Obama golfs why Louisiana drowns


Entry #22,217


Avatar Lucky Loser -
Yeah, sure he is. Boy, that right wing media narrative is a MF'er!! They know d@mned full well that Gov. Bell Edwards is completely satisfied with the multitude of support dispatched by Obama along with regular phone calls keeping him abreast. Furthermore, Edwards asked Obama to please wait about two weeks to come but, could anyway if he insisted. Edwards cited all the logistics required to accommodate a visit when he really needed all that security support for their rescue efforts, and, most roads are impassable anyway.

The mush brains could care less about these facts, though, 'cause they wanna impose their racism and hate on Obama either way. Hell, Michael Berry is is close contact with MANY residents in Louisiana and preaches pure hatred to them towards Obama...only to need the man in this great disaster now. Once again, words come back to haunt, folks, and I sincerely hate what's happening to them even despite their pure hatred for this man every single day. I wonder why, in all this, Michael Berry still hasn't had Gov. Bell Edwards on his show for an interview to discuss things. I'LL tell you why. It's because Edwards rolls Democrat and Berry hates him for that. Berry puts politics before the people...even in this disaster. He's afraid to hear Edwards credit Obama for doing the right thing. That's just pathetic.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Yea Obama is the man of the hour. Airport Security? continuing phone calls? I guess the old MULE has gotten a new secretary.? Make an entrance to at least show all of America that you care>   BS, the area can be toured by Helicopter. Period.. It's called an asserted effort by this POS that's in the house and the rest of the pansies flocking behind him...!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Louisiana said good riddance to the Republican Governor that has wrecked the economy and elected a Democrat to fix it. He knows President Obama will come through. This is the POTUS...logistics and security is important before he travels.
Avatar jarasan -
barry get off the m'fering golf course and go fuque up Louisiana some more.   Just bring some Obama money no problemo.
Avatar jarasan -
The brainiacs at DNC knew and should have run to Louisiana and beat Trump and deny him the headline but barry is too busy playing golf and biking, and hill the beast is too fat for the heat down there, she would probably fall over in that humidity or plain just melt like the wicked witch of the west.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
An elderly while lady was interviewed as Trump's caravan passed by, she said, what is he doing here, it's just for publicity. Trump has no power to do anything, only the POTUS.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
You're absolutely right, Speedy. Those citizens also said that Trump should donate to their flood relief campaign, since he has so much money, instead of coming out on false pretenses and trying to do photo-ops. There are some great people there that have figured out just what the hell is going on, and, they want no part of Trump. Gov. Bell Edwards is doing a fine job with taking advantage of all the resources that Obama has dispatched to to Louisiana, and, letting the citizens know when Obama will be there for some up close and personal interaction with the President. I'm so proud of the governor for standing up for the President in all this hate-filled BS.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Oh, yeah, and I remember when George Bush did only a 'fly-over' during Katrina...didn't even land to shake a hand. Ahhhh, that white privilege compiled with racism even in this scenario! Yeah, even at the request of the d@mned Governor to wait, Obama is pressured to show up NOW! Hell, screw the idea of the Governor not needing the hassle of trying to form up a security detail, which he doesn't have, to accommodate Obama. There are some seriously dumb azz MF'ers here, Speedy.
Avatar jarasan -
Trump will be a great president, he is a man of action. barry on the other hand as a candidate in 2008 berated GW because he did a fly over.............and he didn't go then.............barry is an aZZho13.
Avatar amber123 -
jarastain is such a loser. Writes so much crap yet says nothing. Seek therapy soon moron !
Avatar jarasan -
You are definitely a class act, great comment! I know it is hard to stay on topic between tricks, but we understand. I like it better though when you want to give me that big punch and send me to the emergency room, but promise me you will put that pipe down before you throw that massive blow, OK? Pleazey, sleazy?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, has problems that he is not dealing with. Something happen in his childhood has causes him to act so freakish.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Talk about the " POT " calling the " Kettle " black. Mighty strange, mighty strange...
Avatar jarasan -
lil*sleazy you are weak, impotent, and an idiot.   No one needs your pathetic attempt at retort or defense, STFU, you are a fuquing dweeb douche-bag busy body pussy faced blowhard.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, there you go again, just when you start facing your problems you revert back to your nasty perverted self. You are a sad excuse for a man. MADMAN is just SAD and a BUSTER.
Avatar jarasan -
lil*shiddy you lost again, now go ahead and post the last word as you so predictably will.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, get yourself some help. You're mental dude.

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