No Surprise Here: Obama Most Admired Man In America 10th Time In A Row



Entry #24,936


Avatar KAL035 -
It is not a surprise given the fact that these are the same pollsters that were so confident and assured that President Trump had no chance of winning the Presidency last year. I would have serious reservations about the veracity and validity of that so-called poll. Everybody I know loathes and despises Insane Hussein for what he did to this country. Did they poll anybody outside of Detroit or San Fran-sicko?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
The poll is very accurate. The only people that hate Obama are the 35%, which is his base that you are part of. This is also his approval rating. Trump is the only president that has maintained a low approval rate his first year in office. 2018 will not be any better. It will take more than his base to bring his approval rating up. The majority of Americans see Trump as a Lying crook, predator, and seditious in nature. Obama's popularity goes up every time Trump mentions his name. Trump will never be as popular as Obama. Period. Trump does not have what it takes to be a president of the people. All he has done since he has been president is cause division among the races, especially people of color. Much of Trump's rhetoric can be traced back to his German/Nordic ancestry, which believed in a superior race. SAD
Avatar eddessaknight -
Well Done KALO
OB is a NWO juiced in devisive puppet A.K.A the Great American Destroyer
Avatar KAL035 -
You're an idiot if you believe those polls and approval ratings that show Trump sinking fast. LOL, the truth is Trump is more popular than he ever was and continues to become more popular day by day. If ya'll don't kill him first, he will easily win a 2nd term when the time comes. Anybody with half a brain knows that Odumbo hates America and is a national traitor. You keep drinking the Kool-Aid as you wish and you will eat crow yet again.
Avatar eddessaknight -
Nota Bene:

German/Nordic ancestry

Could this be motivated by the ugly head of racism being raised??? :-(
Avatar KAL035 -
Yep, you nailed it on that one eddessaknight!
Avatar jarasan -
#7 is goebbels inspired leftist fascist crap propaganda. barry is an idiot and everyone knows it. The idiot is working to crash the harrie royal wedding, barry is now a glorified a wedding crasher, where's mooch????
Avatar lejardin -
This perfetly describes Obama to a tee:
All he has done since he has been president is cause division among the races, especially people of color.

Never in all my years have race relations been as bad as they were under Obama. He set us back to pre MLK days.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Both of you are idiots. Trump's character was in question and you voted for him anyway. If anyone attempts to do harm to the president he will be white and a disgruntled repub. Both of you are ignorant of history. SAD
Avatar lejardin -
Only in his mind.
Avatar KAL035 -
Moochie is already licking her chops and having delirious visions of succulent lobster claws dancing on the appetizer table at the royal shindig. She can't wait to scoop them all up on her plate, tear them apart with her large masculine hands and chow down like a real man!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
You people are wasting your time worrying about Obama. Obama, like me, could care less what you jealous people think. You need to worry about the sexual predator in the white house. Unlike you bigots, I only make comments about Trump, not his wife or past wives.
Avatar lejardin -
Who’s worrying? i can't stomach the man, he is a lying piece of work who tried to destroy the U.S. He is another Hillary trying to make himself relevant and he isnt. No one cares what he thinks but he still will not stop inserting himself in politics. I am not a fan of Bush any longer but he kept his mouth shut once he left office, why cant Obama? No class.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Obama is a private citizen and still popular with the majority of Americans. Your hate for Obama is a learned behavior. Therefore, you are the one with the problem. Obama has 8 years running the highest office in the land, and Trump doesn't have one, so common sense will tell you that people will be asking his opinion about the Executive Branch of the Government. If you paid any attention to what Obama says, you would know that he has yet to mention Trump's name in his comments. He didn't even mention his name in the interview that he had with Prince Harry. The LIAR is in the WH.
Avatar CARBOB -
Speedy, why do you continue to ignore all of the wrong, Obama and his administration committed? Could it be because his father was Black! Because of the underhanded Iran nuclear deal alone, is enough to indict him and everyone involved,for treason. When the dust clears, we will see where he lives. The liars were in the WH then.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
CARBOB, open your eyes. Obama was not being investigated while in Office, accused of gross sexual misbehavior by numerous women, accused of fraternizing with Pootin, using the Presidency to enhance his business interests, and of course NEPOTISM. Trump is also a pathological LIAR and like many in his base have racist views about people of color. I could go on and on but as you can see the two have nothing in common. Trump is obsessed about Obama...Obama doesn't pay Trump any attention, he doesn't even mention him by name. Trump is wasting too much of his time focusing on the past and is not paying any attention to the dilemma that he is in.
Avatar jarasan -
barry corrupted everything he touched, holder and linch were hacks and the media worshiped him, of course there were no prosecutions, but there were dozens of felonies committed during the barry years. he will pay the piper, just wait.
Avatar KAL035 -
Lil'dummy, you are such a gullible nitwit demon-rat that it truly defies belief! There's not one shred of evidence that DT did anything of the things the democrats accuse him of. You know as well as I do that it's the biggest on-going hoax ever perpetrated on the American people, totally contrived and concocted by the Democrats that remain desperate to have the duly elected President removed from office at all costs. How is DT a "pathological liar"? He's doing everything he said he was going to do despite all the interference and obstruction from demonrats. Never has a US President accomplished as much as DT during the first year in office! Insane Hussein was your pathological liar! Every time the sneaky snake opened his mouth, you knew it was a dastardly lie. Simple as that. I would suggest reading up at the below-provided link to Breitbart for a nice summary of the Sneaky Snake's involvement in at least 18 major scandals during his years in office, any one of which would have been sufficient grounds for impeachment if a Republican President had been involved. But of course Obammy had the media, FBI and Justice Department in his back pocket so he being the "Anointed Messiah" got a free pass on everything. Makes no sense why Insane Hussein is not currently serving time in a Federal Prison for coordinating all of the traitorous and subversive activities against the American people.

