retxx's Blog


For anyone interested I have not had much luck in Mass. using the standard vtrac so I have reformulated it and seem to have better luck with some boxed hits so if anyone feels like trying it out for their state here is how I changed it.






Good luck and be sure to let me know if you have any success with it.

Entry #5

mass. pick 4

try this on for size for Sat. 9628-9620-6940-6948

everyone welcome.

Entry #4

fla lottery

just one more try for 12/23/05. 290-279-201-271-002-190-027-291.

Entry #3

1st try for Fla

hi all. This will be my first try for predicting for the state of Fla. I have a good feeling for my numbers down there in the sunshine state, so here goes. It will be a short list for thur 12/22/05;6 7 9-6 1 6 -6 1 7 -9 6 6 -7 0 6 -7 0 1 -0 9 7 -6 1 4. good luck to all who play down there.

Entry #2
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