FBI Confirms Counterspy Probe Into Trump Aides' Links to Russian Election Influence Operation


Entry #23,591


Avatar Lucky Loser -
Actually, it"s way too early to get excited...way too early. Next week, however, most of the questions avoided today will certainly require validation or refute because they will have the answers. I'll tell you what did happen that's good, Fox Commentator Judge Napolitano was removed from air for the comments he made regarding the Brits. In all reality, Trump can be held libel to an extent for what he said about Angela Merkel being wiretapped by Obama. Yep, THAT. Trump and a certain percentage of his die hards are a match made in he!!. These same supporters are willing to just discount everything here all in the name of Putin and Trump... because Putin wanted to cripple Trump's opponent.

It has been made ABUNDANTLY CLEAR today that Putin was afraid of Hillary winning and hated the idea. For all you pro-Putin dumbazzes, THAT'S WHAT WE NEEDED. Someone that could keep that crook, murderer, thief, embezzler, and generally reckless DICTATOR in check. They said today that the sanctions imposed on Russia were working weel and crippled their economy for what they did to Crimea. Obama got it right, and, those new sanctions are doubling down but, Trump and Flynn were gonna undo them. On top of this, they threw Ukraine to the dogs (Russia) when they took protection and firearms support for Ukraine out of their platform. This is exactly what Putin REQUESTED...it's in the dossier.

They're in the process of selling us out, selling Ukraine out, the Brits, and effin' EVERYBODY so they can get to the oil, and, preserve Trump's past....which Putin has documentation of.

We ALL remember The Titanic.....

Titanic 2.0 is in the making, folks. Don't take my word for it, just pay attention...close attention.
Avatar CARBOB -
You and the other troll make sure you pay very close attention. You are reading too much into yesterday's testimony. When the leakers names come out and they will come out. Then the charges for leaking will come out. I am going out on a limb here. I believe you will see Obama's name in the outcome related to Lynch. I believe she was the one that did the leaking, encouraged by Obama. History will repeat itself as in the email investigation, when Lynch claimed meeting Bill Clinton was not planned. That was done by Obama's suggestion.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Obama is not being investigated but Trump is. He has been under investigation since June 2016. I know you miss me CARBO, but I don't miss you. I never initiate a conversation with your kind. So do yourself a favor and keep me out of your conversation bubba with your hateful self.
Avatar CARBOB -
You are in for a surprise!!
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Speedy, noticed he said he's going out on a limb which essentially means he doesn't know a thing. This isn't to suggest that we know 'everything' either but, I'd put any amount of money against that which he or any of his COMPLETELY clueless friends could afford on what I've already vetted. Here's a hint:

It's the Republicans that are about to take Trump out...not the Dems.

