rdgrnr's Blog

Now Playing in Illinois and Coming Soon to a State Near You


"The goal of the Democrats is to increase crime so much that a nationwide Leftist Militia is needed to bring order. You know what happens next. Revolution or you and your family are dead when they start gun confiscations. But first they need crime to choke the American public. As of January, Illinois is screwed thanks to the Democrats. Get out now. They are following the exact play book of Venezuela."

Entry #1,997

Dear Numbnutz...

You said:

"Hey Bhagwan instead of creating your own thread off Stinky's - why don't you drag your weary ass in here and "defend yourself."

Well Stupid, I'll tell ya why I don't.

Your hero Stinky is so terrified of me humiliating him in his own blog that he has blocked me from posting in it in an effort to silence me as you know all Democrats are wont to do. And it drives him absolutely insane and beside himself that he can't silence me in my own blog. And that's because Democrats like that imbecile CANNOT stand being unable to silence anybody that disagrees with him. Especially if it's someone who proves him WRONG at every turn like I do. 

Stinky HATES when I prove him wrong and that is why he blocks me so I just reply in my own blog to further his irrational fury, and I must say it gives me the giggles when I make him squirm like the worm he is. As much as a 400 lb+ fat slob worm can squirm anyway. 

So if your desire is for me to "drag my weary ass in there to defend myself" like you say, you'll have to talk to the frightened one who hides from me in there. And he's mad about that too, that I have made him a prisoner in his own blog. But it's not me per se. It's his own cowardice that's plagued him his whole life. I've only tried to take him under my wing and nurture him but alas, he only seems interested in humping my leg.

I know it's boring in his blog with him saying stupid things and you rushing in to agree with him but it is what it is. But you two will have to stay there in that boring echo chamber, endlessly reciting your talking points to each other in your vapid and insipid fashion until he stops trying to silence people. But remember, Numbnuts, you still have the option to encounter and debate other people and other points of view in spite of how stupid your views are, but he's a prisoner of his own making, trapped in that boring blog by his fear of me.

Ain't that right, Stinky? 

Entry #1,996

Memphis Mass Shooter Was in Jail Serving a Sentence But Democrats Released Him Early


They do it all the time, my friends.

So many people die for no reason whatsoever because Democrats can't stand to see people in prison. They can't stand to see people pay for their crimes. They LOVE criminals for some reason and the more violent they are, the more they love them.

It's a mental illness. 

Entry #1,995

Stinky and Numbnutz Whining About Patriots Donating to His Excellency Donald J Trump Again

They're sniveling that Trump just wants to take people's money for himself and his lavish lifestyle. Yeah right, cuz he's so poor he needs the money, right? Two unaccomplished losers at life who've never been able to support themselves without government (my) assistance. One, a humongous insulin-pumping fat slob living in a rundown trailer in a rundown trailer park in KINtucky and the other a skinny little twerp living in a rundown government housing tenement in the Castro District of SF with human excrement covering the sidewalk just outside his front door.

These two malcontented ne'er-do-wells are so jealous of President Donald J Trump living large and lavish that they try to dissuade people from contributing to his campaign in any meaningful way. Rather silly to consider but kind of sad when you think about their respective lots in life and how it must feel to be nothing more than just a couple of no-count loser slugs like they are. And the notion that they could affect anything the MAGA patriots do with the kind of money that they could only wish they had only lends itself to the sad commentary of their existence.

Entry #1,990