bobbya's Blog

Blacks got same promises and results as other Americans got!

One would think that some of The Lies told about President Obama would dissipate over time.Lies usually do.However,as election time nears,those same old lies,as meritoriously lacking as ever,are still floating around,intended to hinder his re-election.

Republicans say that four years was enough time for the president to improve the economy,reduce unemployment,stop the wars and stabilize world peace.I say four years was enough time for them to prove the lies they continue to spread.

Blacks have been accused of voting for president Obama because he promised them increases in welfare benefits.They call him the "food stamp president"because of those supposed promises.I don't know one poor black person who's better off now than he or she was four years ago.

The president didn't call blacks aside and whisper promises of more "freebies" in their ears.They got the Same Promises that everyone else got.They got the same results that everyone else got.The same things that swayed everbody else swayed them,the only difference being that they are more realistic and patient when it comes to promises of a bette life.After all,they've been hearing them since the Emancipation Proclamation.

Criticize president Obma if you must,but don't Lie on him,and don't insult the intelligence of black voters by insinuating that their votes can be bought with food stamps.

Entry #121

Today's Thought!

If we're going to end welfare.

The rich should be the first to lose it.

End Corporate Welfare First!

Entry #120

Today's Thought!

I understand that in a "Free Market' corporations will always seek the cheapest source of labor.

But why the hell do they get tax incentives to take our jobs overseas?

Entry #119

Americans Die while Romney LIES!

More important that Romney scores craven political points while the Libya Embassy burns.

Vote Romney-Ryan 2012 for MORE of the same.

Entry #118

Which Do You Prefer?

                                                    The 2012 Tea-Party GOP


                                                     A Zombie Apocalypse?

Either way,you'll be surrounded by mindless,half-alive,soul-less,blood-thirsty,sub-human wretches who work as a collective in an effort to consume your brain and make you one of them.

Entry #117

Why the Democrats trail among white blue collar voters?

The paradox of working class white people assisting in their own economic abuse by voting for the Republican Party on the basis of cultural,social,and religious issues?

These people need to use common sense and realize that they are being used by The Plutocrats,the only ones the GOP cares for.Those who look,love,or worship differently are NOT to blame for the loss of good jobs AND living standards.

About 30 years of Union busting,irresponsible deregulation of essential industries,so-called free trade and tax cuts for the super-rich are!

The middle class IS shrinking.We use to have good-paying jobs for everyone,the best product quality,and economic stability.

That was when big business was properly regulated,unions were protected by law,and trade was fair to average workers by tariffs,and taxes were properly high on the rich.

These are the hallmarks of The Democratic Party--NOT the race-baiting,slave-wage -loving,Plutocrat pandering GOP!

Entry #116

Social Security is NOT an Entitlement!

     You and your employer paid for your Social Security to help fund Your Retirement.

Social Security IS NOT going broke--the problem is--government keeps borrowing from this fund.

Why do Republicans want to privatize Social Security?

So they don't have to pay you back,in addition to giving Wall Street new gambling money--your Social Security money!

Entry #115


The States Responsible for putting the most TEA PARTY Representatives in the House of Representatives Are All Former Members Of The Confederacy

Entry #114

Mitt Romney's Economic Argument!

Willard Mitt Romney says to the electorate at all his campaign stops that since it took us Republicans 8 years to dig this economic hole that we put America in and the Democrats can't clean our mess up in just 4 years you should put us back in charge "so we can keep digging."

Entry #113

Thought Of The Day

You're NOT Stupid Because you're Republican.

You're Republican Because You're Stupid.

Entry #112

Republicans' 'freedom talk' turns logic on its head

Lots of talk about freedom these days.Freedom for what?What is it we are missing? Is this code for something?

I can't pin anyone down or follow any threads that make sense.

Freedom from taxes? Taxes pay for services---parks,police,fire,libraries,roads,sewers.

I am told that we can still have those things."They are hiding money.""Someone else can pay." "We don't really need those services."

"We can't afford those services." Crazy! Follow this crazy freedom logic;

Freedom from interference in health decisions? Fine.If one has No health insurance there are NO decisions to make.You just don't get care.

If a woman can't afford the costs for birth control they then Are Free to get pregnant.

Real freedom would be full access to health care services so one can e healthy enough to work to support themselves and/or their family.

Freedom to raise your family the way you want? If you can't afford day care for your children then you can't work if you're a single parent.

The kids don't get the attention they need if you work,so you then are a bad parent.Unless you're Ann romney who could afford not to work.

the pulic schools are stretched too thin because services have been cut because we want freedom from taxes.

Real freedom would be appropriately funding the school systems and realistically priced,quality day care services so the children can be cared for while a single parent works to support their family.

We are not asking the right questions.

The Republicans are making a real play in this election with nothing but platitudes that don'take any sense.

They certainly have nothing to offer The vast majority of the Electorate who don't want their kind of "freedom".It is NOT freedom at all!

Entry #111

GOP emphasis on values fails when it comes to politics!

Republicans,especially the evangelicals,believe that they have morality to the exclusion of everyone else in the world.They also have ab air of supercilious religious correctness on how everyone else should live.They are disciples of the family values man,Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council,who thinks he is the expert on what is moral.Honesty is also their espoused virtue.

All of the Republicans' morality and honesty failed into oblivion when it came to their politics.Just one example of this is when the speakers at their convention spent much of their time lying by taking out of context a statement made by President Obama.They obviously hate this man with great passion.

The president's statement that successful businesses did not make it on their own was to point out what was obvious to all but Republicans,that all businesses in our great nation are helped to achieve their success by using everything our country has and will have available to make success possible.This did not suggest that owners of business did not work hard and smart to achieve success.This was an outrageous Republican spin and an outright Lie.

Just how successful would our businesses be in Rwanda,Zimbabwe or Uganda/Have you ever heard of anyone going there to live,let alone start a new business?

Entry #110

"Today's Thought"

You're NOT Stupid Because You're Republican.

You're Republican Because You're Stupid.

Entry #109

Stop The Romney Lies!

As Governor of Massachusetts under his watch Massachusetts lost 10,000 manufacuring jobs a year,47th in job creation out of 50.

Cut taxes for the wealthy of Mass. while raising taxes and fees on the middle class.

He left office leaving the state $2.6 billion in debt.

Mitt Romney personally invested in and profitted from;

Abortion Services,Chinese Manufacturing,The National Enquirer,Tax Avoidance,Mafia/Cartel Fronts,Big Tobacco,and Gambling.

   "Corporations Are People" in the same sense that Mitt Romney believes in America!

Entry #108

Mitt Romney's Economic Argument!

"Although it took us Republicans 8 years to dig this economic hole,since President Obama and Democrats couldn't completely fill it in ONLY 4 years,you should "Put Us Back In Charge"so we can KEEP DIGGING."

Entry #107
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