amathur's Blog

Pinks New Groups (updated)

I've edited my new Pinks Groups,

Been very excited to test it out! Ive used other tools on LP to narrow down the number of when to play. So this Month I will continue to test it out more.  There are 16 groups. But there are some repeat numbers. 

Tracking, eliminating (process of elimination) is very important. The old group some what works but they don't have all the single number combinations. 

I love it bc there are no grids, no rundowns, etc.  You can use any tool on LP and it will help. 

For me it's about consistent wins. It's not about winning big.  Because guess what?? Uncle Sam is watching you. That's what people don't  understand. I'd rather have success hitting almost every time I play, opposed to big wins you get taxed on.

Once you've trained you mind on how your pairs come out, the rest will be easier. I've been hitting my numbers in three days and less.

People are not going to give there whole formula out for free. You have to help yourself first. There are a lot of talented, smart folks out there, who have been playing for years. If they can figure it out , so can you.

Peace out!


Entry #10

Still continuing my research Pinks Groups

whelp, were on the last group! For COlleen! Predictions have been made. Still working the dates to play the groups.  The pairs are coming out sometimes early then the actual date. But then some come out just fine. I definitely have more success and hits with the grouping. But that is my work and my work only. 

I posted my next predictions For COlleen. So we will see how long it takes. 

I'm still doing deep research Dad's black lottery book. I forgot we played in CA. We didn't play on line or any other state. So, for it to be working in CO on a consistent basis is pretty impressive!  Now the pairs are coming right away and I think that was his goal was consistency with his method/technique.  I'm pretty sure I could write a excel program to make things easier. But for now it's mostly studying and researching and back testing.  But his work on all on pen and paper. 

I know a lot of it is trial and error, so this must have taken him years to figure it out.  I'm wondering if he also played in the Indian lottery. But my focus is only to figure out Colorado right now. I feel CO really isn't a popular state to play in, at least for the Pick 3. When I look up groups or anything for CO, there isn't much out there. Or people are just hiding lol. 

I've skimmed through some of the other chapters and he does give how third number comes about. But I gotta go through and start with baby steps from the beginning and in order.

I know nothing is fully guaranteed bc it is gambling. But I would like to play in confidence knowing I'll get consistent hits more frequently is my goal. 

So on I go, still researching and making my predictions in the meantime for only COlleen.

Peace out!


Entry #9

Nice day, Stuck Inside! Ugh!

Another nice day, stuck inside.

But I was going through my Dad's things, that I never really did when he passed. 

Some things are interesting and mostly from India. Other things are just junk. You could say he was hoarder 😬. My Dad was a Stress Engineer. ITT, Berkeley...blah blah blah. 

But here's the thing he liked puzzles and numbers. The fun stuff and not the serious things. And Lottery was one of them. I remember him writing in a black book and it was always with him. For a long time I though it was just a journal or all his work stuff. Anyhoo..He started  really teaching me two years ago about the lottery. But his mind started going. He handed me a book and I set it aside. WE both played for fun on and off. I didn't think you could make enough money with lottery even as a side hustle. 

 BUT....THIS  BLACK BOOK appeared again, the one I remember him always writing in.

Man! I wish I opened it sooner and studied it. Man is a genius! 

I can't wait to study more of it. And back test everything.  But Im telling you right now, His system is NOT based of off mirrors or flips, one up, one down, patterns, etc. 

Ive been studying for about two years. And I don't like mirrors and flips! I don't like converting them and I stay away from them...maybe I was onto to something.  I'm now looking back at certain memories. The man always had money. Anything financial came up, he was prepared. I'm thinking this book is why.

When he was first teaching me, he always told me you gotta start out knowing the foundation of the lottery matrix. Pairs, pairs, pairs!!! If you don't understand that basics and how they come about, you won't understand what comes next.  Like anything new,  you have to train your mind. 

