China commie government is closing all NK business in CHINA!



All you ignorant leftist dummy demoncRATS propagating the leftist bu11sh1t that Trump is incompetent.................... TRUMP is getting the CHINESE & UN to eject the NK out of it borders, barry the pussy never in a million years could do what TRUMP has done in 6 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!

Since it's ABC must not be fake news,  right?????????


Just like his daddy:

Entry #1,347


Avatar KAL035 -
If bloodline of my lunatic ex were to be traced, I'm pretty sure it would be revealed to almost a mathematical certainty that she was from the same gene pool as Little Rocket Man. Always trying to pick a fight and start World War III over the slightest little thing. After surviving 24 years with that basket case, I know all about the hilarious interchangeability of the Ls and the Rs in English. So even though they are completely different letters in the Hangul, the pronunciation is essentially the same. Noodles become roodles and lottery is rottery, so on so forth. If she said she wanted me to take her to Lowes, further investigation was required to see if she really meant Roses (local department store near home) or indeed Lowes on the other side of town. Lowes or Roses was always the question, LOL

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