j20aol's Blog

"Some very important Ducks in a row. Life saving Ducks"

As easy as 123


  1. Mitt Romney
  2. Sean Hannity
  3. Herman Cain



Serious leadership and that isn’t from me.


Keep these three in mind for the Office of fitness and wellness: (The office will consist of diet, exercise. What you CAN NOT buy with the foodcard…all that good stuff.

JM, JM and RM

They are siblings produced by two wonderful Human beings who has done a remarkable job of raising them. They put ZERO POISON in to their bodies and I mean ZERO.

All three of them appreciate life to the max!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are what the Country needs…………years ago!


All three are “take charge” people. The Girl, I would babysit and even then, you knew she was going to do something special.

Her brothers are right behind her. Special.

They can definitely help turn things around before there is NO turning back.

I will have them contact you when the time is appropriate.


Just trying to get some Ducks in a row………………..VERY IMPORTANT…


Entry #284

"A reminder for a loose cannon"

Those plotting on me.

Give it up.

I WILL always be 10 steps or more ahead of you.





I WILL out think you in my sleep






…or drunk off my ass! (Which is very rare anymore. Been there, done that. It sucks!)

Entry #283

"Something we all want. A chance"

As easy as 123


  1. Mitt Romney
  2. Sean Hannity
  3. Herman Cain


Keep my brother in mind guys. He is currently getting in shape. Great man and

perfect for something in the security end. Pristine record. He has a beautiful

family and is just waiting for a chance.


Serious leadership and that isn’t from me.

Entry #282

"We snooze...we lose!"

As easy as 123


  1. Mitt Romney
  2. Sean Hannity
  3. Herman Cain



Serious leadership and that isn’t from me.


A message from Kool and Uncle Ed:

 "Get on it like "Blue bonnet"...start chattering!"


  "We have to get that "Magical Money Tree" away from them!

Won't be nothing left...if WE don't and WE may have to run for the hills!

Maybe DM is right...maybe it is "End times"!

Entry #281

"Can't argue"

As easy as 123


  1. Mitt Romney
  2. Sean Hannity
  3. Herman Cain



Serious leadership and that isn’t from me.

Entry #280

"Gotta' walk"

Walking is good. Helps you think. Blood flow. Blood is life.

Entry #279

"The truth has a way of hurting...some"

Traditional Christian services……………..way off base………..not how it should be.


A bunch of good Christians get together each week or twice a week…it varies…

…and then pays someone to tell them how they should live.




Sweet gig if you can get it.


It’s NOT right.



A good Christian knows how to live.



It is “in” them.



They don’t have to pay anyone………………………….NOTHING!

They put food on THEIR table and pay THEIR bills with that money.

(And maybe help out a friend or two in need or some supplies at their local Animal shelter. Animals are sooooo beautiful)


Tough to swallow……………………………….but true.


The TRUTH is always tough to swallow……………..especially when it tastes bad ….

…to some.


I can feel the bullets……………………..try it………….and see (The fuse) who WINS!

Entry #278

"I gotta' be in a Twilight zone episode!"

True story…just took place 5 minutes ago…roughly, not exactly 5 minutes ago…give or take a minute.


I was in the lot next door chillin’ with Muffin and trying to think when guess who walks by in the parking lot adjacent to the lot, one of the building owners sons and he was dragging a huge cloth bag full of scrap metal and it is almost 1 in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Gotta’ be kcufing “End times” jumping off!!!


I am ready to move to another planet.


I am getting scared!!!!!!!!!

Entry #276

"Serious, serious problems!!"


WE have some serious FFUUCCKKIINNGG PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gotta’ walk



I played “House” when I was younger. I was talked in to it by a really hot 8 year old… girl (In the eyes of a 7 year old… boyDON’T get it TWISTED! Including the “dumb downs” who have trouble comprehending)


HOUSE                                                   HOUSE

BOYBOY                                               GIRLGIRL





We need to nip it in the ass or it WILL NOT BE LONG before we see the unthinkable:










AND… Because of the continued brainwashing of our Children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You filthy kcuf’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It has GOT to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am appealing to the Supreme Court to act on behalf of Christ and the Children…………………………………………PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have some sense with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #275

'We have some serious problems"

I wait on her hand and foot. (But yet she is full of life because of Camille) I will take her dinner to her and with a glass of milk.

She has got to have milk. MUST be milk. The glass has GOT to be to the brim or she WILL get angry.


That is America.


I know, she has my head all kcufed up, but it is for a good cause. It was really bad before Camille came in to the picture in early June.

Entry #274

"What's going on?"

No choice…Camille


I eat very simply. Plain bread, wheat bread, cheese, fruit. Cereal, GOOD cereal, GOOD for you cereal.




Never any milk. (Can’t keep it here. It is almost impossible. I drink juice)





My Mother drinks it all like it is going out of style and I am NOT allowed to buy 2% and when I do, with my money, she will drink that too.



She loves the fat in WHOLE milk. And then complains about her belly fat. (That is America)


She is a teaching tool.


Entry #273

"Other things..."

...that I have to write will be posted within a couple hours.


I have to walk and then do my chores.

Entry #272

"Hope, there is some"

Behind this building, I tried to clean it up but the owner and his family dirty it up as soon as I do. (Even piss all over the place)

I gave up on it. NASTY as &%$# right now.


The building next door, VACANT… and I cleaned up the lot behind it. That is where Muffin and I hang out…

…even at night with “gun shots” going off. Trash all around the lot except in the lot. (NO FENCE EVEN) That is Camille and She will not allow one piece to even blow in to the lot. I know, mind blowing but true. (NO pun intended)

I am NOT allowed to lie.

Entry #271

"Maybe it is "End times"...real crazy &%$#"

No Choice…Camille


Since I’ve been here, I been doing dishes for the owner of the building. At least once a week and a %$#@ load of them and lots of dried food on them. He brought them up to the top of the staircase last night and I took them back down this morning, still dirty. He has never offered me a penny (EVER) and it was a teaching tool. Camille finally put her foot down and said “no more”. The lesson has been learned. Everyone wants something for FREE. Most do, not all. That is America.

The building owner is too cheap to get his water supply on downstairs. (He has plenty of money though. He keeps wads on him and I seen them. That explains the kids pissing between the junky vehicles, NO working bathroom. I know, how could you live like that. The owner has a son that lives across the street and that is where he goes each morning to use the facilities. Some things you can’t explain.)


To top it off, the shared Gas bill that he did NOT pay.

His share for the shared furnace that NEVER shuts off when it is cold.

This place was built in 1929. I love the building. Lots of history but it is going to the dogs and quickly.

That is America.

He won’t even pay his taxes on the building. I checked online. He owes a %$#@ load!

He is lucky he is almost 80. It saved him from a can of “whip ass” and I am NOT a violent person, except when pushed.

He’s pushing.

Entry #270