maximumfun's Blog

The Lottery Ghost - the ultimate anonymous solution

It seems logical to follow any theory to its ridiculous ... edges?  conclusion?  If you are the winner this weekend... Cinco de mayo weekend (either Friday or saturday) - and you DO collect 'whisper quiet'... 

you do all the right things.  you are silent as the dead.  no one knows nothing.  a trust is formed.  a trust is formed that holds that trust so it can collapse after collection.  the cone of silence is envoked.  your attorney - for arguments sake for Saturday's win - forms all your legal mish-mash - does his/her hop-scotch dance through the legal quagmire necessary to... 28-ish days later go and perform as your puppet (dance puppet dance) before the lights-camera-and-action. 

a short statement of misdirection is given.  not a lie, just pointing all attention 37 degrees off center.  you maintain your lifestyle, your house, your job, your... everything, EXCEPT you pay off all your bills.  you are now on a cash basis.  NOTHING else changes.

for 12 months this charade continues. 

now what?  what is the transition.  thus far you have enjoyed financial freedom from bills but no changes/upgrades.  so now the plotting/planning  begins in ernest (which is just east of Toledo I believe).  the reality of management of these funds is larger/bigger more intensive than you expected.  the meetings required with the 'suits' is more frequent than easily explainable and besides... you don't really even LIKE them.

so the list is created.  short, yet definite.  time lines are put into place and ...

Entry #1
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