Loosechange45's Blog

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pick3 fl

not sure how many left seen 3 came in 

3  5  1 
3  5  9 
3  5  4 
3  5  6 
3  1  9 
3  1  4 
3  1  6 
3  9  4 
3  9  6 
3  4  6 
5  1  9 
5  1  4 
5  1  6 
5  9  4 
5  9  6 
5  4  6 
1  9  4 
1  9  6 
1  4  6 
9  4  6 
3  8  1 
3  8  9 
3  8  2 
3  8  0 
3  1  9 
3  1  2 
3  1  0 
3  9  2 
3  9  0 
3  2  0 
8  1  9 
8  1  2 
8  1  0 
8  9  2 
8  9  0 
8  2  0 
1  9  2 
1  9  0 
1  2  0 
9  2  0 
Entry #187

just a few more take 5 for me

 Numbers used  29-25-27-15-04-06-21-38-22-24

1: 04-06-15-21-25 ( 71)
2: 04-06-22-25-38 ( 95)
3: 04-06-24-27-29 ( 90)
4: 04-15-22-25-27 ( 93)
5: 04-15-24-29-38 (110)
6: 04-21-22-24-29 (100)
7: 04-21-25-27-38 (115)
8: 06-15-22-24-29 ( 96)
9: 06-15-25-27-38 (111)
10: 06-21-22-25-27 (101)
11: 06-21-24-29-38 (118)
12: 15-21-22-25-38 (121)
13: 15-21-24-27-29 (116)
14: 22-24-27-29-38 (140)

Entry #186

pa pick4

I hate pick4! but here are some that may hit this week sorry not up on monday but I got busy 

8  6  5  3 
8  6  5  4 
8  6  5  0 
8  6  5  1 
8  6  3  4 
8  6  3  0 
8  6  3  1 
8  6  4  0 
8  6  4  1 
8  6  0  1 
8  5  3  4 
8  5  3  0 
8  5  3  1 
8  5  4  0 
8  5  4  1 
8  5  0  1 
8  3  4  0 
8  3  4  1 
8  3  0  1 
8  4  0  1 
6  5  3  4 
6  5  3  0 
6  5  3  1 
6  5  4  0 
6  5  4  1 
6  5  0  1 
6  3  4  0 
6  3  4  1 
6  3  0  1 
6  4  0  1 
5  3  4  0 
5  3  4  1 
5  3  0  1 
5  4  0  1 
3  4  0  1 
Entry #185

Wisconsin pick3

Wisconsin is rough but hope these help.Two came in since Sunday but a couple more are left 
5  2  7 
5  2  0 
5  2  9 
5  2  4 
5  7  0 
5  7  9 
5  7  4 
5  0  9 
5  0  4 
5  9  4 
2  7  0 
2  7  9 
2  7  4 
2  0  9 
2  0  4 
2  9  4 
7  0  9 
7  0  4 
7  9  4 
0  9  4 
Entry #184

Michigan pick3

I am not sure if there's any left on the bone this week a bout 4 have come in since Sunday but who knows. most of the time my list are good for 2-4 but this list is hot but could cool down quick 

6  2  7 
6  2  0 
6  2  9 
6  2  4 
6  7  0 
6  7  9 
6  7  4 
6  0  9 
6  0  4 
6  9  4 
2  7  0 
2  7  9 
2  7  4 
2  0  9 
2  0  4 
2  9  4 
7  0  9 
7  0  4 
7  9  4 
0  9  4 
6  2  7 
6  2  0 
6  2  1 
6  2  3 
6  7  0 
6  7  1 
6  7  3 
6  0  1 
6  0  3 
6  1  3 
2  7  0 
2  7  1 
2  7  3 
2  0  1 
2  0  3 
2  1  3 
7  0  1 
7  0  3 
7  1  3 
0  1  3 
Entry #183

ny pick3

dec 1st-7th good luck see two numbers came in this week already good for 2-3 more

