The Political Parties Are An Illusion Designed To "Relegate The Governed To The Level Of Cattle"


Excellent short to the point article if you have time.

The Political Parties Are An Illusion Designed To "Relegate The Governed To The Level Of Cattle"

Authored by Jeremiah Johnson (nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces) vis
Source: ZeroHedge

" .....These pseudo-Republicans were paid off…to maintain the existing order (in this case Obamacare).  Meanwhile, the media and the Democrats will continue to work against everything that the President does…to stymie productive results…and the fickle populace will put the Democrats in control of Congress again…then the Democrats (Marxists) will keep pushing for the paradigm shift and eventually limit the President to one term.  Then Obamacare will be here to stay, and worse.  Do you think that’s the end state?   No, just the means to the end state…one as horrible as you can imagine, making “Soylent Green” appear tame.  They’ll also use our children as a weapon: a means of attaining compliance.  Tell me where a 26-year-old is a “kid” and his parents obligated to keep health care coverage for him/her.  No, it is about control.  Dominion.  Enslavement. ...."

"......Obamacare needs to be repealed and renounced, not repealed and replaced.  All Republicans that went against the repeal need to be investigated.  They need to be “repealed,” (removed) and replaced with representatives who will vote the will of the people and represent the people.  It’s all BS anyway: we’re going to be subjected to this “seesawing” of nothing being accomplished.  The subterfuge and sabotage by the Democrats and the pseudo-Republicans will continue for a “watered down” brief hiatus from the last 8 years of nightmarish misery…until a return to power by the Marxists.  Those pseudo-Republicans are the ones who will enable it.  Picture Elizabeth Warren in four years as the President with her husband, Cass Sunstein in the White House. ...."

Entry #2,769


Avatar JADELottery -
They metastasize from the cancerous collection of Depublicrats that infect humanity.

The objective is to morph into whatever iconoclastic political figurehead they need to subdue that section of the populous by patronizing the masses on whatever trendy pacifier topic gives them a socially gratifying, emotional orgasm.
Avatar JAP69 -
Republicans were blowing flatulence when they campaigned on being against Obamacare. Now they have the power and Obamacare is at a standstill.
I read yesterday Ryan's new Obamacare spin room is gaining very little on cooperation between the participants.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Jade. Good summary.
Avatar konane -
Thanks JAP. The picture of the two headed snake seems to be what they're all about.
Avatar lejardin -
Cass Sunstein, OMG that makes them the worst Democrat couple EVER, what a lunatic combo plate. Don't think you can get any more to the LEFT than these two.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Lejardin. Heard the name but not familiar with that person.

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