L J1's Blog

Easy Day or Lazy Day?

I've had enough lazy days lately, just trying to get motivated cleaning my house and all the busy work. Now that my last child has grauated high school, I can move on from the past and concentrate more on me. And one of the things I love to do is work with the numbers in the lotto.

I like to work with the pick-5 game here in my state's game the MI 5/39 cause of the low odds. And I'm going to try and capture the Jackpot with the methods I've been studying using Gail Howards Software cause I want to sell my martial house some day, and buy a new built condo of my own with the States money. Sort of like the idea of my ex-wife buying stuff with my money. (No pun intended) I'm not getting paid from GH or any thing like that. I just needed to find a way from the years of pencil and paper days. I just couldn't keep up with the updating of numbers by that method.

In the program is a feature called smart picks. And since today is my 1st blooooggggg with the numbers day, I'm posting my finds on the predictions board in five lines. Cause, that's the budget. As the wins increase, so will the picks.

I thought today would be an easy day just using the smart picks. I can't explain how all this software works, and honestly I don't really care? Cause I don't know about that stuff. All I know is I've had some small wins in the past, and it's fun using it's features, and I feel I'm sort of on the right track. 

I don't frown on other peoples creations in their ideas of the numbers, and try always to learn and understand from them and employ what works for me. I'll keep you posted here in the blogg on my thoughts.


Entry #2

The value of a stack

I was at work the other day & I was meaning to talk about this. I was in the vending machine area & Steve walks in after I dropped some change in to get something & I pointed to the machine and said "what can I get ya" Steves reply: " A Stack of Hundreds Eight Feet High!"

I said "WOW!!.. Well the Mega Millions just rolled over last night!" He said "Yea... that would be nice" 

So I get to my area and Tim walks over and says "come on L J, I got a piece of pizza for ya." So as we're walking over to Tim's area I said to Tim... "Hey Tim! How would you like to have a stack of hunderds, eight feet high!" lol

Tim said "NOOOOO!!..... That's too much money, and I wouldn't know how much I'd have! I'm broke and I know how much I have!"

So, I'm wondering.... does anyone know how much value a Stack of hundreds eight feet tall would be??

Entry #1
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