Avatar KAL035 -
The most hilarious thing is all this on-going hoopla about "Russian collusion" started at a campaign event when Trump joked about hoping the Russians could find Hillary's missing emails. That was all it took to set off the firestorm of controversy about "colluuusion". The demon-rats totally wigged out, had a conniption fit and accused DT of openly calling on the Russians to hack her emails. The usual left wing media outlets were outraged and far more upset about Trump's joke than of the actual fact of Crooked Hillary's private and unsecured email server being left wide open to the Russians for whatever purposes they deemed necessary. Democrats are so dumb and have no sense of humor!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, as usual you have listened to your favorite shock jocks on wacky repub indoctrination radio then come on LP with your regurgitated gibberish. It amazes me how you can see crimes that Obama supposedly committed and you look the other way at the charges that Trump is currently being investigated for. That's called RATIONALIZATION.
Avatar KAL035 -
Trump isn't being investigated for anything you nitwit! There has to have been commission or attempted commission of an actual crime in order for an investigation to take place. It's called a WITCH HUNT when a team of biased anti-Trump attorneys/investigators starts exploring every possible avenue looking for the slightest hint of any evidence of any crime that he might have committed at some point in his life. More than a year down the road, still no evidence of any wrongdoing or criminal activity whatsoever. They can't even find where he may have ran a stop sign or parked on a yellow curb. But ya'll unhinged freakazoid demon-rats keep beating the "colluuusion" drum and making up more lies since you don't have anything else to fall back on. On the other hand, there is an ever-growing mountain of evidence to indict and convict Obammy and Crooked Hillary for any number of felony grade crimes. Hopefully Jeff Sessions is working up something to send them off to the federal penitentiary for a long time.
Avatar amber123 -
Don't waste your time Speedy...these Nazi losers will cry in the next election. And I will throw a party when this Hitler is out for good....You can't convince the morons here that Trumpy is a loser just like's like talking to a turd...they just need to be flushed..

Avatar KAL035 -
Lil'amberjack, how many heads of the "Nazi losers" did you personally bash in yesterday afternoon when ya'll hit the streets after the local ANTIFA meeting? You know "Hitler" doesn't approve of that kind of thing, don't you?
Avatar eddessaknight -
Doesn't it all come down to where one stands for?

