bud1's Blog


hey lotteryman99 compradre,staying up burning the midnight oil,iam with you buddy.you and me  have learn a whole lot since 1985.stay in good health and lets have a great2007.bud1

Entry #200

workouts for other states

well i did a workout for differnt states and did not get much feed back,so they can  do quite nicely without this rookie being a pest. so to each their own.bud1

Entry #199

feb 5 2006

488647 096053845524        8966  6325   6387 5503   7085 5224   2449  4897     
26401 95658 29076       1234  1234   1234  1234  1234  1234  1234  1234     
8041 4113 1973       9190  7559   7511  6737  8219  6458  3673  5021     
845 524 060            sq  root  work  outs         
845 845 524524   060 060                       
956 734 635 413  171  959                      
067 623 746 302  282  848                      
067623 746 302  282  848                      
178 512 857 291  393  737                      
289 401 968 180  404  626                      
Entry #198

feb5 2006 sun mid for feb4 ,11

 228 228  294 270               
 339 117  234  210              
 440 006  830  816              
lets see how the 3s run.bud1Idea
Entry #197

jan29 sun mid 2006

950  950   911  997             
 061  849  567   543            
 172  738  002   088            
so far this week,088,089,602,607,217.bud1Hyper
Entry #196

could not be happyer

turning out to be a great year all in family healthy thanks to the lord above. not winning but almost there.these systems are really coming thru for me,thanks adolph for all your help.thru hard work and doing the math this bud1s for youPartygood luck to you all.play safe,play smart.bud1

Entry #195

dazed confused

a funny thing happen yesterday. i decided to play 10 numbers in mid3 in mich.i went down and played 10 dollars in the boxes to test my 3dight run down from 2006,using sun mid. the draw came out 890. i looked at my ticket.i have a winner. today i go to cash it in,only to find i did not play it before the cut off time.i played at12;48.not realizing that i miss the cut off.i had already thrown away  the other tickets. so i came home to dig thru the trash because their good for tue draw now,not mondays.oh well live and learn..bud1

Entry #194

jan30 2006 monday

 692253690156  611747611  611 474 474  119  119  747 747  991991   166  166         
 51478 59161 72811 722 500  585 363  220 008  858 636  002 880  277  055         
 6515 4077 9092 833 499  696 252  331 997  969 525  113 779  388  944         
 166 474 991                           
 611 747 119 833 499  696 252  331 997  969 525  113 779  388  944         
    944 388  707 141  442 886  070 414  224 668  499  833         
    055 277  818 030  553 775  181 303  335 557  500  722         



Entry #193

sun mon

the sunday and monday run downs are a proven system for pulling 4 dights.go back any year. and they will produce on time ,1week later,up to four weeks later. thats why i find four dights back in 2006,week by week. you could go back to 1998 and it will still produce for 2007.bud1 do the math,put your own research into it. and you will become a fan in this workout as i am.bud1Lovies

Entry #192

mon jan 29 master

089157 602957  234181 462000 234234 181 181  818 818 462  462 822 822  288   288                    
 87062 62142 57599 08200 342 123292 070  929 707  573 351  933 711  399  177                    
 5786 8356 2248 8020 453 012 303969  030 696  684 240  044 600  400  066                    
 234 181 462 822                                    
     453 012 303969  030 696 684  240  044 600  400  066                    
 089157 602957 234181 462000 564 901 414 858 141 585  795 139  155 599  511  955                    
 675 890 525 747 252 474  806 028  266 488  622  844                    
Entry #191

Wisconsin sundays

dec31 925 925  jan7  537 537  jan14 131 131  jan21448  448 jan28  270 270           
  036 814   648 426   242 020   559 337   381 169           
  147 703   759 315   353 919   660 226   492 058           
  147 703   759 315   353 919   660 226   492 058           
  258 692   860 204   464 808   771 115   503 947           
  369 581   971 193   575 797   882 004   614 836           



 jan7 for this week jan29
Entry #190

jan 1 monday 4 weeks back

774  774 447  447 357 357  335  335  553553   785  785            
 885 663  558 336  468 246  446 224  664 442 896  674            
 996 552  669 225  579 135  557 113  775 331  907  563            
 996 552  669 225  579 135  557 113  775 331  907  563            
 007 441  770 114  680 024  668 002  886 220  018  452            
 118 330  881 003  791 913  779 991  997 119  129  341            
 477 166  328 092  774 357  335 000                   
 148 872  508 891  417 782  685 500                   
 525 259  587 870  585 850  435 350                   
 148 872  508 891  417 782  685 500                   
 525 259  587 870  585 850  435 350                   
 774 774  357 357  335 335  785 785                   
Entry #189

sun square roots

896    703  080    480  248                  
 2993 3259  2651 4147  89442719   21908902   1574 8015                
 1234 1234  1234 1234  1234 1234  1234 1234  1234 1234                
 3127 4483  3885 5371  9178 3943  3324 9136  2708 9249                
 214 mirr  357   525   625   862                 
 1462 8738  mirr   mirr   mirr   mirr                 
 1234 1234  1889 4443  2291 2878     2935 9836                
 2696 9962  1234 1234  1234 1234     1234 1234                
    2013 5677  3425 3002     3169 0060                
Entry #188

jan28 sun eve

 088915 896703    080000 808000                       
 86706  75373   88000  88800                      
 4376  2800   6800  6680                      
 703  080 808  480  248                      
 703  703   080  080 808  808  480 480  248  248            
 814  692   191  979 919  797  591  379  359  137           
 925  581   202  868 020  686  602  268  460  026           
 925  581   202  868 020  686  602  268  460  026           
 036  470   313  757 131  575  713  157  571  915           
 147  369   424  646 242  464  824  046  682  804           
Entry #187

jan29 2006 950

warching 950 for 3s this week  all states
950 950   1           
 061 849  5 6 7   5 4 3         
 172 738  0 0 2   0 8 8         
Entry #186