Three Habitual Liars



Where will Trump’s aides draw the line on lies?


Let’s face it: Trump’s not someone who puts a ton of value on the truth. That’s always been his way, and it’s worked for him.

This is a guy, don’t forget, who used to regularly impersonate his own fictitious spokesman, whom he rather unimaginatively named “John Miller,” so he could vouch for his own success with women to reporters over the phone. I mean, either he’s a very comfortable liar, or he’s like the dude with 23 personalities in that new M. Night Shyamalan movie.

Trump’s approach to reality is probably a lot like the ethos in Hollywood when they tell you something is “based on a true story.” It’s true as long as it’s believable. It’s a lie only if it isn’t plausible.

But that’s Trump. Until this week, we didn’t know that everyone who worked for the president in senior roles was going to feel compelled to emulate him.

First the president’s new press secretary, Sean Spicer, made a disastrous debut at the podium, in which he berated the media and offered up a series of data points — most of them demonstrably false — to back up Trump’s claim that his inauguration was the most watched thing in the history of the human eyeball.

Then Kellyanne Conway, one of Trump’s top advisers, went on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and defended Spicer for offering “alternative facts.” Hearing her use that phrase, poor Chuck Todd looked as if he’d just walked in on the March Hare and the Mad Hatter having tea.

Entry #720


Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Kellyanne Conway is by far the biggest liar of the three. She has brought a new meaning to the word loyalty. To her loyalty means giving up your dignity and your integrity at all costs. She has no shame and no class. The other two so-called men are just little yes-men wimps.
Avatar luckyshoes -
They're afraid to tell him the truth . Why else would spicer go out and lie like a fool. As groucho said...who you gonna believe? me or your lying eyes lol .....
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Trump's approval rating for the first five days is 36%. It's the lowest of any president ever. SAD -- I see that Trump is saying Sad now...hummm
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Folks, let me reiterate something here. All these people have brought every bit of this malicious embarrassment on themselves. This 'alternative facts' terminology was the single largest mistake made in any type of reporting with any administration. To send someone out to tell all of America NOT to believe THEIR EYES but, rather an alternative view is way beyond the pale. This president has actually asked the local parks and recreation to validate his claim...because he's obssessed with it, people.

It's just an utter waste of time to even consider the baseless argument of 3-5 illegal voters...yet he won and is president. The popular vote he loss by millions is what's still stinging him and will continue to. Then, there's Bannon's latest assertion of the media needing to 'shut up.' Let the wording he used soak in real good, now. If they could clip our first amendment, they would. The media is the 'opposition party.' Like I said, things are getting very, very, very nasty nasty behind the curtains and it's going to be ominously surreal once leaked. Dropping the sanctions on Russia? Really? Why? What has Putin done lately that's worthy of our kindness?

NOTHING. Our president is indebted to Putin on many levels and has no choice but dance by his music. Speedy, this Russia business is about to become very volatile.

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