8  7  2 
8  7  0 
8  7  5 
8  7  4 
8  2  0 
8  2  5 
8  2  4 
8  0  5 
8  0  4 
8  5  4 
7  2  0 
7  2  5 
7  2  4 
7  0  5 
7  0  4 
7  5  4 
2  0  5 
2  0  4 
2  5  4 
0  5  4 
8  3  7 
8  3  0 
8  3  5 
8  3  1 
8  7  0 
8  7  5 
8  7  1 
8  0  5 
8  0  1 
8  5  1 
3  7  0 
3  7  5 
3  7  1 
3  0  5 
3  0  1 
3  5  1 
7  0  5 
7  0  1 
7  5  1 
0  5  1 
Entry #182

just some more ny take 5

1: 06-07-08-10-17 ( 48)
2: 06-07-08-15-19 ( 55)
3: 06-07-08-17-31 ( 69)
4: 06-07-10-15-31 ( 69)
5: 06-07-10-19-31 ( 73)
6: 06-07-15-17-19 ( 64)
7: 06-08-10-15-19 ( 58)
8: 06-08-10-17-31 ( 72)
9: 06-08-15-17-31 ( 77)
10: 06-08-17-19-31 ( 81)
11: 06-10-15-17-19 ( 67)
12: 06-10-15-19-31 ( 81)
13: 07-08-10-15-17 ( 57)
14: 07-08-10-17-19 ( 61)
15: 07-08-10-19-31 ( 75)
16: 07-08-15-17-31 ( 78)
17: 07-10-15-19-31 ( 82)
18: 07-10-17-19-31 ( 84)
19: 08-10-15-17-31 ( 81)
20: 08-15-17-19-31 ( 90)

Entry #181

ny take 5

this week take 5

Your Numbers: 03-05-12-29-30-32-11-39-27

1: 03-05-27-29-32 ( 96)
2: 03-05-30-32-39 (109)
3: 03-11-12-29-39 ( 94)
4: 03-11-12-30-32 ( 88)
5: 03-27-30-32-39 (131)
6: 05-11-12-27-39 ( 94)
7: 05-11-27-29-30 (102)
8: 05-12-27-29-30 (103)
9: 11-12-29-32-39 (123)


Entry #180

Michigan Fantasy 5

Your Numbers: 05-17-19-16-02-24-15-23

1: 02-05-15-16-19 ( 57)
2: 02-05-15-17-24 ( 63)
3: 02-05-15-19-24 ( 65)
4: 02-05-15-23-24 ( 69)
5: 02-05-16-17-23 ( 63)
6: 02-05-16-19-24 ( 66)
7: 02-05-17-19-23 ( 66)
8: 02-15-16-17-19 ( 69)
9: 02-15-16-17-23 ( 73)
10: 02-15-16-19-23 ( 75)
11: 02-15-16-19-24 ( 76)
12: 02-16-17-23-24 ( 82)
13: 02-17-19-23-24 ( 85)
14: 05-15-16-17-24 ( 77)
15: 05-15-16-23-24 ( 83)
16: 05-15-17-19-23 ( 79)
17: 05-16-17-19-23 ( 80)
18: 05-17-19-23-24 ( 88)
19: 15-17-19-23-24 ( 98)
20: 16-17-19-23-24 ( 99)

Entry #179

nytake 5 full set

1: 05-08-15-19-33 ( 80)
2: 05-08-15-29-33 ( 90)
3: 05-08-19-29-33 ( 94)
4: 05-15-19-29-33 (101)
5: 08-15-19-29-33 (104)


1: 04-08-09-29-33 ( 83)
2: 04-08-09-31-33 ( 85)
3: 04-08-29-31-33 (105)
4: 04-09-29-31-33 (106)
5: 08-09-29-31-33 (110)

1: 01-14-16-25-28 ( 84)
2: 01-14-16-28-37 ( 96)
3: 01-14-25-28-37 (105)
4: 01-16-25-28-37 (107)
5: 14-16-25-28-37 (120)


1: 06-09-10-11-33 ( 69)
2: 06-09-10-11-35 ( 71)
3: 06-09-10-33-35 ( 93)
4: 06-10-11-33-35 ( 95)
5: 09-10-11-33-35 ( 98)

1: 02-04-14-18-21 ( 59)
2: 02-04-14-18-25 ( 63)
3: 02-04-14-21-25 ( 66)
4: 02-04-18-21-25 ( 70)
5: 04-14-18-21-25 ( 82)

