gmalady's Blog

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My ga cash 3 pick for 12/31

This is the last day of the year and it has been some ups and downs for me and the lottery. I hope next year will be a better year, not just for the lottery but for my life. Hope you had a good year and here is my pick for the last year of 2009.


331 033 205 700 447 807 847 339 645 101


Happy New 2010Party

Entry #15

My cash 3

Hello LP members just want to give a few numbers and to let you know that I am back to post. Not everyday but when I can. I have been busy due to storm in ga. Had to make some more adjustments so I hope I will be able to post more. Here are a few numbers for the rest of December. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Bless New Year.

173, 337, 347, 085, 075, 076, 838, 885, 661, 552, 555

Good Luck

Entry #10

Atlanta Flood

I want to let everybody in georgia that I understand your lost because I too were effected by this storm that just past. The house is not a total waist but we lost material stuff that can be replace and personal items that can't be replace. I don't like shelter, staying with relatives, not easy when you are use to your own space. However, did not feel like posting because was a little busy. For tommorow ga cash three:

755 190 439 449

Good luck, Be safe.

Entry #8

My ga cash 3 pic for 9/11

808 385 008

I have all the families who lost someone in the 9/11 castrophy in my prayers. It is hard when you lose someone you love and was not able to say goodbye. I don't know what is worst knowing you going to die or a tragedy. Either way you always miss them when they pass on to that unknown world that we all will join one day. Be good to those close and all those who you will come in contact with cause you may cross them again in the next life. Be bless and have a happy day.

Entry #7

My Ga cash 3 pick for 8/17 -8/24

(270) 332 550 224 820 (830) 339

 877 (787) 192 229 299 398 (140)


()These are my personal pick and maybe good to play for rest of the month

good luck

Entry #3
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