Cancer and other things.



I found quite a few things that people put on the Internet about cancer, like what it might be, how to prevent it and what might help against it.

If anybody wants to, they can use a search engine such as Google (or any other) and find whatever it is that you want to find out, even about cancer, what I found, anybody with an Internet connection and browser can find, people who want to know things maybe should learn how to find out about such things, otherwise maybe they don't want to know, there is a lot of information on the Internet, not everything that you see there is the truth nor right nor good, but people need to learn how to tell what is truth and what is lies.

You don't have to be a Bill Gates to learn how to use an Internet search engine even small children use them now.

And you don't have to be a teenager either to learn how to, you can be 60+ and still learn.

There are very many older people who are more mentally acute than people younger than them.

Google (for example) and the Internet are now such that they will even teach you things if you ask them to, Google is now a sort of intelligent search engine.

I can post Information and it will be like if I didn't post it, if people are really interested in something, they will look for it, if they don't look for it, they don't care about it, for people to learn they need to have an interest.

Giving people a dollar is not the way to go, they will never quit asking for money, giving them a job (work) is what they need, if they don't want a job (work) then they should not be given money, they are leeches.

Yes, some people can't work, of course, but some get retirement and then go out to the streets to ask for handouts and some of them have houses, cars and or trucks, money in the bank and might have more than you have.

But there is not much of a way to tell, who is needy for real and who is not.

As to cancer, well, there is always the doctors and their big bank accounts, their houses, cars, etc.

It is like with everybody else such as the mechanics, if you can't fix your own car, you are at their mercy, we can't all be medical doctors or car mechanics.

Besides, whatever we do or don't, we are here only for a short time.

Today here, tomorrow gone.

Death comes like a thief in the night:

Ready or not here we go.


People often dismiss information that they find when they were not looking for it, but if they were looking for it, they might put attention to it and maybe later even remember it.

Most of what I ever posted was wasted on most people, few if any got any benefit from whatever I posted about, including about things related to the lottery games.

I think that we all or at least most of us, have a death wish and we just don't know it.

Do people die of "old age"? There is no such thing, people die due to sickness, accidents (trauma) or get killed, a few maybe just quit breathing at night in their sleep (The lucky ones?).

For a long time now, things are such, here at the Lottery Post that I have to lock my blog entries.

And post little on the forums.

Most of what I post on my blog is for myself, to keep a record on or of some things and because I like to do some typing every so often.

Entry #404


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