Rip Snorter's Blog

Powerball tonight


PB tonight
13 27 28 29 49 36

Michigan Keno

19-Aug-05 8 11 13 15 17 22 23 24 32 38 40 46 47 49 50 55 57 59 64 67 72 77
18-Aug-05 10 11 13 19 23 24 25 27 28 29 34 38 50 53 54 59 62 66 69 71 76 77


Single digit six number and seven number draws for three and two previous days:

4 3 6 1 0 5 
6 2 1 2 6 2 
1 8 9 5 7 8 
7 2 3 0 6 0 0
5 7 4 9 6 9 9
1 8 8 0 1 4 4

4 0 1 2 5 7 
3 6 0 1 9 8 

Make of it what you will.




Entry #202

New Mexico has a winner

Probably all over New Mexico lottery players are heaving sighs of relief.  The recent PB jackpot doesn't have to be distributed back to the various States.  The winner wasn't some out-of-State tourist, trucker, or casual passer-by.

I doubt there's anyone in New Mexico who isn't feeling a modicum of gratitude for and with this winner.  In addition to the fact it was a resident, it was a NEW MEXICO winner.  That hasn't happened anywhere nearly as often as we'd have liked.

Over the past year or so there's been a lot of grumbling that if you wanted to win the Powerball lottery the first step is to live somewhere besides New Mexico.

I think we've heard the end of that for a whle.  One more item to add to the gratitude affirmations.




Entry #201

Single digit elaboration

Here's a closer look.

Mega Millions last night












PB previous draw, plus a Canadian single-digit, six number and a seven number draw the previous day:































There's too much elusive sense to this to abandon it entirely, and too little to be able to understand it at the moment.


Entry #200

Reality shifters

These new bird bath/bird feeders they've come out with over the past few years are great.  The birds love them, but they're a bit too shallow.  Water evaporates from them rapidly, but as feeders they need a hole drilled in the bottom to let them drain.


Five minutes ago.






Entry #199

Pre-dawn ponderings

Quiet here..... occasional coyote yap on the mesa to the north.  Last night pups from several spring litters must have been out trying to learn to hunt and howl... sort of like an adolescent when his voice begins to crack.

Working on trying to find some correlation between lower end numbers and everything else... signs and hints I'm on the right track there are zilch at the moment.  Might be looking in the wrong places, looking at the right places but from the wrong perspective, or just overlooking entirely what's there in front of me.

The stakes seem high on this part of the puzzle.  If my premise that this is a mechanical process is correct, there almost has to be something on the lower end that can be observed and understood....those 0-9 digits are the nucleus of the entire process.





Dragon Morning

Soft rain of star noise
Patters on the dawn
Tin roof
He listens
Half awake
Slowly redefining
This reality
From the mist
Of dreams
Of spear point
Of dragons slain
Of noble quests
And virtue
Never owned


From Poems of the New Old West

Copyright 2002, Jack  Purcell









Entry #198

Good news

Got hold of a newspaper to try to figure out what's happening with these gasoline prices.

"Merrill-Lynch economists estimate that every penny-per-gallon increase at the pump dranins about $1.5 billion out of the consumers' pockets.  That means the increase in gasoline costs this year has reduced the amout consumers have to spend on other items by about $90 billion.

However, that drag on consumer spending has been offset by low long-term interest rates, which have spurred homeowners to refinance their mortages and spend the savings.

So far, analysts note little indication has suffered and say inflation expectations are different.

Oil shocks in the 1970s and 1980s occured at a time of sharply rising inflationary pressures, prompting aggressive interest rate increases."

Naturally, I find that pretty comforting.  We don't have to anticipate a lot of inflation, so there'll be roughly the same amount of money circulating.  Likely as not the price of coffee, which I noticed had gone up almost double, will drop again because nobody's going to have any money to buy any of it.  Same with everything else that involves transport (fuel costs).

