gewonnen's Blog


This is my first blog entry and with it ,I would like to question the minivan and it's rep.

Being a minivan driver for 5 years now has made be wonder about the behavior people display towards the vehicle on the road.

It might not be pretty or stylish, but it's practical and roomy.

Now here comes my wondering: I drive the minivan and sometimes my husbands car----same speed, same driving style, same everything.

Except one is a minivan and the other is not.

But with the minivan I experience a different driving behavior from other drivers.

They follow me to close, pull infront of me without the room to do so, speed up to pass me and sometimes (rarely) I've even had lights flashed at me.

I rarely see any of this , when driving the car. Eventhough I drive it the same way as the van.

Do you see a difference when you drive your minivan?


Entry #1
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