McCaul: We have stopped leading from behind we are putting America first


Entry #24,263


Avatar lejardin -
I love Michael McCaul, a real no-nonsense guy. President Trump bringing America to the forefront is a breath of fresh air after wimpasss Obama.
Avatar JAP69 -
No doubt about it. Looks like a lot of people would like to see this country trashed the way they talk about it.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
What?? Putting America FIRST, huh? Your president still has his entire operation based out of CHINA as opposed to BRINGING IT BACK AND HIRING AMERICANS TO DO IT AND PAYING THEM!!! You bunch of 1/4 brain, sincerely ignorant, and conscientiously stupid dumb@sses!!!
Avatar mikeintexas -
"You bunch of 1/4 brain, sincerely ignorant, and conscientiously stupid dumb@sses!!!"

That's redundant, but then again, so are most of your posts. <insert broken record graphic here>
Avatar jarasan -
stupid loser is losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing.

Dam entertaining watching libtards like stupid loser lil*ppopy and amberjack tiny brains implode!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, you and Mikey are ignorant antagonist. Both of you are two LIFE SUCKING TURDS. SAD:<
Avatar mikeintexas -
And you, Sleezy, are a person who Can't Understand Normal Thinking.

(a tip of the CAPS to you, just in case you're too thick to read between the lines)

I'll give you this much; you don't seem to mind getting your butt handed to you in these blogs on a daily basis. Not sure if that's because you're a clueless S.O.B. or a glutton for punishment. FUNNY :-)
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Mikey, I can handle all of you by myself. You thought police don't run anything. If you don't like my comments, don't read them punk.
Avatar KAL035 -
Lil'dummy wrote: "JARASAN, you and Mikey are ignorant antagonist. Both of you are two LIFE SUCKING TURDS. SAD"

WTF? This thread started off on a positive upbeat note with the first two posts. " A breath of fresh air" as Lejardin thoughtfully described President Trump's strong leadership. Then the two disruptive trolls had to step in as usual and start up with all their anti-Trump rhetoric and confrontational/inflammatory comments. So kindly explain for the benefit of all how is it that Jarasan and Mike are "ignorant antagonist"?

Avatar lejardin -
Who pisszed in your Wheaties Loser?
There are two kinds of people in this world: people who care what you think, and people like me.
Avatar lejardin -
Kal I have NEVER seen these trolls post anywhere in a positive light, never. Inflammatory comments are a common occurrence with them both, I have been the object and they are vicious, mean, hateful, vindictive, defamatory and VULGAR. What we have here some real jewels. Most of the time I will respond in kind but they are such a waste of time and energy. It is always the same with anyone who stands up to them. I can only imagine how your response will be taken.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, you pea brain moron. Everyone does not share your BELIEFS. Only bigots think like some of you people. There is a pro and con for everything in life. Closed minded people lack higher order thinking...which is why some of you are unable to accept other points-of-views. You're thinned skinned and are a dying breed. Nature has a way of correcting misfits.
Avatar KAL035 -
Whatever his response, it will be along the usual lame worn out lines of bigotry and racism, dumb retired cop, etc. He's not very good or creative with coming up with new material.
Avatar KAL035 -
Bingo! Told you so. Lol
Avatar lejardin -
Kal, lol, ok I see you have been the object of his wrath too! The know-it-alls always calling others names and racists, it gets so OLD and TIRED. So much for a so-called knowledgeable retired teacher. This one needs anger management classes.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Dam entertaining watching libtards like stupid loser lil*ppopy and amberjack tiny brains implode!