By the way, CARBY, that's Mr. Troll to you 'cause I'm very, very good at what I do, and, I don't have to lie when I post information. I know full well that you and your posse fact check me and, if I was a liar like Trump is, ALL of you would be handing me my black azz left and right...and you know this. Case 'n y'all change your minds, I stay ready.
Avatar KAL035 -
You are correct, LOSER! You are VERY GOOD at what you do EVERY TIME you post: Making yore blike azz look like the total and complete dim-witted fool that you are. You try to act like you know something, when in fact you are even more ignorant than LilSLeazey, LOL Typical know-it-all STREET VERMIN, that's all! CARBOB runs circles around you in terms of intellectual power, so STFU already. President Trump is here for 8 years, you got that? Good ! Make sure Maxine Waters gets the memo also. The world's stupidest woman besides Nancy Pelosi tells the President Trump to get ready for impeachment. You people are a riot, LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, you are just a used up cop that suffers from paranoia because of all the vile things you have done. You are a hated individual because you used your badge to discriminate against minorities. I know all about your so-called southern justice that was administered to the people of color in Albany, who make up over 57% of the population. It's very evident that you played a big part in denying people of color equal protection under the law. Now instead of being honored for your service, you spend most of your time watching your back. That is a sad way to live out retirement.
Avatar KAL035 -
Go take a walk and get lost already retard.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I can take a walk pussy, but you can't, KKKAL.
Avatar KAL035 -
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, you have a lot of time to think about the lives you have ruined because of your bigotry. I hope your conscience keep you woke at night.
Avatar KAL035 -
Lilsleazey, I must give credit where credit is due. It seems you possess a veritable treasure trove of information to share with us about RAYCISSES and BIGOTS. You are the ultimate authority on RAYCISSES and BIGOTS in Decatur, GA., and Albany, GA. as well! Other people should not be fooled. There is truly a wealth of information in that pea brain of yours that can go on endlessly for days and days about RAYCISSES and BIGOTS. I'm sure you are such a captivating and fascinating conversationalist with the ladies that love hearing about these topics day in and day out. But, take away those topics and you have nothing to talk about, do you? Other than talking trash about President Trump and the Republicans. That's all.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, who I wish to comment about is none of your business chump. I can't help it if you are a thin-skinned ninny like your hero Trump. Unlike you, I talk about things I know sonny. I have experienced more than you, is more educated than you, and has forgotten more than you will ever know buster. Trying to portray yourself as one in the know just don't fit your MO.
Avatar KAL035 -
You IS more educated than me? Really, LilSleazey? I see that! ROFLMAO
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Avatar KAL035 -
Never mind, LilSleazey; I see that one whizzed right over the top of your head as well, LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, you are one dumb azz ex-cop. You give real and honorable cops a bad name. Now you are a has been. No one comes around to visit you any more or call you. It's like you were never on the force. SAD:<
Avatar KAL035 -
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, you were the Barney Fife of the Albany, GA police department. A total screw-up. SAD:<
Avatar KAL035 -
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Avatar KAL035 -
LilSleazey, you've made it ABUNDANTLY clear that you're incapable of participating in a rational conversation between adults. Your default answer to everything is to yell 'RAYCISS' and 'BIGOT'. That's not the way to make a persuasive argument, but then again, Maxine Waters is your hero, so what did I expect? Anyway, I don't have time to humor your childish games any more. I'm joining ranks with the 99.9% of other intelligent LP bloggers who choose not to waste their time by engaging with a senile old fool. I had already been cautioned several times via PM from various posters just to ignore you and the other loser troll; not to stoop to your level and get dirty in the cesspool. Indeed, they were correct! I should have heeded the good advice a long time ago. I could actually sense my IQ being lowered by several points every time I engaged you on a topic and subsequently got blown away by the ensuing barrage of mindless stupidity and blatant racism. You've been proven wrong on every single issue I ever engaged you on, including this latest 'Russian Spy' crap, etc. But it's no longer worth the effort. You're a senile old fool and will be until the day you take your last breath. So, from this point forward, you and the other loser troll can just kick back and revel in mindless bliss as you feed off of each other's seemingly endless supply of mind-numbing stupidity. You'll undoubtedly come right back with another childish reply but that's okay! Be advised however, that henceforth, my default reply to you (if anything at all) will be "Otay". Beyond that, intelligent and thoughtful words are wasted on dimwitted morons such as yourself. Otay? Good! Just sign on the dotted line................................... and have a wonderful day FOOL, LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, bka, Barney Fife, you spew the same gibberish over and over. You have the intellect of a nincompoop. You are an intellectual midget with a giant sized ego. This in turn makes you obnoxious to everyone that comes in contact with you. Your old desk and chair was probably sent to the warehouse to erase all remembrance of your racist azz.
Avatar KAL035 -
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Ignorance is bliss, KKKAL.
Avatar KAL035 -
You would know all about that, wouldn't you LilSleazey?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
No, KKKAL, that sums you up.
Avatar KAL035 -
It's obviously the daily motto you live by. That's why you always parrot the same thing. You seem to think its a snappy little phrase that will get you some brownie points from the other troll.The fact is you CHOOSE to be ignorant and uninformed. You just want to be left alone to live out the rest of your days carrying on like a madman, screeching and hollering about imaginary racists, bigots and Russians behind every bush. A pitiful existence. But I digress. A simple 'OTAY' would have sufficed to summarily dismiss your disjointed rantings in one word, once again. LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, you keep saying what you will do but as usual your ignorance dominate your intelligence. SAD:<
Avatar KAL035 -
What did I say I would do LilSleazey? Just wondering.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, read your own posts buttercup.
Avatar KAL035 -
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
10-4 KKKAL.

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