What one stands for matters....micro & macro
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
@KKKAL, in less than a year Mueller has indicted two, and two has plead guilty. Mueller is not showing his hand... that is why you repubs are so worried, especially Trump.
Avatar grwurston -
The article said it was a gallup poll of 1,049 people. 25% of whom did not select anyone as their most admired person. So that means 786 out of 330 million people living in the USA voted for Obama. Sure, that's a real representation of what people think.
Avatar grwurston -
Correction. 786 people selected someone. Obama got 17% of those. So thats 133 people who think Obama is the most admired. WOW!!! They made it sound like it was a whole lot of people that admired him. This is just further proof that polls that small don't mean didley squat.
Avatar KAL035 -
News flash for ya lil'dummy: neither of the two indictments nor guilty pleas had anything to do with the Trump administration nor his presidential campaign. Both were classic case of distractions to keep heat off the Clinton campaign and their involvement in procuring the fake "Russian dossier". It also gave Mueller more time to snoop around looking for the imaginary smoking gun they fantasize about finding every day. They got Manafort on some trumped up tax and money laundering charges that predate his involvement with Trump by 10 years. And another guy no one ever heard of that volunteered for Trump. Big deal. Again, no evidence of any "coluuusion" nor any relevance to Trump. In other words, they cooked up a big 'nothing burger" to make dummies like you think they were on to something really big, LOL. You say Mueller is not showing his hand, but I notice the leaks started up fast and furious a few days in advance of each arrest. So sorry to bust to your bubble again, but they got nothing on Trump and never will have. Why isn't Hillary and Obozo the target of the investigation for all the dirt that's been uncovered on them them? Not only is Mueller's 'Special Counsel' a total joke, but also a colossal waste of taxpayer money. Trump is not "worried" as you suggest but is understandably frustrated and tired of being the implied target of a massive unfounded democrat-led witch hunt.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
This type of polling is called a Vox Populi, which means the voice of the people. It is a commonly used polling technique.
Avatar KAL035 -
Those figures certainly help put things in perspective grwurston, thanks for posting! And Lil'dummy, of course it is a common polling technique as it makes it easier to manipulate results and pull the wool over the eyes of unsuspecting dummies. I knew those poll numbers were highly suspect as soon as I saw the misleading headline. But as always, you bought into it hook, line and sinker, just like all the other democrat talking points. So gullible you are!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
@KKKAL, it does not matter what you or I think, Mueller is doing his job and the chips will fall where they may.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, you should have gone to college, then the various polling techniques will not seem new to you. YOU MAKE AN AZZ OUT OF YOURSELF when you speak without knowledge. SAD
Avatar KAL035 -
Well, yes it does matter. Trump needs to fire Mueller for all the illegalities and improprieties surrounding the 'Special Counsel' but apparently will not do so to keep all the democrats from going totally ballistic and rioting in the streets again. The dimwits make a big fuss about the possibility of Trump firing Mueller, but in reality I think the dimwits would like nothing better than for Trump to fire Mueller since they would immediately try to take advantage of the subsequent chaos and pandemonium resulting from the fallout of such an action. They already have contingency plans in place for mobilizing resources if this were to occur. I can hear it already- Trump fired Mueller because he was onto something big! Obstruction of Justice! Russian collusion! We demand justice! Impeach Trump! LOL, such clowns these ignorant demon-rats!
Avatar KAL035 -
WTF are you talking about now Lil'dummy? When did I say the polling techniques were new? Are you hallucinating again? The deceptive and manipulative polling techniques are old as mud you old fool! Why would anybody believe these pollsters this time around after they got everything completely wrong last year. Oh that's right, because they so desperately want to believe Trump is sinking fast, LOL
Avatar amber123 -
KKKalo, I was working, not hitting the streets. I actually work, unlike you who has nothing better to do than sit here on LP spewing your Garbage day and night. Get a life for Fook sake...effing Nazi LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar jarasan -
amberjackoff is out of rehab again! amberjackoff rehab is not work it is rehab..
Avatar amber123 -
looky HERE...i WRITE ABOUT SH!T AND LOOK AND WHO SHOWS UP!...Jarash1t.....We're getting somewhere..
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Amber, KKKAL feels stupid because he thought a Vox Populi was a national poll. LMAO
Avatar KAL035 -
Lil'amberjackoff, its obvious to all of us that your favorite topic to write about is $HIT. You seem to be quite the expert on $HIT. You apparently love living in a world of $HIT. I think you are a sick person, but to each his own I guess. Anyway, we're trying to have an intelligent discussion here among grow-ups but you keeping interrupting with your $HIT. Please post on the appropriate $HIT forum. You will fit in better there. Your eloquently crafted and scholarly written discourses on $HIT will surely impress your like-minded ANTIFA comrades and allow you to reap the accolades that you so richly deserve.
Avatar KAL035 -
Go to bed lil'dummy and lick your wounds, enough of your incoherent and random babbling already for one day. Anybody that believes a poll that says Odumbo is the most admired man in America is not playing with a full deck. The most despised man in America would be more like it. That I can believe.
Avatar KAL035 -
IF he's actually a man that is. But who knows what the heck that freak actually is? It might be more accurate to list Moochelle aka 'Michael' as the most admired man in the Freakazoid Zone of demon-rats and progtard leftists.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Trump is a sexual predator. Remember, when you are famous, they let you do anything...he committed adultery on his first wife and probably his second wife also. His nasty behavior continued with his third wife. Trump is a liar and lacks character. You should be proud of Trumpsky, he's your hero that's being investigated by Mueller.
Avatar KAL035 -
Another lie and Democrat smear tactic. You know full well that was meaningless banter of the type you frequently engage in as well. Are you a sexual predator? You lie every day of your life. What did Trump lie about? The American people saw through that desperate ploy to derail Trump's campaign. It didn't work. He was elected President. It's not an issue any more.