KKKAL, this is why I don't pay your racist punk azz any attention. You are just a HYPOCRITE. Tongue tired, huh?
Avatar KAL035 -
Ummm, no, Lil'dummy, I don't type with my tongue. But thank-you for posting and sharing. Lol
Avatar KAL035 -
By the way, that comment was after you two trolls started up and disrupted the thread. So your post #16 is irrelevant to the question I asked you. I agree with the sentiments expressed by lejardin. It is entertaining watching your tiny brains implode when confronted with cold hard facts. Care to try again, Lil'dummy?
Avatar KAL035 -
Oops, credit on that line re-posted by Lil'dummy goes to Jarasan, my bad!
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Yeah, I can now see just how much the TRUTH really hurts...B*TCHES. Let's see here:

-WTF? This thread started off on a positive upbeat note with the first two posts.-

Kyphotic Ass Licking Obdurate (KALO355) posted that sentence above, y'all. His sweet little feelings were hurt just because I came along and shared my opinion on the article. Awwww, what's a matter you sensitive little phucker? Hell, I went months without even giving a second thought to how all you weak @ss m'fers attacked me when I never even provoked any of you in any way. You bunch of thin-skinned never win Trumpkins are so easily controlled which is proven right here. Guess what? I'm gonna continue to 'disrupt' the threads, especially for your dumb@sses. What a phuckin' laugh! You're on someone else's blog talkin' about how someone else is disrupting a topic which the blog owner posted and hasn't said a word about anyone disrupting it. You've all got phuckin' sawdust for brains and the termites are eating what's left of that. Cold hard facts? Trump has the absolute lowest approval rating in presidential history, you dumb phuckers, and hasn't passed a single piece of legislation YET.

-Kal I have NEVER seen these trolls post anywhere in a positive light, never-

Ditto to your sorry, dumb @ss, too m'fer. As a matter of fact, you're a phuckin' liar on this comment because I actually agree with jarasan on something he said about the Democrat party a while back which was the truth and I saw where you had nothing to say about that. All you sissified, panty-wearing, yeast infections want is for everyone to speak well about Trump when he has a sh*t ton of negatives which even the Republicans speak out on. Ain't gonna happen with my black @ss! I'm gonna call it like I see it and since we can't get along, then let's get it on!!!
Avatar KAL035 -
Lucky Liar, you are one ignorant ghetto phuqtard! None of the comments I made were addressed to you. If they had been, you would have read your name LUCKY LIAR preceding the comments. You got your panties all in a wad because I challenged Lil'dummy's post about Jarasan and Mike in Texas being "ignorant antagonist" (sic) when it was none other than you and Lil'dummy that started up with the antagonistic chit talking. And now you you want to call people thin-skinned? LOL, what a joke, you two trolls combined have not even the intellectual capacity of a retarded amoeba in a drop of water! And then Lil'dummy has the gall to call my comments obnoxious! LOL, let Todd read these posts and decide which are the obnoxious posters. And what's this drivel about "never win Trumpkins". You may want to consider putting down the crack pipe and re-thinking that one. Did you mean nonstop/can't stop winning Trump supporters? LOL, but here's a new flash for you Lucky Liar: The "glory days" of the Demon-rat degenerates are done! Your wonderful demon-rat party degenerated into a gang of hate-filled, openly racist and vulgar talking street vermin, rioting thugs and seditious anti-American traitors. My, my, such a lovely group! After what the divisive Muslim/Kenyan Impostor "Insane Hussein Osama" did to this country, your criminal gang will never (in the foreseeable future) win another election of any consequence. Donald Trump is still in the beginning phases of draining the swamp in order to restore greatness, economic prosperity, national security, and public safety. He's just getting started and you dumb phuques ain't seen nothing yet! Stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it Lucky Liar!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKal. you're just a dumb ex-cop that feels lonely and rejected. The gibberish that you write is laughable and obtuse. Your thought process is mediocre at best. You want people to think that you are highly educated, but you're not. You see KKKAL, if you had a college education you would have been a lieutenant or captain, so since you wasn't you don't have a college education. So stop trying to be something that you're not DUMMY.
Avatar amber123 -

Avatar amber123 -
I love Michael McCaul, a real no-nonsense guy. President Trump bringing America to the forefront is a breath of fresh air after wimpasss Obama.
# posted by lejardin : 5:25 PM