Everything I thought I knew so far, and learned, and trained...whelp, is going out the window! It will be interesting studying  his method and how he perceived how to win the lottery. Everyone interprets it a different way. I love it but they don't always give you consistent hits. 

So off I go to study this new enchanting book! Made and produced by my Dad! I miss him so much! <3

Lets see if it can get me consistent wins!!

Peace out!


Entry #8

anyone out there??

So down to the last two groups!

Got oodles of wins this week with my Pinks Groups. 

Getting the hang of it.

But really does anyone ever listen?? Does anyone actually ever run your numbers? 

Or is it just trollers, looking for free money off of some else's work?? 

We can all give out numbers, but truthfully you gotta know WHEN to play your numbers or a time frame.

Im halfway there from figuring that out ;)

Another great day! Hope you all help each other out b/c really it's US against the Lottery.

Peace out!


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Entry #7

Update 3 pairs

Before I start it's amazing to me how people really don't want to do the research in there state. But yet will take other people's work when they see something working. Makes me regret doing any blogs. Wish I could delete them all.

Frequently I will not give the x...x meaning the third number. Bc there's just trolls. So x is 0-9 as your third number.

But here is my Update with COlleen 9/14/23

0= completed

1= 64x left

2=96x left

3= completed

4= completed

5= 02x left

6= completed

7=20x 04x 24x (one of these should be hitting this week, going for 204 as a whole number but we'll see)

8= completed

9= 46x and 62x left.


Been researching the when to play numbers, so far so good, But I definitely won't be publishing it. Tired of peeps not giving credit where due. But I think I've given enough info where  if lazy people wake up and the brainiacs out there play around with the numbers, I'm sure they'll figure it out. 

definitely, People like the answers handed to them. And you can only help them so much. 

Then you have the trolls. It's a wonder to me how we all live together on one planet.

survival of the fittest maybe??

It's not hard to track and eliminate...on your own folks. You're on lottery post, where there are SO many tools in front of you! Stop knocking door to door for numbers. At some point I hope the light bulb goes off in the head and you can learn. There are so many talented folks who know there numbers!!! 

I'll probably be called a A**hole after this, but at least I don't sugar coat it. 

I wish you all luck! This will be my last blog! 

Peace out! Give credit where due!


Entry #6

Some good solid wins for Colleen off of Groups!

Whooppi!! $$$

So I followed the Group #7. 3 solid wins! 

And with tracking and eliminating These groups haven't hit

Group 4

Group 5 

Group 6

Group 9

Group 12

Group 14

My Next project is to figure out the time lines of WHEN to play my groups. I may or may not post it. Don't get me wrong I love to help peeps out... but some things are best left as a secret. WE will see. 

But at least this is a step in the right direction. 

Peace out!


Entry #5

3 pairs is working well!

It's all about narrowing down what to play. (9/11/23)

Be extra kind today. I knew a few person who tragically died today. Someone might not be having a great day. Kindness costs nothing <3 <3 <3

So this is for CO, But you can apply to your own state. track and eliminating! You can do your own research on the side to help you. But this helps you focus on what your state needs based off the number fall on the left.

0= 57x left

1= 84x 64x

2= 96x 76x

3= Completed


5= 02x


7= 20x 04x 24x


9= 46x 62x

96x, 76x 62x are my due pairs for CO, and 20x is needed twice. 

I am now probably going to go hard on what is left. But all that time I sat out saved me money. Let's get this money!! 

Peace out!


Entry #4

3 pairs system

Normally I don't like Flips and Mirrors, or converting, but this 3 pair system kinda does it for me ;)

Again, it's all about Tracking, Eliminating, and playing!

A lot of creative ways to play and methods with this one.

Pick a number based of what fell in your state..I like to go off the the first of the month. I also like the zeros, I find them to be moneymakers (and because there's other methods with zeros, once they hit)!

Be consistent and be patient. Study how it fell and when they come by back testing it in your state.

