johnny rook's Blog

time for a change

time to change the people who draws the pick 3 and pick 4 picks in florida and illinoise.I don't mean fire them I just  would like to see some new faces maybe we would win more,or maybe we should change states for a while and play from two different states for a while other than chicago or florida.Don't get me wrong i love those two states alot but it would be nice if you can play from any state you choose.

Entry #91

it was a good series but.....

spurs will come up on top,Group Hugafter they regroup, by the way watch the money ball you  should know what that is,it start with a 0

Entry #89

did you listen?

i gave you the 124,wich i miss,so don't miss the rest,340,550,182 and 630

Entry #86

good bye heat...

i don't like the dolphins,the heat the marlins maybe that's why i can't catch miami.

Entry #82