Avatar mikeintexas -
Yep, ambturd, they are the best at juvenile insults, I'll give 'em that, although it's WAY past time for 'em to get some new material.   What they're not good at is critical thinking or substantive reasoning, typical of progtards. You? You're not capable of anything, not even finding the screws to open up your laptop and get the curry out of your keyboard.
Avatar KAL035 -
Amber, surely you jest. As already stated above, Lil'dummy and Lucky Liar are two degenerate trolls which have the combined intellect of single juvenile amoeba in a .050 ml drop of water. Neither one ever posted anything that made one iota of sense, and most certainly never handed over anybody's "azz on a platter". You may be impressed by their use of vulgar language, insults and open display of mind-boggling stupidity as they struggle with Trump Derangement Syndrome, but it doesn't impress me in the slightest. Might I suggest that you resign from the troll cheer-leading squad and just re-dedicate yourself to being perpetually stoned out of your gourd? How about another toke of that good Mexican sticky bud?
Avatar amber123 -

Avatar amber123 -
Avatar KAL035 -
Lil'dummy, I must apologize, but I keep forgetting that anything beyond a sentence or two gets interpreted by your senile old brain cells as "gibberish". And goes straight to memory dump. I've already advised you one time today that your lame worn out shtick about the dumb retired bigoted cop, etc. seriously needs to be updated. It never worked and never will, but yet that's always your default low IQ response every time you get educated by intelligent posters. Very predictable response for a former special education needs student that rode the short bus to school. Sorry to have to bring that up again after all these years, but as already alluded to above by mikeintexas, your stick-in-the-mud 'bigot/racist shtick' puts the spotlight directly on your lack of critical thinking skills and rapidly declining cognitive abilities. As much as it goes against your grain, try paying attention for once, and as Herman Cain is fond of saying, you just might learn something!
Avatar amber123 -
Avatar amber123 -
Avatar amber123 -
Avatar mikeintexas -
What's racist about it? You don't eat curry?   You know, as I told you in my blog post, you started this racist crapola first, so if you don't want it thrown back into your face, then cease and desist.
Avatar jarasan -
@amberjack seriously? You are incapable of getting a $9.99 usb keyboard and getting that sh1t fixed? That is lil*poopy stupid territory.

stupid loser is still losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing and losing. Twisted, contorted, excuse generator for the lies of the left therefore you are doth named stupid loser liar.

lil*poopy go fuque yourself you fuquing fuque. Willfully ignorant stupid bitch lil*poopy.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL , JARASAN, and trash Mikey all of you are butt-head . You couldn't pass a GRE(that's Graduate Record Exam KKKAL , JARASAN, and Mikey) if you were given the answers. I passed it on the first attempt. LMAO
Avatar jarasan -
lil*poopy not one person gives a fuque, not even your fellow libtarded cork soaking butt buddies.
Avatar KAL035 -
There goes Lil'dummy fibbing about his sad case of head stuck in butt again! Who will ever believe a word you say? In order to take the GRE (Genderqueer Rectal Examination) it is obviously necessary to first pull your head out of azz, duh! Please reschedule the procedure once you get your big head out of your azz. It got stuck there a long time ago while you frantically searched for answers to my hard hitting questions. The only answers you were able to pull out of yore androgynous transgender loving azz were RACIST, BIGOT and GIBBERISH. Lil'dummy does try so hard, but he just can't get off the short bus! LOL
Avatar KAL035 -
Lil'dummy will be back with more brilliant commentary once he gets back from his appointment at Decatur Proctology Associates.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, you're just jealous because I am able to see through your elementary BS. You can't fool someone that has been in education as long as me. You will never be on my level you uneducated slime ball. Quit fooling yourself.
Avatar KAL035 -
Back already? Was the proctologist unable to assist you or did you cancel the appointment. You obviously still have your head up for azz.
Avatar jarasan -
lil*poopy blowhard arrogant fuque, provide the world with proof, real proof, not the bu11sh1t you regilarly pull out of your a$$, or you will never get the respect you feel you deserve, you cowardly lying twerp.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Sleezy, if I'm "butthead", then you're Beavis.