This isn't about catching every hit or number, it's about waiting and tracking, saving time/energy. And what fits in your budget. X of course is your 0-9, Sometimes x is the number you chose to go with. 

It helps to know your due pairs and you can compare also. Gotta look at it this way, IF you can get your two main pairs and play your'll be taking a bag home and you can wager/bet higher on it. Especially on BAS.

0=57x 73x 53x

1=68x 84x 64x

2=79x 96x 76x

3=80x 07x 87x

4=92x 27x 97x

5=02x 28x 80x

6=13x 19x 39x

7=20x 04x 24x

8=31x 15x 35x

9=46x 62x 42x

Again, give credit where due!

Peace out,


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Entry #3

Colorado gets no love lol.

9/6/23 So here is what I like in CO (aka COlleen) I didn't like Karen with a "c" ;)

I know she is bipolar just like the weather and other things, we'll stick to the numbers!!

26x pair is really what I am waiting for.  It's all about tracking and eliminating for me. Because once I get it down to one pair, I go to town!! I know also 260 and 280 and 187 haven't hit all year. Lottery post has alot of cool tools, just gotta know how to use them! 

Group #7 hit first: 374 and then 539 came off of that. 

Group# 2, 3 8, 11 already hit.  So, I can either track and eliminate so I get down to one group and in the meantime save my money and go hard. OR I go just stick to one group. Usually by the second week in the month they will start playing numbers from the group that already hit.

You just have to study what your state is doing when past results hits. That's right history! 

Once you do the research, then it's about consistency and having the funds to do it!  Play smarter! It's not about hitting every number, you'll go broke!!  And you might lose a little bit of your mind in the process.

It's also about probability. Your playing a probability game (and gambling) So you play back with probability! 0-9 is your one point or another they gotta play all those numbers. "2" hasn't played. 

Do I follow calendar dates and date sums or just sums..not so much.  You just need to use the groups and do a little more research. 

But you can't do that if your jumping around group to group, paying for your numbers or a someone else's strategy..even it does work...because then your all over the board. It will hurt your head after a while.

This is why I just focus on my state...COlleen. She gets no love :(

So the numbers I predicted and the Group #7 is what Im sticking too, each day it don't come, well I get mad and just put more money on it.  Breaking even isn't gonna to it :)

Have a great day to who ever is reading!

Peace out!


Entry #2

Pinks 14 Groups (boxed) Method

This is my strategy,

There's 14 groups of about 9 numbers (or so)


Step one is to wait to see what drops on the first of the month,

Step two is to track the first two numbers that hit and star them, because they will hit again

This is for Singles ONLY! All 126 them (boxed). 

You can track and eliminate each group that hits, and sit out for the last one, and go big on betting

There are so many ways these groups can be played 

Study and research and back test it in your state!

Group #1:

629, 247, 248,479,569,128, 247, 379, 179, 239

Group #2:

138, 758, 365, 130, 150, 175, 190, 708,840

Group #3:

376, 703, 156, 538, 238, 987, 384, 648, 215

Group #4:

921, 246,176, 375,503, 568, 246, 235,143, 589

Group #5:

120, 459, 927,148, 258, 679, 403, 675, 407

Group #6:

625, 149, 139, 145, 647, 196, 236, 490, 127

Group #7:

374, 741, 539, 469, 548, 876, 278, 603

Group #8:

237, 354, 136, 610, 369, 429, 230, 280, 509

Group #9

123, 456, 240, 389, 890, 439, 502, 189, 390, 890

Group #10:

108, 925, 187, 920, 245, 346, 790, 830, 690

Group #11: 

628, 795, 849, 748, 738, 638, 506, 137

Group #12:

207, 124, 195, 762, 706, 126, 710, 158

Group # 13:

275, 243, 680, 681, 745, 146, 580, 140

Group #14:

689, 640, 135, 260, 540, 750




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Entry #1
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