NRA's new gun-sales pitch: America is a war zone and the "violent left" is coming for you


Entry #23,468


Avatar Soledad -
Republicans are very pro second ammendment. The NRA represents the gun making industry. Private sector is better equipped to deal with people's problems than government. It shouldn't be surprising that the NRA says these things. They are private sector. They are using the Republican party for their own agenda and the Republican party has no problem with it because they are getting votes from it. The problem that I have of course is that there's only one thing that causes gun violence and that's guns. If there were no guns do you think that the world would be as violent a place? The answer is no. So how does the NRA reply to that? Buy more guns of course. lol. But it's a shame for any victims of gun violence. It truly is.
Avatar JAP69 -
Some may be too young to remember but before guns became abundant on the streets gangs and hoodlums used switch blades, brass knuckles and whatever else they could think of to take someone out.
Before guns people used swords, short swords, short axes, crossbows and all kinds of weaponry.
Violence will be violence no matter the weapon of choice.
I keep a fish filet knife from Finland by my bedside that is razor sharp.
Avatar konane -
Hmmmm I've seen where the left is arming itself to the teeth so lots of gun sales to them.
Avatar Soledad -
Some may not pay attention to the phrase innocent bystander. You can't be randomly shot by a knife just walking down the street or sleeping in your bed which has happened over and over. You can't drive by in a car and kill 3 people throwing knives or axes. And I am not too young to remember walking on the streets at night also in the Bronx as well as East Flatbush 25 years ago when it was just not safe period, not that i need to bring up my skin color but i just did, and it was twice as unsafe for me if you follow me, and you know what I had a raven a 38 special a colt 22 a mac10 and all kinds of knives stun gun and brass knuckles. But you also know what I never had to use any of them and I never did. So people believe what they want to believe but it doesn't mean it's the truth.
Avatar Soledad -
If you're from New York a filet knife ain't gonna do s**t to someone that knows how to properly use their hands. Most New Yorkers would choose a 9 under their pillow or a shotgun right by the side of the head of the bed. Not speaking for myself obviously, but a filet knife. Why even think like that. I guess it depends where you live and who you live with. If I lived in a house I might feel differently. For the record speaking, I do not own or possess any firearms or weapons of any kind these days save for a camping axe and a machete both of which are legal.
Avatar Soledad -
The point that I am trying to make which might go past you is that the streets are safer than they used to be and all this nonsense spewed by the NRA is ridiculous and based in fairy tale land just like your little analogy of crossbows. Get real.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Naaaah, the real deal is very simple...Trump ain't sellin' no guns with talkin' about his Muslim ban, okay. Obama wanted to simply streamline who was eligible to buy/own guns based on past medical history, violent offenses, and the no-fly no-buy deal. Obama OWNS gun sales records and always will. Gun and ammo sellers/dealers ARE MISSING OBAMA LIKE A BABY CALF SEPARATED FROM ITS MOMMA.

So, this is why the NRA has simply shifted its attention from Obama to the peaceful protesters we have now...mostly women at that. Yeah, y'all go and buy more guns so y'all can ward off all these womens! The NRA is so sick and desperate now that they got Trump to reverse a law preventing those that are medically mentally ill from buying guns. Uh huh, the schitzo next door on six different meds can now get one and take his/her best shot.

It's the patients that are sick, it's the NRA folks.

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