Entry #177

NY take 5

A good place to start


Good luck

Entry #176

Pa Treasure Hunt

 this is 50$ let's see how we do. this is not a balanced  wheel  but I think were due for a small wheel 

Pick-6 Balanced Wheel® 65010.050 Page 1
Wheeling 10 numbers in 50 games for a 5/5 Win pa0530
Re: nov10 Printed: 11/10/2021
Your Numbers: 01-02-03-04-05-08-09-07-06-10

1: 01-02-03-04-05-06 (21)
2: 01-02-03-04-06-07 (23)
3: 01-02-03-04-06-08 (24)
4: 01-02-03-04-06-09 (25)
5: 01-02-03-04-06-10 (26)
6: 01-02-03-05-07-08 (26)
7: 01-02-03-05-09-10 (30)
8: 01-02-03-07-08-09 (30)
9: 01-02-03-07-08-10 (31)
10: 01-02-04-05-07-08 (27)
11: 01-02-04-05-07-09 (28)
12: 01-02-04-05-07-10 (29)
13: 01-02-04-08-09-10 (34)
14: 01-02-05-06-07-08 (29)
15: 01-02-05-06-08-09 (31)
16: 01-02-05-06-08-10 (32)
17: 01-02-06-07-09-10 (35)
18: 01-03-04-05-07-09 (29)
19: 01-03-04-05-08-10 (31)
20: 01-03-04-07-08-09 (32)
21: 01-03-04-07-09-10 (34)
22: 01-03-05-06-07-10 (32)
23: 01-03-05-06-08-09 (32)
24: 01-03-06-07-08-09 (34)
25: 01-03-06-08-09-10 (37)
26: 01-04-05-06-07-09 (32)
27: 01-04-05-06-08-09 (33)
28: 01-04-05-06-09-10 (35)
29: 01-04-06-07-08-10 (36)
30: 01-05-07-08-09-10 (40)
31: 02-03-04-05-07-10 (31)
32: 02-03-04-05-08-09 (31)
33: 02-03-04-07-08-10 (34)
34: 02-03-04-07-09-10 (35)
35: 02-03-05-06-07-09 (32)
36: 02-03-05-06-08-10 (34)
37: 02-03-06-07-08-10 (36)
38: 02-03-06-08-09-10 (38)
39: 02-04-05-06-07-10 (34)
40: 02-04-05-06-08-10 (35)
41: 02-04-05-06-09-10 (36)
42: 02-04-06-07-08-09 (36)
43: 02-05-07-08-09-10 (41)
44: 03-04-05-06-07-08 (33)
45: 03-04-05-06-09-10 (37)
46: 03-04-06-07-09-10 (39)
47: 03-04-06-08-09-10 (40)
48: 03-05-07-08-09-10 (42)
49: 04-05-07-08-09-10 (43)
50: 05-06-07-08-09-10 (45)

Entry #174

Out of state

What to do when your out-of-state how do you play the number seen the same but is everything the same? If you have a good system your system will work anywhere let's see if mine works in New York today.

930 910 918; 913 908

I will be here for 3 draws.

 I have the evening numbers but I didn't play them 

Good luck and have a great day

Entry #173

just a follow up

my previous post said it would hit 3 numbers and A 3rd number showed up today  140. 

How sweet is.

Entry #172

Pick3 what to do

We all know there are 999 picks for pick3 box to grab one out of the sky and have it hit is well 1 out of a 1000 (per say) each of us have our own way . This is  how I get the 999 down to 10 and  most weeks it's good for 3 hits but like all systems they breakdown:(

My way of getting 3 hits out of 10 numbers in most weeks: 
 you take the cold and the hot numbers from day and night(from the previous week) and keep them separate  and make 2 separate  wheel  and then play only the top 5 or 10 in each group.The chart- the left is mid the right is eve,

this week we see that the 201 hit sgt in pa and the 529 hit box. but I didn't play the 529 cause it's to far down (i was only playing the top 5) and would cost to much me money and it's not about winning it's about making money! that means today or tomorrow one more number will hit. Good luck have fun stay out of the casinos and away from the skills games in the store and remember.

Keep playing  Keep learning and keep making money 

Entry #171
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