I ever had.

Entry #4,714
Entry #4,817