Starbright4876's Blog

Is it my imagination?

All I want is to live my life full of fun,laughter,tears,adventure,love,ect.ect.

Why are there peeps out here that are 2 damned serious?!

I mean come on now! You all go on about the negatives,about us or yourselves! He/she is ugly,I am ugly,They are stupid,uneducated,classless,fat,poor,on welfare,got a lousy job,choice in cars suck,has a fat significant other,their lotto picks suck,their scratch off choices suck,tv/movie choices bite,bad job,lousy boss......BLAH FREAKIN BLAH!!

Lighten up we all live to short on this earth to be so mizzy.......


Let us be hated for what we are rather than be loved for what we are not..........RantDance

Entry #3

Be loved for who you are,rather than for who you are not

Scratch offs are bogus.......My friends dad won 2 million in Ct's. Lotto a few years back. He invested wisely now he's chillin with pretty senoritas a few months outta the year in beautiful Puerto Rico!!

The life for me baby! Only I wanna chill with handsome senors!

4876 or 9368  or 5886 or 496 307  my #'s 4 today!!  luck be with me baby!!!

Entry #2

Life Bites

Surrender  I surrender!! I am in love with an awesome guy!!

Why is it I buy all these damned scratch offs and never freakin win????

Maybe 20$ here and there but for the most part nothing, nada, zip, zilch, ect.ect.


Entry #1
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