stevemizell's Blog

Pooling works

Ten people won the Mega Millions by pulling their money.  I am interested in talking to anyone who would like to join a lottery pool.  The pool is run buy a software company that takes no "rake" from the winnings and the tickets are sold at face value.  They make money from the tracking software you subscribe to.  They also pay commission for every subscription you sale.  It is a legitimate way to pool resources and win.  5% of something is better than 100% of nothing.  Respond to the blog and I can give you more information.  I will still not post an e-mail or web site until I get permission from the administrator.  If you respond to the blog I'll give you all the information.

Entry #2

Lottery Pooling


Is anyone out there pooling?  I have heard about some pools and would like your thoughts.  I joined a pool and we had 26 winning tickets to Tuesday nights Mega Millions.  Why not increase my chances, since I haven't found a great way to increase my odds?  Is anyone else pooling?  Let me hear about your successes.  I would like to find out more about it.  Since I can't post my e-mail or web page here, please respond through my blog.  I'm new to the lottery game.  I always thought it was such a racquet.  I guess winning can change anyone's opinion.



Entry #1
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