atriumprop's Blog

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen

US FlagIt is amazing.  There are so many of you that have all of these ideas as to why President Obama should not have been re-elected.  Maybe you called yourselves "political analysts" who have nothing better to do but post your ignorant, racists, degrading, and humiliating statements, cartoons, etc. as it relates to our, not mine, not yours, but OUR COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA (SAY IT WITH ME, I KNOW IT IS HARD FOR YOU TO DO SO, BUT PRACTICE, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA,LOL).

Day in, day out, you hide behind your little screen names with the foolish and such racists remarks.  As I said before, President Obama didn't create this mess, wake up!!!!!! Remember, we have a Congress, House and Senate, (full of Republicans) that have worked against the President.  Some of you voted them in.  Blame them!!!!   As long as there was someone in the Oval office that looked like one of you, you were content.  But when America, yes America, voted for an African American male, you can't take it.  So what do you do, you take to the internet (Twitter, Facebook, different media outlets, and Lotterypost) with your derogatory comments.  A few of you even have the audacity to say that you are concerned about your children's future and your grandchildren's children.  I hope, better yet, I pray, that your children and grandchildren are not as narrow minded, ignorant, foolish and racists as you are.

This country has never, ever had a President where so much disrespect was shown to one individual, GET OVER YOURSELF!!!  All U.S. Presidents do not have to look like you!!  You scream, "we haven't seen his birth certificate, college transcript, etc.  Obviously, for him to have become a second, again I say, "second" term President of the United States, his credentials have satisfied those who matter!!

I will not block any of you, like some of you cowards have done to me, because I don't agree with your views.  I will not post a blog filled with profanity, like some of you cowards!!  If I AM BOLD ENOUGH to express my opinion, I will welcome your opinion; because afterall, we are suppose to be adults, rather we agree or disagree!! 

I know, I know, your favorite line "the color of his skin has nothing to do with it,"  stop kidding yourself!!  When you become mature enough to admit your prejudices, then the healing process can begin for you.  But, as long as you remain in denial, you will continue to have those wicked, funky, and ignorant ideas and beliefs about who is and who isn't entitled to become the President of the United States.

President Obama has proved you wrong, for the second time. He is qualified, he is entitled, and we voted him in for the second term.

 I am atriumprop, and I approve this message!!

Entry #2


Help!! I need some numbers for South Carolina tonight

Entry #1
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