Funny you want to to bring up "character". I think the character and integrity displayed by DT during his time in office has been stellar and impeccable. But I noticed the fact that when your boy Slick Willie was President, you demon-rats didn't seem to have any problem whatsoever with the fact that Slick Willie was a serial rapist and was in the habit of having female White House interns polish the ole trailer hitch during recreational romps in the Oval Office. No you libtards were all good with that; that was nobody's business other than his own, LOL, But you are outraged because Trump was recorded using some naughty words getting off of a bus (10 years before his run for President) Hypocritical much?
Avatar KAL035 -
Q: How do you confuse a Liberal?

A: You don't. They're born that way.

Avatar LiLSpeedy -
That was then, this is now. Pay attention. First of all, I don't think much of a man that is a pathological liar. Maybe that is your kind of man you can identify with...being the corrupt crooked cop that you once was. But it is very evident that the majority of Americans don't agree with your assessment of Trump's character. BTW, Clinton was impeached and found not guilty by the Senate. Since the senate is in the hands of the repubs, why are so many repubs worried?
Avatar KAL035 -
If you don't like pathological liars, then you should despise Obammy. Name one single "lie" Donald Trump ever told. You can't.
Avatar KAL035 -
Whoopdedoo! So the democraps gave Slick Willie a free pass on the articles of impeachment and let him stay in office. Hardly surprising. But let me get this straight, you're saying that Clinton was a man of integrity and character was NOT a serial rapist and did NOT have illicit affairs and sexually abuse White House interns and then lie about it? I don't think even you would be so dumb as to defend Clinton, but I could be wrong. Ya'll were all cheering him on back in 1998/1999. The majority of Americans do in fact agree with my assessment of Trump's character, but of course you get your information from the Communist News Network and MSLSD, lol. Who are these "worried" Republicans that you speak of? I'm not not aware of any Trump supporters that are worried about all the phony baloney hype surrounding the "Special Counsel". What a load of crappola!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I know that I'm wasting my time with a sycophant, but I will humor you away. He lied when he said he could not released his taxes. He lied about ever meeting POOTIN. He lied about trying to do business with Russia. He lied about meeting to drop sanctions against Russia in exchange for dirt on Hillary. He lied on Obama about bugging his hotel. He lied about Obama's birth certificate. He lied about not knowing the women that he sexually abused. He lied when he said he was going to sue them. He lied when he said he wrote a check to the VA. He lied about Mexico paying for the wall. He lied about the middle class tax cut. This is just a few of hundreds that he has told since he has been in office. Try to rationalize these away, eh.
Avatar KAL035 -
As I suspected, you had nothing. You had to get on the internet and see what CNN, politico or the other left wing rags had put out there on the subject. I don't have the time nor energy to disprove each one of them individually, but they are all demonstrably false. You demon-rats try to spin everything he says as a "lie" but give Obammy a free pass on all of the whoppers he told every time he opened his trap. Some of those on your list are downright laughable. Trump NEVER said he could not release his taxes. Lied about meeting Putin? I guess you pulled that one out your azz. Trump's meetings with Putin are well documented and widely publicized. Any nitwit knows Obammy was born in Kenya. There is no doubt that Obama did have have Trump spied on and private communications intercepted during the campaign under the cover of conducting legitimate surveillance on foreign targets. They were manipulating the FBI paid to have a fake Russian dossier invented on Trump for insurance against him winning, but weren't crooked enough to stoop to spying on him? LOL! He didn't have to sue the fake sexual assault victims because he won they stopped lying. Mexico will eventually pay or help pay for the wall in one way or another. The middle class tax cuts are real. Your alleged list of "lies" is totally unfounded and utterly preposterous. None of them hold any water. Nice try, but as usual, you strike out again.