Donald Trump: If I lose, 'it's OK ... I go back to a very good way of life'


Entry #22,154


Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Donald it's not time for your concession speech yet. You have to wait until Hillary puts an old fashion AZZ-WIPING on you in November.
Avatar KAL035 -
Yeah, I can see Crooked Hillary maybe being qualified to be hired as Trump's bathroom attendant (to wait on him and wipe his azz as requested) in January after he handily wraps it all up and proceeds to victory in November while the deranged cackling harridan is still licking her wounds from the "old fashioned azz-whipping" the Trump voters will ensure that she gets and which she so richly deserves.
Lilsleazy's much ballyhooed degrees in dumb and dumber are showing through brilliantly once again; just don't expect him to be able to spell, much less construct a coherent sentence or formulate an effective argument, LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, I know Albany , Georgia is known for the KKK, racists, and bigots. You are probably a little of each. But let me help you out so you won't continue to make an AZZ out of yourself. This is a post I did years ago especially for bigots.

For Your Information

A bigot is defined as a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion. The following are tactics used by bigots:


1. attack spelling and sentence structure

2. ridicule University or College you attended

3. ridicule occupation

4. begin name-calling

5. attack gender

6. ridicule ethnicity

7. search profile to ridicule it

8. rant on one issue - abortion, the rest are not sins

9. enjoy race baiting

10. attack in packs

11. portray themselves as Christians, but are far from it

It is very important that you familiarize yourself with these tactics because this is how they will come at you on the internet. Keep in mine it's the internet that makes them brave, nothing else. SAD, SAD, Creatures.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Donald Trump has made several comments similar to this one which should actually tell people something about his seriousness on 'Making America Great Again.' If he REALLY cared, in my opinion, I'd think he'd say something like, "If I lose in November, notwithstanding a 'rigged' election, I will be back in fours years to try AGAIN." But, no, he has his own 'very good life' to return to, AND, it will consist of writing another book based on his presidential bid and he'll renew his brand-name where ever he can...simple. On the other, we Democrats have a TRULY SERIOUS AND DEDICATED TROOPER IN OUR CORNER. Yeah, see, she ran in 2008 and lost with some DIGNITY and DEVOTION to her people by considering another run at it. Fast forward to 2016 and here she is FRONT AND CENTER...ahead in the poles and achieving her goals!!!

This woman has CONVICTION to our process. She has never even remotely come close to even thinking about giving up on the people or the cause. Hillary has been knocked down so many times over the years by both Republicans and some Democrats but, she kept rising BACK UP to the occasion and challenge. Outside of all those simply filled with hatred, there is a serious respect for her courage among both parties and it's now very apparent...even with her flaws. When you're thrown off the horse, hell, you get your azz back on it if you're serious. She knew exactly what she was up against (and still is) when she dropped her name in the hat. Talk about hell and high water over hot coal with bare feet...
Avatar KAL035 -
Lilsleazy, that was amazing ! As I went down your list, I immediately perceived that individually and collectively, that the sum total of each of your silly bullet points painted the perfect portrait of you. (Except, of course, for #11) Your lovely party reviles, persecutes and kicks Christians to the curb while welcoming with open arms the hoards of undocumented Mooooslums that want to further their work in America of genocide and eradication of adherents to the Christian Faith. Go call your local ISIS representative and tell him I said it. I don't care. Some goofy mf from Albany was arrested in Miami last week as attempted to leave the country to join his ISIS brothers in Syria. Would that have been anyone that you might know ?
Avatar thegee -
Have fun lg
Avatar KAL035 -
Trump didn't have to put himself through all this craziness. He could have been sitting up there in his Ivory Tower living the good life, travelling the world and enjoying the fruits of his labor. But instead, he chose to step up to the plate of his own accord and began spending ungodly amounts of his own money to get his campaign started up and running full throttle. I admire him immensely for having the wherewithal to say enough is enough and attempt to change the direction of this country. I think most Americans are sick and tired of the direction in which Barrack Insane Muslama has been guiding our country. I would venture to say that if Trump can't elected at this very opportune time (assuming that it won't be rigged, lol), that the country as we know it is lost and the Republicans will never hold office again. I don't know if he would want to give it another shot or not. I know I wouldn't, as by then Moooselums and demonrats will have everything locked down as the objective of the ISIS Caliphate continues to advance its agenda of worldwide domination. If you think I'm joking, I think you better check out what's happening now in Germany, Norway and Sweden as the cancer continues to spread across Europe. Angela Merkel is exactly what we will have in Crooked Hillary. They even look as if they might be sisters. What a scary thought !
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, I'm glad you took the time to read the list. Only a bigot worries about spelling and syntax. You made errors but I could care less because I know what you are saying. I'm glad you mentioned #11 because unlike repubs, dems don't waste their time judging and prejudging people based on their ethnicity, religion, or the color of a person's skin.
Avatar KAL035 -
Lilsleazy, I don't worry about the small stuff either but there's a world of difference between azz-WIPING vs azz-WHIPPING. That's what I would call an egregious error as it totally changes the disparaging nature and intent of your comment. As far as the judging goes, it's called discernment. Discernment can save your life and is strongly sanctioned by the Bible. For example, which group of people might you want to profile at an International Airport prior to boarding a flight? (Hint- this group of people is in the news everyday for lopping off heads, burning people in cages, drowning opponents in cages, shooting up nightclubs, stabbing police officers, throwing homosexuals off rooftops, etc) This is a multiple choice question.

