Former congressman promises 'war,' warns Obama to 'watch out' after Dallas shootings


Entry #21,881


Avatar Lucky Loser -
This can actually be categorized as a threat and he's very lucky, so far, that the President didn't take offense to it. Barack is the type of man to let some guy like this make it 'cause he knows HE'S STUPID. President Obama had absolutely nothing, whatsoever, to do with the outbreak of any of the latest violence and the speech he gave from Warsaw has more than proved this.

This man is upholding every single aspect of law enforcement, and, commending them on their TOUGH jobs and bravery!! If anyone is a race baiter, THIS JOE WALSH IS. Just read the comments below the article!!! America, I ask you to read the following statement and then think about who else acts this way:

-Following the killing of at least five police officers in Dallas overnight, a former one-term congressman from Illinois ignited a firestorm with a now-deleted tweet threatening President Obama with “war” and warning Black Lives Matter demonstrators to “watch out.”-

Key words: now-deleted tweet. Who else is constantly walking back tweets? Uh huh.
Avatar Drenick1 -
I can't help but laugh at the complete hogwash you posted. You claim your Messiah "is upholding every single aspect of law enforcement" is utter B.S.
Left wing zealots such as you and speedo are the reason this country is going in the wrong direction. You guys are the most extreme racists on LP along with LakerBen thus making you the three stooges for the Progressive party.

Constantly quoting liberal publications doesn't make a dummy any smarter and I'm sorry to tell you your IQ level is getting dramatically worse. Please seek professional help.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Yep, and I have no position to defend because the truth needs no're in denial. I said that Obama is upholding the aspect of law enforcement meaning in terms of what these officers are up against as of lately...and commended them. Drenick1, you can fight with yourself, okay, and anyone here knows we're not racists...especially me. I went on the record OPENLY with Todd and everyone else that I didn't hate them at all and just had a much different view of things. If I was so racist, I wouldn't even consider speaking to you, Carbob, Maddog, Sully, and a host of others from previous blog bouts. I'm 100% more mature and in touch than you are on any given day, lady.

For the record, I have quoted many Conservative sites here that were in line with my thinking which is the difference in us. I collect from EVERYWHERE while you're stuck making only RIGHT TURNS and going in the same circle over and over. Oh, and you forgot to post over here where I quoted a CONSERVATIVE PUBLICATION:

...since you like to follow me around. Gonna call you 'shadow' from now on.

Avatar Lucky Loser -
Folks, here's a really good example of my dramatically low IQ where I, the racist, agreed with Drenick1. Isn't it funny how she had nothing against me agreeing with her? Not a single response from her long as I'm batting right. I know these people almost better than they know themselves...seriously.

Democrats always try reaching across but, Republicans try and cut our hand off when we do.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
"Left wing zealots such as you and speedo are the reason this country is going in the wrong direction. You guys are the most extreme racists on LP along with LakerBen thus making you the three stooges for the Progressive party."

Drenick1, I don't fault you for the things you say. You are young, immature, and uneducated. You only quote what you hear on right-wing web sites. You will do and say anything to be in the good grace of the blog antagonists. I understand. You are not strong enough to stand up to their bullying ways like LL and me. When challenged, we will go toe-to-toe with any of them. We both are grown azz men and don't have time to play silly games. I'm twice your age and will not put up with your juvenile behavior. Period.
Avatar lakerben -
The racist is checking in. Lol.   I'm Hispanic and am not a racist. I have many friends of all colors.
Obama was on a talk show last night and spoke about how he's tried to work with republicans etc. I'm going to miss him. Hillary will be a great president.
I live near a bunch of car lots and listening to trump is like listening to a used car salesman.

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