But it's been a hot summer.  We'll all welcome this cold winter we'll be able to enjoy better because the summer was so hot.

I'm glad I don't understand economics.


Entry #197

Nice moon this morning

The moon right now.


The world right now.

The world after being warned that dawn's coming.

Post-coffee moon.


Entry #196

Life is full of surprises

Life is a more-or-less constant source of learning, and if you hold your mouth right, amusement.  So's the LP Forum.  A person can learn about numbers, lotteries, about other people and their thoughts and motivations, and there's even an occasional surprise about ones self.

Last night or the night before a European gent was on one of the threads teetering on the brink of umbrage.  Seems the guy actually believes Americans put Hitler into power, that the 3rd Reich was somehow the product of efforts by the US.

Naturally the conversation didn't linger.  It was painfully clear this wasn't a subject that could be discussed without some angry words being exchanged.  That was obviously his state of mind, and I could feel my own gorge rising just reading his inane, almost unbelievable remarks.

Whew.  How in the name of anything anyone could conjure up as truth could a sane human being come to believe something along those lines?

I'll tell you how.  He wants to believe it.

That's mostly how we all come  to believe what we do.  We have an abundance of information sources.... our parents, our teachers, preachers, scientists, government officials, friends.  And everything any of them 'knows', they heard from someone else.  They regale us with their facts, and we sift through them and draw from them the ones that best suit our own dispositions.

So there is obviously a body of opinion somewhere in Europe that's constructed an edifice of 'fact' that allows people who wish to believe that way to go right on ahead and believe it.

Sort of reminds me of a guy I knew a long time ago, a lunatic, who believed Communism was created and maintained by 'The International Zionist Conspiracy'.  Had a whole roomful of pamphlets and posters someone ELSE had put together to support this pile of drivel presented as truth.

Interestingly, tonight brought another insight into human abilities to wrap preferences around factoids.

Ah well.  I suppose I'd best not go into that one.

But I promise you, I love every minute of it, once I get over being stupified, being tempted toward the seed of anger.  What's not to love about us humans, after all.



Entry #195

A roller-coaster ride in life

This man is Jack Swilling.  The founder of Phoenix, Arizona.

Anyone who believes there are limits to what a determined human being can achieve should learn a lot more about old Jack Swilling.

He came west on the run from the law, as did so many of our ancestors.  It's thought he killed a man in Texas, quite possibly another in Georgia before he went to California.  There, it's certain the lawmen had a few questions for him about another man who died in a violent confrontation before he crossed the Yuma River into the Arizona Territory.

Jack worked a while for Butterfield Stage Lines, then hung around Tucson for a while when it was at one of the low ebbs, filled mostly with people somewhat like himself.  But in 1860, he headed east with unsung Texas hero, Jacob Snively and ten other men to do some prospecting.

Snively was one of the three men who actually found the placer at Pinos Altos and began the gold rush there.  But Swilling and Snively had a long way to go together from there.  The Civil War brought a Texan invasion up the Rio Grande.  Both Swilling and Snively joined, commanded troops during the Confederate invasion of Arizona and the occupation of Tucson by the forces of Sherod Hunter.

Jack Swilling commanded the unit that confronted the California Volunteers, near the Yuma Crossing, fought the westernmost battle of the Civil War.

Eventually, Swilling headed back into Arizona with the Joseph Beddeford Walker party, prospected, examined the ruins of an ancient irrigation system, and designed a new one around it.  That was the beginning of Phoenix, Arizona.

In 1871, Jacob Snively was shot off his horse during an Apache ambush at Vulture Gulch, Arizona.  He was abandoned wounded by his companions and tortured to death.  A few days later, his old friend Swilling was part of the party to visit the site and bury the remains.

Swilling prospered for several years, but his body had suffered a lot of injuries and as he aged began to show the wear.  He had a lot of pain.  He became addicted to laudenum.

