myturn's Blog

Are Premium Bonds the answer to the US savings problem?

The savings ratio in the US has tumbled in recent years – see this chart for the official

Many American financial minds are focusing on how to improve it. The brains behind theFreakonomics books – economist Steven Levitt and journalist Stephen Dubner – put together a fascinating  podcast earlier this month on exactly this issue.

Their investigation latched on to the great universal love of lotteries. People are indifferent about earning a few cents in interest, they concluded, but are fixated on the opportunity of getting rich quick. You don't need to be an economist to work that out, I hear you say.
They then go on to share with their fellow Americans a rather quaint and quirky 54-year-old savings plan that already does this – our very own Premium Bonds – marvelling at its effectiveness of how a £1m prize encourages saving.

Entry #3

Happy Birthday to our Queen: Elizabeth II Queen of Australia

Except in the state of Western Australia, Australia observes the Queen's Birthday on the second Monday in June. Because Western Australia celebrates Western Australia Day (formerly known as Foundation Day) on the first Monday in June, the Governor of Western Australia each year proclaims the day on which the state will observe the Queen's Birthday, based on school terms and the Perth Royal Show.

Entry #2

You have some good news from ERNIE

I got an email from NS&I stating:
"You have some good news from ERNIE about your Premium Bonds! We have sent you a new secure message giving full details. Please visit and log in to read it. You'll need your NS&I number and password to log in."
When I checked I won £25, while it's not a fortune, my bonds have another chance next month.
Entry #1
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