A- Catholic nuns from the Vatican
B- Vietnamese Buddhist monks
C-elderly Korean grandmothers in wheelchairs
D- Christian evangelists from Idaho
E- white males from south Georgia
F- Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17-40

If you're still scratching your head at this point trying to arrive at the correct answer, I will help you out. The answer is 'F', Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 to 40. That's all !
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, you need to try to be more original. Mimicking repub radio shock jocks is lame. Bigot tactic #1
Avatar KAL035 -
It's okay to admit that you didn't know the answer. It was a tough question. I'll try to dumb down the next one.
Avatar KAL035 -
I'm going to give you credit for taking the time to thoroughly ponder the question, through and through. I admit it was a trick question. I figured you'd take the bait and would think that the answer was 'E', white males from south Georgia. You surprised me.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, I've forgotten more than you will ever know. I was a math and science teacher for 31 years before I retired. I've taught students that know more than you. Don't try to insult my intelligence sonny. You are making a fool out of yourself.
Avatar KAL035 -
OMG, that explains the reason for so many of the students from Atlanta and Decatur that come down here to attend college at Darton or ASU and are found to be in dire need of remedial instruction in the areas of math and science. Thanks for the insight on this situation. I will pass it on the appropriate administrators of the respective institutions. Blame it on Lilsleazy, LOL
Avatar KAL035 -
Seriously dude, how smart could you be ? You actually propose to vote for Rotten/Lying Hillary, good grief ! Intelligence and Hillary are two words combined that can't make sense. Do you want me to post the link to get you signed up for KAL's on-line course in common sense politics ? I can get you on the right path and you'll thank me for it later.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, you really have not been listening. BIGOT TACTICS don't work on me. You are new to this. I have heard everything you are trying to say. This shows me that you are ignorant and is a BIGOT. I taught Middle school fool. All of my students did well. It's funny you were not smart enough to attend Darton or ASU. Online degrees are for dummies that don't have the smarts to attend an accredited 4-year institution.
Avatar KAL035 -
I is a bigot ? LOL, thank heavens you didn't teach English! This is getting downright comical. I'm enjoying it strictly for the entertainment factor. Lejardin was right. You are so predictable. You proceed at your own risk. I am not to blame if you stroke out while trying to maintain pace with me.
Avatar jarasan -
lil*shiddy STFU you are receiving an azz whipping again, retreat, regroup, rethink, new tactics, get a mantra, try a mantra that gives you an original thought, put down that vagisil night train tail of confusion that guides your pea brain. Those "bigot tactics" is your always fall back excuse when someone kicks your azz because you have no valid argument and you are a bigot yourself, do yourself a favor, walk away. And I don't feel sorry for you any more because you are such a fuquing azzho13.