Seven years after Snively's death, Swilling felt haunted by the thought of his hasty burial.  He journeyed to Vulture Gulch to reclaim the remains for reburial at his ranch near Gillette, Arizona.  While he was in the process of all this, a stage was robbed.  Swilling was blamed.

Jack Swilling died in prison awaiting trial.  After his death the facts came out, the identities of the actual hold-up men were established and verified.

Between the two of them, Swilling and Snively are, to my way of thinking, among the most amazing, unbelievable men in US history.  They were two men who kept coming a long time after most men would have hunkered down and quit.


Jack Swilling is one of the two main characters in Hell Bent for Santa Fe - The Texan-Santa Fe Expedition of 1841, Copyright 2003, Jack Purcell.  Jacob Snively is the other primary character

Because of his place in the Adams Diggings legend, Snively also occupies a prominent place in The Lost Adams Diggings - Myth, Mystery and Madness, Copyright 2003, Jack Purcell.





Entry #194

An economic whisper

Sometimes I'm almost tempted to read the newspapers or even watch television.  The insanity usually passes quickly, but it happens.

That's sort of where I am this morning.  Sniffing the air, twitching my ears and nostrils, finding myself on the brink of investigating something that is none of my business, something that is outside my ability to have any influence on it, something I could find myself getting angry about, nevertheless.

I'd noticed gasoline prices hanging around a fairly high level for some time.  My mind toyed around with it in the background, couldn't help it, I suppose, feeling around for an explanation.  Tossed it off as something outside my range of interest, something to be ignored and lived with.

But yesterday when I went down to Bernalillo to buy a couple of PB tickets for the $3 million dollar jackpot they're running at the moment, I couldn't help noticing the pump prices.  It was an eyecatcher.

I assume this is true everywhere in the US.  I saw it at all the other stations down there after I once began looking. 

The highest gasoline prices I've ever seen in the United States.

Six decades of price wars, wars, oil embargos by the folks in turban country..... I've never seen anything approaching this before.

Which, naturally leads me to wonder what's going on.  And wonder what is going to happen to fuel oil prices this winter.  Electricity.  What's to happen in the stores when the price of transport gets translated into the price of bread.

Someone mentioned this on a thread yesterday.  DVdiva, maybe.  Spoke of it in the context of the astronomical price of housing.

So.  We have become a country with no industry to speak of, a country with no industry.  We've become a consumer economy, but our dollars have no meaning outside the context of commodities we produce that are worth something to someone.  Dollars have no value unless they can buy products, and they derive their value from products produced inside the US, products that can be traded to some CHICOM gent for the rubber monster toys he produces and sends to us.  Traded to some guy in a robe and turban with a lot of gold hanging off him for a barrel of oil.

And, of course, there's now the fact that people gas up, gnash their teeth, walk inside to take a bath in the wallet department, and then, while the drums point and the audience waits with baited breath, while the chorus girls pause, right leg lifted,  yeah, right then when he feels the pinch of something happening that's entirely beyond his ken, he has to make a choice about whether to buy a lottery ticket.

Those lotteries are going to have to scrape around before too long, be satisfied what's scraped off the bottom of the pot after the groceries, gasoline, insurance, and a six pack of Jim Beam.

Can't help wondering if the chickens are finally coming home to roost, or whether this is just something related to the war we're fighting somewhere, something that will pass and soon be forgotten.





Entry #193

Long days journey into night - The Cycle


Rodeo Circuit

Chute opens
Storm of dust
Storm of slobber
Adolescent rides the
Hurricane tornado
Raw hormone focus
And instinct of the herd

Cheers behind the fence
Knows the rest are having fun
And understand 
Except the secret self
Applauding with the peers

Knows life was invented
By a girl in tight sweater
Wearing, yes, a football letter
(Yes, that rhymes)

Football letter
Or Tattoo)

Or a boy with ice blue eyes
So deep and knowing
Football star or player
In a plastic box of pictures
Scorns the parent
Teacher preacher
Knows that wisdom
And perception
Must be found
In shared perception
Of the young;
In this the final 
Most climactic phase
Of life

Knows that Sacred Text
That God
Is located in the grandstand
A needle
Applause meter
In the grandstand
Heaves the saddle
To the shoulder
Hitches ride
And adolescent dies.
And arrives
As the bronc rider.

