Uluska's Blog

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Cheking FL Power Ball, making points

FL Power Ball lottery frequently has "no date" numbers, and I mean no months numbers from 1 to 12. Then again, numbers from 12 to 31 can be considered date numbers since they signify days of the month. In big game, like Power Ball, one can exclude day numbers as well, because during, say 100 games, there will be about 5 games that have numbers from the group 32 to 69, numbers that do not stand for any date at all. There are then 37 numbers to play, sort of like in Fantasy 5, but with a lot greater reward. This is trend for very patients people. For not so patients it makes sense to play numbers from 13 to 69, numbers from this group come up a lot more often in comparison, still give you better odds, than entire 69 numbers.

Of course, numbers from 32 to 69 can signify years. First thought that comes to mind is that 2032+ is not here yet. :) Who will play year 1932? Someone who is quite old. There are not so many people of that age. So, perhaps such numbers can be used, but not baby boomers numbers. Forget 44 to 64. That leaves us with 32 to 43, and 65 to 69. Wow. I think this set up is for a crazy person. :) 16 numbers to win hundreds of millions! :) I think such group can hardly deliver winning combination, because even though there are plenty of baby boomers, as population they are not the largest anyway. And Power Ball shows that baby boomers numbers  did deliver winning combinations at times, numbers from the group between 44 and 64, which is WOW, only 20 numbers. I'd say makes sense to play this group anyhow, perhaps separately.

Entry #9

March 6, Fantasy 5, FL results how they matched up

The winning numbers: 15-17-19-25-27

Again, number 25 that I excluded (  should have used it ), has repeated fourth time. Because of it, my group of "no date" numbers fetched only 4 numbers. In general, no need to exclude repeated numbers, have to use all 24 numbers  from 13 to 36 to build tickets. As experience have shown, it gave us 3 chances this week to catch all 5 numbers.

Entry #8

FL Pick 3 modest logistic.

When I look at the list of winning combinations of Pick 3 FL, I use a ruler, line it with upcoming whatever combination, I do not know yet,  with that of another column for the last game. I'd use fourth, third and second column winning numbers to make pairs, 12 per each 3 numbers. Within 50 games every column can deliver from 2 up to seven matches, so pairs match and I a win $50 per match. The trick is to guess when such match will come up. 

If one plays 12 tickets every game, it is $600 per 50 games, too much to spend, because $50 is not such a big win or wins, it won't cover expenses.

Entry #7

March 5 FL Fantays 5 result in relation tomy system "no date" numbers.

March 5, FL Fantasy 5 result was: 20, 21, 25, 26, 28. Very unusual, because usually one cipher does not repeat itself more than 3 times. Here we have cipher 2 repeated 5 times. 

Four of  those numbers were inside my group of 22 numbers, my excluded numbers were 14 and 25, but 25 chose to repeat third time. I had group 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. 

That means if I were not excluding any "no date" numbers, I'd have all 5 numbers inside my group, however, when building tickets from this group, I'd never come up with such unusual repeated 20-s. I'd not win anyway.

Entry #6

Pick 3 FL how I noticed trend.

I worked with lists of winning numbers for Pick 3 FL.

Here is example:

I take result from 4th column, one prior to the game I am trying to guess. Say, it is 327. I use 3 and 7, multiply, get 21

I add up to 10# , and get : 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. I multiply them by 4, get 40 tickets, Front and Back pairs. 

Result of the game I was seeking is 412 . That means I won pair 12, $50, but spent $40. Pure profit $10.


Another example: combination in a forth column is, say, 596. I multiply 5 by 6, get 30, add 10: 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. I flip those numbers and use them each also for Front and Back pairs, that makes for 40 tickets. When game results come in, it's 838, meaning, I won twice, pair 83, and 38, so it's $100, but I spent $40. Pure profit $60.

Yet, if I keep playing the same trend, I will end up eventually spending more than winning, even though I will profit $10 here and there and quite often, $60 here and there, yet also have loosing combinations. 

It ended up being nerve wracking trend.

Entry #5

Pick 3 FL method used sometimes.

Sometimes checking out results for the same day but previous year yielded winning pair. When playing pairs and having 3 numbers, have to make 12 tickets. Especially it worked for a while for November, the day the Mars is closest to the Earth. I'd use results from previous year for the same Marsial closeness day, it was fun until it stopped working, but did not try it for several years now.

Entry #4

Yesterday's FL Fantasy 5, how it turned out.

The result was 4-11-14-17-32. Of course, it hit only three "no date" numbers, but they all were in my group of 22 numbers. Numbers excluded were 15 and 25.  So this exclusion works most of the time, ignoring numbers that repeated twice or trice during 4 previous games.

Entry #3

how I calculated Pick 3 FL during last month.

In FL Pick 3 lottery I used to take numbers of last game, and subtract from them 1,4,7 in different configurations, 6 additions. 147, 174, 471, 417, 741, 714. The results of that subtraction, say, had two combination with 2 identical numbers. I'd use this combination to calculate tickets. If results had two numbers with identical pair, I"d subtract them , second from first, in a simplified manner, like for lottery, and then use that result to calculate tickets. Example 927 - 471 = 556  Say, I am left to work with 633. I'd create splits, 6a3, 3a6, 3a3, where "a" means every number has to go inside, making 10 tickets, altogether 30 Straight tickets with a goal to win $500.  Then again, what if numbers fall to the side: 63a, 36a, 33a and a36, a63, a33. Now I end up with 90 Straight tickets. I am not such a player though to spend so much at once. But, as I calculated on paper, it worked in a way that may be for 3 games I spend 90 tickets each, and only third one brings $500. It kept going until it stopped working, because obviously the trend got worn out, it weathered away. At such time one needs to come up with new trend and they seem to be usually short lasting.

Entry #2

Yesterday FL Fantasy 5, how it played out

I had a group of numbers from 13 to 36, I discarded 15 and 16 since they already repeated during last 4 games. The result of yesterday's game 14-22-25-35-36 , all those numbers were inside my group of numbers,13,14,17,18,19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. but personally I did not pick correct ones, not all of them, and to make wheel out of 22 numbers is too much.

Also, "no date" numbers–only happens not always, on average once per week.

Extra hint: When playing lottery, say, FL Fantasy 5, buy 6 Quick pick tickets, then use numbers absent on them to make your own tickets. You will figure out how many numbers QP tickets gave you and may be buy more of them, so you have less numbers left to make your own ticket or tickets. If you got 6 numbers left, you'll have to make 6 tickets out of them , if 5 numbers, only one ticket.

Entry #1
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