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, I should feel sorry for you but I don't. If you choose to be ignorant and in denial about a pathological liar and sexual pervert I can't help you. You're in denial because you can't handle the truth about Trumpy. Whether you want to admit it or not you have been duped by Trumpy, all 35% of you all. You are not going to believe it until Mueller charges the ORANGE MAN with OBSTRUCTION and other crimes dealing with Russia. SMHLMAO
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
BTW, you never gave any reasons why Trump should be the most admired man in America. Inquiring minds want to know. He could easily be the most hated man in America hands down. LOL
Avatar KAL035 -
LOL, all I can say is you are very foolish. Once again, in case you weren't paying attention,the pathological liar was Obammy, and the sexual predator was Slick Willie. Interesting how the demon-rats have the habit of accusing the Republicans of the very thing they did themselves, to-wit: Russian Collusion. The only evidence of collusion with the Russians involves Obammy and Crooked Hillary. So you demon-rats love to cast aspersions on Trump and portray him as a "pathological liar" and a "sexual predator". That's the latest tactic. It is a known fact that demon-rats are very sneaky, very devious and very dishonest. They can be counted on to do the wrong thing EVERY time. Its going to such a sad, sad day for you dimwits when Trump wins a 2nd term in 2020, LOL! And I assure you, just like I did last time, that he will win again. Stay tuned for the latest.
Avatar KAL035 -
I don't have to to rehash the last 12 months, but if you been paying attention over the course of 2017, you would already know the answer to that question. Figure out yourself.
Avatar KAL035 -
Maybe I did, but I don't recall suggesting that Trump should be the most admired man in America. I'm almost certain that he is. My contention was that Insane Hussein is certainly not the most admired man in America by any stretch of the imagination. He probably would be in The Democratic Republic of Obamastan, but not in the USA. Trump is far more admired than you could even begin to fathom.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Just as I figured. You can't defend a creepy old dotard no matter how hard you try. You just make yourself look ridiculous to the LP family and www. SAD
Avatar KAL035 -
Glad you learned a new word from Lil'kim, but once again you're not making any sense. You probably support Rocket Man over President Trump. A lot of y'all do and don't even try to hide it. You'd rather have a Communist Dictator running the country than a Republican. Obammy was the closest thing we've ever had to a Communist Dictator. He was real chummy with lil'Kim and always let him have his way. By the way, the only one that looks ridiculous on this page is you. Demon-rats are incapable of rational thought. But they do love all things antithetical to goodness, morality, truth and integrity. If its evil, unmoral, dishonest and unethical, the demon-rats are all for it. They're good with that.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
More gibberish from an unlearned man. Tenth time in a row. Way to go Obama.
Avatar KAL035 -
Yep, I see you have much respect for Obozo The Clown, 1st muzzie homo President ever! The long legged mack daddy had a steamy love affair with Larry Sinclair, but then 'Michael' aka "Moochelle' came along flexing his biceps and swept the long legged mack daddy off his feet! Even George Bush and Dick Cheney knows it true! LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Ten in a row. Eat your heart out. Jealous MALCONTENT.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
This makes #60. I'm done with this thread. I have made my point. You may have it now. See ya, I wouldn't want to be ya. Go Obama!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
This makes #60. I'm done with this thread. I have made my point. You may have it now. See ya, I wouldn't want to be ya. Go Obama!