From Poems of the New Old West
Copyright 2002, Jack Purcell


Entry #192

Those Kenos and other high-end number draws

How those Keno and pick4 and 5 high numbers draws fit into the overall picture?

I haven't had time to back-test it completely, but it appears every number that hits on PB and MM draws shows up during the previous two days of Keno and the high number pick 4 and 5 draws.  They'll also frequently appear transposed in the high end, or as multiples....11, 22, 33, etc.

This represents a lot of numbers, but they can be distilled using the repeated numbers quatrains and the high number triplets.  Using these methods combined, tonights PB draw numbers were all on a workup consisting of 18 numbers.

PB 8/17/2005 
3 8 30 43 53 15             
3 9 15 16 23 25 27 28 29 38 45 50 54 56 61 72 73 74 77 80
3 4 14 16 18 19 21 22 25 29 33 35 36 43 44 45 46 49 57 65
1 6 14 22 27 29 31 34 37 41 43 46 49 50 56 57 61 62 63 69
11 13 18 21 26 28 29 32 39 42 48 49 50 55 65 66 67 76 78 80
5 9 11 12 18 19 24 26 30 32 33 34 36 43 46 49 59 62 63 70
8/15/05 1 44 49 52               
 Aug 15, 2005 
2 11 13 17 19 21 26 28 31 34 38 46 47 48 51 53 60 64 65 66
 Aug 15, 2005 
3 4 7 11 17 24 25 30 32 38 42 44 51 58 61 68 72 77 78 79
 Aug 15, 2005 
9 13 19 20 22 28 32 37 42 43 45 46 47 50 53 55 58 60 61 65
 Aug 15, 2005 
1 7 10 13 15 18 23 26 28 30 32 45 50 56 59 61 65 69 70 78
 Aug 15, 2005 
1 2 3 8 11 23 25 28 29 36 44 46 49 52 53 54 62 66 67 69
MM 8/15/2005 
9 15 20 24 55 3             
 Aug 14, 2005 
2 4 5 9 13 15 26 32 42 43 44 46 49 50 51 53 57 60 65 69
 Aug 14, 2005 
2 3 7 9 13 16 23 28 34 36 38 39 43 51 55 59 64 74 77 79
 Aug 14, 2005 
1 8 11 16 25 27 28 32 34 37 39 45 47 52 53 56 57 61 64 67
 Aug 14, 2005 
4 8 9 14 15 18 23 26 29 33 38 44 45 50 52 53 56 63 70 71
 Aug 14, 2005 
3 7 12 16 18 22 24 33 35 37 43 46 52 53 54 55 59 62 68 69
 Aug 13, 2005 
4 15 19 55               
7 22 52 63               
1 5 6 14 21 24 30 35 43 44 45 49 50 51 53 56 57 63 65 66
1 4 9 14 18 24 30 31 32 41 46 53 54 56 57 60 62 63 68 71
1 15 16 17 19 24 25 26 27 30 33 36 38 41 49 51 52 60 62 64
2 4 6 8 9 11 16 17 26 33 38 48 49 50 53 56 61 64 66 80
10 11 13 18 22 25 29 31 33 35 36 39 45 46 51 53 54 55 56 61
PB 8/13/2005 
1 2 18 37 43 37             
NY 8/13/2005 
13 17 27 38 52 57 18             
8/12/05 27 
57 72 84               
 Aug 12, 2005 
2 3 7 15 16 18 19 20 25 31 33 35 39 46 47 56 66 67 71 74
 Aug 12, 2005 
1 3 4 17 18 21 24 25 28 29 34 36 49 55 56 58 59 63 68 70
 Aug 12, 2005 
3 4 5 10 15 20 22 26 29 33 40 44 47 49 52 53 61 69 71 77
 1 9 16 19 22 23 24 26 28 35 36 37 41 42 46 52 58 61 68 69
MM 8/12/2005 
8 37 38 45 54 21             
 Aug 11, 2005 
2 10 12 13 14 19 24 26 30 33 36 41 45 52 54 61 67 68 69 70
 Aug 11, 2005 
2 4 5 11 13 14 16 17 18 26 32 34 41 43 57 61 66 73 74 76
 Aug 11, 2005 
3 4 5 11 13 31 32 33 35 38 39 46 48 50 51 56 58 62 63 69
 Aug 11, 2005 
12 14 18 20 25 27 29 32 35 37 41 43 45 50 54 56 57 58 62 63
8/11/05 10 
11 14 17 21 22 24 25 29 30 32 36 39 42 44 52 59 60 61 65
 Aug 10, 2005 
1 2 5 19 22 32 33 35 39 44 50 58 59 60 64 67 68 70 75 80
 Aug 10, 2005 6 16 19 22 29 31 32 36 41 42 46 48 50 59 60 62 65 66 67 70

