Trump's main damage has already been done he has raised a generation of racist bullies


Entry #22,202


Avatar emilyg -
Salon? - won't even bother reading.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Raised them? Hell, when did they ever go down, or, anywhere for this matter? We have at least a half dozen that post here daily...'when the topic suites them.' President Obama is their savior when they can't even put words together for a decent discussion...all they have to do is profess their hate for him. In the end though, we cannot do without the racists because they promote so many causes this day and time. President Obama has actually gotten so much done primarily due to racist, wanna-be bullies in Washington which is great! To illustrate just how dumb and feckless these same people are, they call him weak and lawless when the two cannot even co-exist together. Anyhow, we can dig our racists 'cause we know they're short-lived in the bigger scheme of things, and, ISIS has a plan for 'em, too. See, ISIS ain't interested in BLM at all 'cause it understands what blacks go through but, they really want them some caucasian males for payback.

Racists cannot help who they are but, they're neither interested in doing so because it's part of their culture with assuming superiority. Their minds are extremely narrow and strictly limited to anti-black/anti-hispanic narratives while pretending to know all about these cultures' histories but, completely forgetting their own. Racists make excuses for the ugly truth of their 'trickle down racism' past instead of embracing it and being part of the solution. The reason for this is found in the first sentence of this same paragraph. Donald Trump promotes racism, hatred, and is a liar as well. He said he's going to be so good for the gays and do so much for them. Well, he did just that when he and Rubio went to an anti-gay fundraiser in Orlando...right down the street from the club where fifty of the people he hates, and, is going to do so much for were killed. The hateful, racist mind is actually a thing of beauty in its' own way.
Avatar sully16 -
After reading your dribble I agree you are a racist , can't wait for some Caucasian payback.
You are sick with hate.
Avatar jarasan -
@sully you are correct, it is a true racist typing in comment #2, it presents an arrogant, foolish, illogical, and racist stream of false narratives pulled from various libtard web sites that are running through its head, not making a single valid statement or argument. Succinctly described by sully as.......... "dribble from a racist".
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
MY, MY, what an illogical thought.
Avatar CARBOB -
Loser is one of those MLM'ERS who has wasted every opportunity they were given, the screen name, "LOSER."
Avatar CARBOB -
Here's a question for Loser and Speedy. What percent of Blacks understand what the word, Obligation means? If they understood what it means, just maybe there would not be 70% unwed child births. Which is the backbone of the BLM'ers, who grew up to gangsters and drug dealers.
Avatar jarasan -
The obligation they feel is to stay on the plantation and honor missus massive hill the beast.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Hey, Speedy, every one of them just validated every single word I said while completely avoiding the article altogether. Like Obama, I'm specifically targeted, and, it's another race-oriented article. I commented on the fake baby article also but, their narrow minds told them to skip that one, as interesting as it truly is.

Then, one of them has finally admitted that he hates blacks, he's racist, and that their lives really don't matter matter what. Thank you for being honest and verifying what we've been saying all along.

Avatar CARBOB -
I don't hate no ONE!! You also validated what I said. The biggest majority of Black Men don't take care about their obligations. That is the cause of Fatherless homes and kids growing up without guidance. When you see a BLACK man on TV, who fathered 18 kids and a 33 year old BLACK man crying, because he doesn't know who his Father is. Doesn't that give you clues. Do you remember the TEMPTATIONS, "Poppa Was A Rolling Stone"? What does those words that mean to you?? Think hard!!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
LL, CARBO is just being himself. He has been a bigot all his life. He is the true definition of a BIGOT. He has always had a very low opinion of people of color. He even went as far to say that because Sully is half Indian, one of their customs is to cut off the balls of their enemies. I though the KKK did that.
Avatar CARBOB -
Both of you ignore the root of the Blacks problems. Obligations are not color related, they are human related. You help create a child, BLACK or WHITE and disappear out their lives, causes major problems for them. Indian will cut off the balls of any man, Black or White. You think Blacks have been abused, look toward the Red Man.
Avatar jarasan -
Hey you f'ing morons, lil*sleazy and stupid loser, no one knows what colors you are, and nobody cares, the color I believe the both of you are, is the color: "FUQUING STUPID",   it is somewhere between puke and fuschia looking.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, I don't know who's more ignorant, you or CARBO. CARBO is an expert on races, and you is just plain OBTUSE.

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