Avatar KAL035 -
The long legged mack daddy is a deviant, hip-hopping, half-breed mooslum emissary of the Devil, an illegal alien from Kenya, the President of Immorality in Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Vice President of Genocide in Hades, but the Democrats still bow down and worship him at the altar of Beelzebub. Larry Sinclair admires the long legged mack daddy so much that he wants to rekindle that steamy love affair! Larry can't forget that one night years ago when Barry looked deep into his eyes and put a spell on him! Larry still remembers the mesmerizing and ravaging bright color and texture of the red lip gloss on Barry's lips looming closer and closer just before they locked lips for the 1st time. Larry later contracted AIDS, but for the sake of old times, they are going to meet up next month at the Holiday Inn after Michael jets off to Prince Harry's wedding to devour all the royal lobster claws set out on the appetizer table. After a few drinks, the long legged mack daddy is going to turn on the ole mojo and make Larry remember when they were the talk of the town! LOL, that's your boy Obammy!
Avatar KAL035 -
Okay, good, I'm done too. I'm quite certain I made my point.
Avatar Soledad -
Ok first, there was an appeal to Bill Clinton's impeachment which he won, which was why he was allowed to stay in office. Trust me I haven't read all of this, but I did notice that. It had nothing to do with the 'Democrats', notice the capital D mind you, it had to do with the legal system or justice system. Secondly, Trump is popular, although perhaps he's more popular in his own mind, but he is. Lastly, the funny thing about politics is people voye because they have dreams or ideologies they wish to hold onto. They, or at least most of them, don't fully understand who is better than who, or who is the right choice until far after the result. That is where we stand right now. And it is not the firat time this has happened in determining qho is the better choice for a candidate. But to be honest, certain memberships have soared this year in organizations, due to young people becoming thoroughly disheartened with Trump as President. But, honestly folks, was it really a surprise that the Republican party was just gonna sit down idly by? Politics is funny though that's for sure.
Avatar KAL035 -
Slick Willie was impeached by the Republican controlled House of Representatives in DEC/1998. The two articles of impeachment were- 1) perjury, and 2) Obstruction of Justice. Slick Willie's trial got underway in the Senate in JAN/1999. On February 12th, 1999, the Senate voted on whether or not to remove Slick Willie from office. In regard to the perjury charge, 45 democraps and 10 Republicans voted "not guilty". In regard to the obstruction of justice charge, the Senate was split 50/50.

Therefore, it is not accurate to say the democraps had "nothing to do with it". They had quite a lot to do with it. In essence it did boil down to the democraps giving Slick Willie a "free pass". He was allowed to stay in office, even though everybody knew he was guilty as sin. Somewhat analogous to the concept of jury annulment. The Clintons have always considered themselves above the law, and expect/demand preferential treatment in such matters. At the end of it all, Slick Willie said he was sorry for all the trouble he had caused and that was the end of it. A Republican President would have been crucified, but its not nearly so bad with a democrap. BTW, the lower case 'D' is a little quirk of mine, I can't ever seem to get it right, Lol
Avatar KAL035 -
Forgot to mention in first paragraph, that the prosecution needed a â…” senate majority to convict.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
You still here hijacking the thread? SAD
Avatar KAL035 -
Ha! Gotcha! I knew you wouldn't be able to stand it, LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Nah, you are redundant and boring. You have nothing new to say. Put a fork in it, you're done KKKAL. SAD
Avatar KAL035 -
Good enough. We all know you're the #1 fan of the Long Legged Mooslum Mack Daddy! LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -

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