Make of it what you will.



Entry #191

The Canyon from Horseback

The "Time to Lotto" thread drifts brought this to mind:


The Canyon from Horseback
The young don't know enough
About being young
They squander youth
And never know 'til later.

Any lad of twelve will testify
An eight-year-old can't even qualify
To be a child
At eighteen our own ignorance
At fifteen is finally written
In language we comprehend:
We know the score
Reality's the icing on the cake
Of youthful fantasies;
When the young grow old
They know a lot
About being young
But almost nothing
About being old.

From Poems of the New Old West
Copyright 2002, Jack Purcell

Entry #190

Of passing interest


I hung out for a while in one of the local casinos a few days ago to see whether any of the number theory stuff applied in that sort of environment.  I spent a couple of  hours on Roulette, then about the same length of time on Keno.

Nothing conclusive, but if you have a casino nearby you might find it amusing to test it out there.  Sort of one of those rewarding experiences a person can occasionally get hanging around a casino.




Entry #189

Letting the marketplace decide


I've been thinking a good bit about this new service Todd's providing links to in the right margin.

We've all had a lot of ideas and complaints about the way various lotteries are run. 

Seems to me the seed's now planted to give lottery players an entirely new place in the machinery that decides how lotteries are configured, how they're managed, how they pay off, and just about everything else that's open for debate about what 'should' be done in the world of lottery gambling.

If this group is successful in making a substantial profit for their efforts to provide lottery players opportunities to play a wide range of lotteries, competition will enter the market place.  Players will vote with their pocketbooks over what they consider most favorable and advantageous to themselves.  If it's successful and honest a lot of players will forsake their home lotteries, Powerball and Mega Millions, and go where the odds are best, where the payoffs are highest, where the handling of the funds best suits their own needs.

This should force some badly needed changes in the losers within the lottery world, the big multis with their inflated prize ads, annuities, even RNG/ball decisions on the part of lottery officials.

But the other side of the issue is the fact that if the site Todd's provided makes a hefty return for their project, competition will be inevitable there, also.  Other sites will spring up trying to offer a still wider range of alternatives, better prices, better security.

To me, this all seems healthy.  A breath of fresh air in a room where it had become suffocating.

I'm planning to take my chances with Euro Millions.  Powerball will never feel the loss, but if a lot of others begin to do the same, a player might eventually begin to see billboards the reflect the actual amount of the lump sum prize they're awarding to a winner of the next draw.

Sagan commented on his blog recently that good does win out over evil.  That truth triumphs over falsehood.  That virtue triumphs over something or other of the opposite ilk.

I generally don't believe what he says is true.  But I do believe it happens occasionally, and I think this might be one of those laudable instances.






Entry #188