rdgrnr's Blog

Response to a Dumb Comment in Stinky's Blog

Numbnutz said:

"I can stand jokes and comedy but not with serious topics that affect people's lives."

To which I say:

Nothing is more serious and nobody's lives are more affected than the millions of babies that have been slaughtered at the bloody hands of Democrats who lust after their blood and selling their body parts to enrich themselves. Democrats demanded the "right" to kill and dismember innocent little babies and sell them for cash. They want that "right" protected, codified into law and enshrined as a sacred human right. They march for it, they bomb and burn pregnancy centers for it. And those are your people. That is your party. You are one of them. Does that make you feel good voting for them? Are all those dead butchered babies worth all the free stuff you get?   

Entry #1,803

WOKE Democrat Stink47 is Hopping Mad That He Can't Silence Me

If there's one thing Woke Leftists like Stinky hate more than anything else in the world, it's people disagreeing with them. When they state their opinion on something, they want it to be, they NEED it to be, the FINAL WORD on the subject. They don't want anybody contradicting them, disagreeing with them, or even possessing the ability or opportunity to prove them wrong.

Now once someone does prove a Woke Leftist wrong (which is easy with schmucks like Stinky) they then frantically do everything in their power to silence them. The moment I proved him outrageously and ridiculously wrong one time in his blog, he blocked me from posting in his blog for all eternity. So I simply respond to his nonsense in MY Blog and that drives him absolutely INSANE! There is nothing quite as hard on a lying lefty than not being able to silence the opposition. Dorsey does it, Zuckerberg does it, and Stinky just can't understand why he can't do it.

So he whines and grovels in the dirt on his knees with his trademark sniveling and woeful rhetoric, hoping that perhaps management will take pity on him and stop people from disagreeing with him and contradicting him and hopefully being given the power to silence any that do.

I don't know what to tell you, Stinky. I've tried to take you under my wing and protect you and nurture you and counsel you and help you to stop being so stupid, but it hasn't been easy, son. Some may call it a fool's errand, but I'll keep trying nonetheless, little fella.

And hey, you know what? I just thought of this! I'm having a big barbecue bash at my place next weekend and I think it would cheer you up to get out of the house once in a while, you know what I'm sayin'? Huh? Huh? That's right! How would you like to come over and mow my lawn and wash my truck? How about it?         

Entry #1,802

Buh-bye Pete


You should have known better than to go against President Trump, Petey. Really dumb move. Really dumb.

But don't feel bad Pete-sy Wete-sy, your fellow RINO backstabber, Dizzy Lizzy Cheney will be joining you in the unemployment line very soon.

Kinda funny how you guys tried to throw Trump out of office and it winds up with him throwing YOU out of office. Isn't that funny? heh,heh,heh,heh,heh...

Entry #1,795

Stinky's Happy

He's celebrating his hero, Dopey Joe Biden.

He thinks $3.50 a gallon would be a great accomplishment for Dopey Joe even though he has said in the past that the President has nothing to do with gas prices. But apparently he doesn't remember the gas prices under President Trump. I was paying $1.83 a gallon. Then Dopey Joe got appointed President by the thieves who stole the election and now everything has gone through the roof just like President Trump said it would.

And nothing is going to get better until President Trump comes back to straighten out this mess.

And in the meantime it's only going to get worse. 

Entry #1,790