I bet lil*sleazy, will make sure it gets the last word no matter how stupid that last comment will be.
Avatar KAL035 -
LOL, this is hilarious
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, Albany breeds bigots. You are probably a high ranking klan member. You need a masters degree to compete with me sonny. I know you don't have one. That is why you are trying so hard to make others think you are intelligent. But I know you are nothing but trailer park trash.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, you barely finished high school. The junior colleges wouldn't accept you because you are so dumb. That is why it is taking you so long to get promoted from your cubicle. SAD
Avatar KAL035 -
Avatar jarasan -
Watch. It can't control itself.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, I know the truth hurts. You gave yourself away when came here trying to put people down without knowing anything about them. Well, you're going to find out the hard way that I can withstand the meanest BIGOT.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, you need to stop lusting for something you will never have. Your obsession with Malia will get you into serious trouble, you nasty-azz-pervert. KKKALE that goes for your nasty azz too.
Avatar KAL035 -
Lilsleazy, this has been thoroughly enjoyable, but I'm getting a bit tired and you are wearing out the BIGOT word. Please refer to the above-referenced suggestions by Jarasan to raise this discussion a notch or two above the comedy level. I feel like I'm sparring with you with one hand tied behind my back. BTW, I'm not new at this. I dedicate many long hours to educating old fools like you on various web sites, but I've always refrained from doing so on LP until I began noticing the juvenile nature of your blog comments were exceeding all accepted bounds of decency and common sense on a daily basis. You should realize that you risk meeting nemesis by uttering and posting such nonsensical drivel. Such drivel is antithetical to the beliefs of the high information Republicans and will be dealt with accordingly.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, I think you just like to hear yourself talk gibberish. Well, you don't impress me with any of your childish play. I'm older and more mature than you. I have already achieved what you are still searching for. There is nothing that you could possibly tell me about life sonny. You are full of yourself. You are just a poser and a bigot. JARASAN is just stupid and uneducated. Check out his comments. I can bet that you would never say anything about his grammar. BIGOT.
Avatar KAL035 -
Otay. LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKALE, when Donnie loses don't disappear. I want you to be around so I can say I told you so. Next, you are going to tell me that you are conservative...not if you are voting for Trumpie. You are just a RINO like the others.
Avatar KAL035 -
No, not a conservative in the true sense of the word, but yes, 100% behind Donald Trump ! Jeb Bush and the other turncoats should indeed be ashamed, I grant you that much. But don't worry, not a chance of me disappearing; I look forward to gloating and basking in the limelight, lol
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Well, I heard all that before, especially around here. One more time won't hurt.
Avatar jarasan -
lil*shiddy douchebag Azz wiping dummy, you are so fuquing predictable with that anal obsession, your tiny brain is weak, feeble, and deteriorating at an accelerating rate, as I wrote before trying to help you, YOU NEED REAL MEDS!,   barry will pay for it, right here on page 893 paragraph 7 sentence 1.

as written by barry in the barrycare edict:

"I will pay for lil*shiddy's Aricept I promise, but it has to stop huffing the vagisil and swilling the night train first, I swear I will."
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, welcome back sleepy head. I see you made it to your cubicle station on time. KKKALE, if I was into correcting people's sentence structure and syntax I could have a lot of fun with JARASAN. But I don't make fun of the handicap.
Avatar jarasan -
Lil*shiddy aZZ wiping again? Go ahead post comment 35.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, I'm worried about you. You have an obsession with perversion. It shows up in your writings. As an educator, we were taught to look for certain signs in a student's writing. Your writing is consistent with someone that was molested as a child. It has followed you into your adulthood. You need to seek professional help. You clearly have a problem.
Avatar jarasan -
Lil*shiddy speaking of English spelling and grammar, I think you are handicapped,. and your handicap is not having a brain. Should check yourself before pounding Post Comment for eg. Comment 33. Now post something original in 37, imitation is the highest form of flattery you aren't me in your feeble attempt in comment 35.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, I am just trying to help you. You have some issues in your life that is still bothering you. By you regurgitating what I have already said, it lets me know that I have struck a nerve. JARASAN, before you can fix your problem, you have to first admit that you have one. You need professional help. Use your OBAMACARE insurance and get some psychiatric help sonny.
Avatar jarasan -
so pathetic, sad lonely lil*shiddy,   try again in #38.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, get the help. It wasn't your fault.
Avatar jarasan -
lil*shiddy had to have the last word, you un original s***bag, go ahead you mentally handicapped idiot and post something in 41.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, I see you keep reading and keep posting. You are obviously crying out for help for your situation. If you weren't you would not be so concerned about me. I see you are again trying to regurgitate words I used on you. That's good, that lets me know you are listening.
Avatar jarasan -
Lil*shiddy comment #33 says it all, go ahead and prove once again for umpteenth time that you will respond like a good subsidized housing plantation dweller in comment #43 for that last comment satisfaction. I don't keep reading to READ what you say (you are a fuquing idiot), I've been gambling you will keep responding to have the last word as the verifiable skumbag troll AKA lil*sleazy. You wiping azzes today? dummy troll. You are a case study that I have been publishing on another site, that studies troll behavior, eventually it will have a name describing the troll mental condition (defect) you exhibit so consistently.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, that's right, get it all out of your system. You will feel much better in the long run.
Avatar jarasan -
lil*shiddy one more time in #45 for the people and we will publish.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, the less perverted you act, the better you will feel.
Avatar jarasan -
lil*shiddy thanks for your participation, you now can make your final idiotic comment in #47, read it carefully before you pound the Post Comment button.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, aren't you glad I took the time to help you work through your GUILT? I would have never detected your secret if you hadn't entered as a FLAMING TROLL on #23(>>)

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