Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win


Entry #19,841


Avatar JAP69 -
The establishment steps in and fuks this up I will be totally pissed.
Avatar CARBOB -
I don't believe the establishment can stop this runaway train!! Either one of those people will be good for this country. Let 's see how Iowa and New Hampshire turn out.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
This will get a lot more interesting in the days and months to come. Trump, in my opinion, will be going all out from this point on regarding Carson...especially after the way he just ambushed Carson. Rubio and Cruz are chilling in the back forty and simply waiting for 'purging' of one. Rubio, though, has a major problem and that problem is that he's got a 'sugar daddy' and it will soon make the light of day for discussion. Cruz is actually playing a pretty decent hand in terms of 'HOLDING HIS TRUMP CARD.' Hell, the Koch Brothers aren't endorsing ANY ONE OF THEM AS OF YET which speaks volumes. Sheldon Adelson likes Rubio but, hasn't made a move. For the most part, though, here's what mature people in the real world think, know, and SAY about Trump:




RUSH: This is Rich in White Plains, New York. It's good to have you, sir. How are you?

CALLER: Rush. Thanks for taking my call, and you're absolutely right, the only thing that's keeping me drawn to Donald Trump is his position on illegal immigration.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: And somewhere Tom Tancredo is asking himself, what did I do wrong? But I'm getting a little tired of his rhetoric, and in particular, you know, in the beginning when Mr. Trump was attacking he would say "I'm a counterpuncher and I only attack people who attack me." But lately I don't recall Rubio, Cruz, or Ben Carson doing any attacking to Mr. Trump, and here he is punching away at them. Like Ben Carson said, "Where I come from they call that a lie."

End of excerpt.

In all honesty, though, for those who could care less about anything except simply getting a Republican president back in the White House, a lot of this means nothing...and they ignore it. Donald was on The Michael Berry Show today and Michael couldn't even charge Trump up on what happened in Iowa just the night before regarding Carson. He just allowed Trump to share his harsh views on Carson and simply gave him a pass...and I knew why. Trump is speaking in Beaumont tomorrow and Berry didn't (COULDN'T) make any 'waves' after having already eluded to how he 'really' feels about Trump in the past. But, this is a good thing...good politics because Trump will be visiting Camp Hope and more than likely donating to our veterans who are dealing with serious PTSD issues. Yep, I'd use him for his $$$, too, 'cause it's the right thing to do in this case. The reason I say that is because when Donald was 'issuing credits' for Conservative talk radio, he mentioned Rush, Hannity, and I believe Levine BY NAME while not even including Michael although he was on the phone with him. I actually took that personally 'cause I like Michael but, it's still politics in the end. Just listen to the audio and you'll see.

Avatar MADDOG10 -
Geez ain't that funny. old obama was attacking hillarious the same way back in2007 and people didn't have the backlash then. Trump must be doing something right...
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Obama did none of the things Trump is doing to Carson. Most repubs did not expect Ben to last this long. Now they are torn between their loyalty. They like Ben but can't get over a Black as President. Some are still stuck in the 50's and 60's with their thinking and is still holding on to stereotypes. Hypocrites.
Avatar CARBOB -
When you vote for someone because of the color of his skin, you get someone unqualified, like Obama. When you vote for a man, like DR. Carson, you are voting for someone whom you believe can correct all the mistakes that Obama has created.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Now that just sounds stupid. So when you vote for someone that's white 100% of the time, what is that saying about you Carbo? I know color has nothing to do with it. Plucking HYPOCRITE.
Avatar CARBOB -
You are the hypocrite, for voting for Obama, because of skin color, when Romney was more qualified. You also agreed with Kareem, that Dr. Carson would not be a good person for Blacks. You like to tap dance too much. I didn't vote for Obama, nor would I have voted For Hillary. One is as bad as the other.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I voted for Obama twice and he won. You voted for your choice and they lost both times. This is the American way. Your candidate was overwhelmingly defeated twice because you were too concerned with skin color. I have voted for all races and other parties, you can't say that because you are prejudice.
Avatar CARBOB -
You have probably voted 2 times in your life, both were for Obama. What White man did you vote for??
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
All of them are white stupid. What black have you ever voted for?
Avatar CARBOB -
None, YET!!!!! I wasn't stupid enough to vote for Obama, he is from Chicago. I would never vote for anyone, for President from Chicago and I would never vote for Hillary.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
That is my point JACKASS. You have never voted for a black. Whether you like it or not, blacks are part of America. They are going to be part of the political system with or without your vote. Bigots like you are in the minority, and in a few years you will not exist. You will go as the dinosaurs left this Earth.

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