Butthead was the smarter of the two, you see.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
You buttheads have no imagination or creativity. All of you borrow from my comments, especially JARASAN.
Avatar jarasan -
lil*poopy yeah that's right just like this one:

lil*poopy, all you could have been was a lousy public school teacher. All you ever achieved was a degree in teaching? I wouldn't carry that sign around as much as you do. Teaching is an honorable profession, but you dishonor the profession. You've never had anything to teach here at LP, from that, it appears all you ever did was repeat stuff out of a text book, you were a puppet propagandist for teacher unions run out of the NEA. All you do is repeat sh1t, you've never learned or created anything, all you ever did was read out of text books and as of late, repeat demoncRAT talking points.   You are a boring fuque, your students hated you, and we hate you, you talked way too much about yourself, they could have just read the books, they didn't need you and we don't need you. You don't even know why you keep double/triple posting, you are an impatient dimwit.   Typical bad drummer, just bang bang bang maybe a different result? Yeah, I thought so, you f'ing godonk.


Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASAN, are you on speed? You write like your brain is in trauma. Just say no to drugs. You don't have any brain cells you can afford to lose. BTW, how many times do you plan to cut and paste that obtuse comment. SAD PUPPY
Avatar mikeintexas -
I got more imagination in my little finger than you and your running buddies have in total, Sleezeball. I'd never borrow anything from you because you've never said anything of value to plagiarize. You're just a foul-mouthed old c.u.n.t.

You're exactly right, Jarasan. I bet Sleezy was a school janitor, probably fired for trying to seduce some 11 yr. old white girl.   I also doubt he was a Vietnam vet, but he might have been in the service back then, maybe did his tour in a Saigon motor pool and came back home with a a heroin addiction, a raging case of the Commie Clap and Hepatitis C.

And, if he actually WAS a teacher, then that proves that old saying:

"Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach."
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
MIKEY, go to he11 hillbilly.
Avatar mikeintexas -
If I do wind up there, keep my seat warm, brutha.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
If you wind up there kiss my azz also hillbilly.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Be sure and mark the spot,'re all azz from what I can see.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Hillbilly go drink beer with your klan buddies at the gas station.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Buckwheat, go knock back a few 40's with your pimp pals on the street corner, keep an eye on your old ladies while they make a living for the family.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Mikey, you better hope your best friend isn't back-dooring you while you are drunk with the alley rats.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Otay, if you thay tho.

You'd better hope your neighbors don't find out you like to diddle 10 yr. old little girls.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Hillbilly, the only inbred is you. LMAO
Avatar mikeintexas -
That makes no sense...but that's par for the course for you. LMAO

I need a new signature line: "MAGA - Gut the progressives, throw them in the hog pen."
Avatar KAL035 -
You got that right mikeintexas! It is par for the course, but it is becoming increasingly evident day by day that Lil'dummy is cracking and rapidly approaching total meltdown mode. I make a carefully considered, concise and lucid post and he just starts pounding out totally random/disjointed nonsensical 'gibberish' (Lol) that has no nexus whatsoever to the information that had previously been posted. I fear Lil'dummy is finally going off the deep end. Into the bottomless abyss.....
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
MIKEY and KKKAL you two dummy Trump disciples are full of juvenile behavior.
Avatar KAL035 -
Day by day, Lil'dummy edging closer and closer to total nuclear fusion meltdown mode. SAD, Lol
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Trump is not putting America first. If he really meant it he would bring his overseas jobs to America.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Juvenile behavior? You're projecting and in any case, you've acted like a whining pickaninny since you started posting.   Your reading comprehension is poor, too, because you know I'm anything but a Trump "disciple".   I don't like him all that much, but at least he was a much better choice than Cankles Clinton and a thousand times better than your black Messiah, the Marxist-in-Chief.   Of course Trump won't seem to be doing much, just rolling back Obongo's mistakes will take most of his term. It's like already being lapped when you finally get the baton on the anchor leg of a mile relay.

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