I Still Wish Hillary Clinton Were President



Entry #24,953


Avatar pp012463 -
Me 2!
Avatar KAL035 -
Crooked Hillary is an aloof old harridan. The worst possible candidate the dimwits could have run. Even worse than Obozo. Bat-chit crazy through and through! So naturally the loony tunes libtards loved her! Truly, everyone should be be profoundly grateful and continuing to give thanks to God every day that Donald Trump is the President after 8 utterly disastrous years under the regime of the illegitimate Impostor from Kenya aka Insane Hussein Osama.
Avatar lejardin -
Correct Kal. Hillary would be like having Pelosi or Warren as President, certifiably crazy. Just dont know who would be worst.
I for one am very grateful for Trump, a man of his word, and reversing the damage the fraudulent, phony, past president Insane Obama

Avatar LiLSpeedy -
My word so much envy and jealousy going into the new year. At this point, you are in for another disappointing year with Trump. Let's just see what Mueller has in store and go from there. Until then, it is amusing to compare Trump with past presidents, especially Obama. Your obsession with him is not normal. Your hateful rhetoric only divides and force people to take sides. This will not make America great again, This is making America hate again. A house divided against itself, will not prosper, nor will it stand.
Avatar konane -
Wheels are coming off the legacy media which has been recognized as nothing more than a mouthpiece for globalist agenda. Hillary was the choice to lead the charge in that direction because they were all guaranteed she's win.

Seems the MSM is lamenting because the alt media has replaced them for everyone outside the herd.
Avatar jarasan -
2017 was a great first year for Trump and America!!!! His next 11 years are going to be even greater and wonderful!!!!!!!

Did you see Kim Dum Yung of NK wants to participate in the Olympics now??? Hmmmmmm wonder why?
Avatar KAL035 -
Possibly to release anthrax and infect athletes being housed at the Olympic Village?
Avatar KAL035 -
As part of her negotiating strategy to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula and divert attention from the looming problem of nuclear annihilation, Crooked Hillary as President would have seen to it that lil'Kim's Ministry of Terrorism had ample stockpiles of the most lethal strain of anthrax bacterium known to mankind. But only under the strict stipulation that Lil'Kim promises not to launch any more missiles for the next 4 years. LOL
Avatar Soledad -
Haha idk what you all reiterating over and over like some bad microphone or radio set, but I'll just make a valid point which is not made much here. Anyways here goes, I heard Trump say something about how we could use some of that global warming to help out with the freezing temperatures. Well, somebody should explain to the 'Don' as he's now called amongst his rich buddies that it is because of global warming that it is so cold righy now. It is because global warming that if you throw a bucket of hot water in th air you will instantly see snowflakes form in some parts. It is because global warming that zoos now have to bring the penguins indoors. TV President people, this is who you have put your trust in. This guy makes Reagan look like Einstein. Haha what a bad joke. Mother Nature always laughs last pussies.
Avatar KAL035 -
Yep, some of that good ole reverse effect "global warming" ushered in a balmy 22 deg F this morning in southwest GA. Record Arctic ice growth recorded by scientists from the Danish Meteorological Institute for September 2017 is surely also directly attributable to "global warming", LOL! But wait a minute.....the leftist junk science scammers may make a believer out of me yet when the penguins start showing up in my backyard! I would have to consider that to be incontrovertible evidence of "global warming", LOL! You can be sure that if Clueless Crooked Hillary had been elected, she would be at the vanguard of the on-going Inquisition against climate change disbelievers. Al Gore's self-serving global warming hoax makes the "Don's" views on the subject look like 10 Einsteins combined. Mother Nature will indeed have the last laugh. You got that part right anyway!
Avatar Soledad -
Let's see if I can send anyone into apoplexy. President Obama should never have surrendered office. He should've tried to protect the Constitution. (:
Avatar KAL035 -
'Obama', 'constitution' and 'protect' are three words combined that can't make sense. Substitute 'destroy' or 'decimate' for 'protect' and you start to make sense. Attempt to induce apoplexy fails.
Avatar Soledad -
If the bar was any lower it would be in Earth's core.
Avatar KAL035 -
Don't be so pessimistic about past failures under Obozo. Trump demanded that the bar be raised up off the ground. You never saw a bar so high as what we have now! And it gets raised another 10 feet every time another democrat is run out of Washington DC! Democrats liked it better when they could just step over the bar and keep going. Things are definitely looking up in America now thanks to the new no-nonsense Sheriff! Better get on the Trump Train before you get left behind with the swamp creatures.
Avatar Soledad -
You sound pretty sure of your science regarding "global warming". Regardless, the facts are there. Many politicians have stated that people need to get used to these new 'extremes' in the weather. It's as if they know something that we don't.
I also don't believe in fear tactics or bullying or intimidating the press. We are lucky here to have a freedom of information act. Not all countries do.
Avatar KAL035 -
I am very sure of it.

This may help you sort it out.


Avatar LiLSpeedy -
This is off-topic as usual, but I looked up the above site for you Soledad.
One has to consider the source when seeking information about global warming from non-scientists or global warming denial sites. The Dailey Caller is a repub only wacko site. Aaron Bandler is a staff writer with a degree in journalism, with a minor in economics. Since he doesn’t have a degree in Science it makes anything that he says about the subject moot, especially since he is a global warming denial himself. This is a pure indoctrination site. SAD
Avatar KAL035 -
Wrong again as usual! But that's okay, I forgot you get your news from the potheads at the Cannabis News Network, LOL! The information in the link I provided is very accurate. Global warming is a hoax and you are a big Dummy for buying into it. I know it all 'gibberish' to you since it's above 4th grade level and did not come from the Cannabis News Network.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
It is a hoax to you because you are illiterate when it comes to the study of climate, weather, and global warming. It takes a person with a science background to fully understand these concepts. You don't possess the smarts or education to decipher scientific research. To say that you do is only fooling yourself. I will take the word of scientist over a journalist any day. Scientist work with empirical evidence, not something that you read on a wacky repub site. Go get an education, then you can talk science.
Avatar KAL035 -
No, Lil'dummy! The false narrative of global warming is the politicization of climate science that is seen in the clever juxtaposition of contradictory and illogical claims that are falsely presented as "scientific fact". For nothing more than the purpose of advancing the leftist agenda. The Liberals have succeeded in spinning a deceitful web of climate change hysteria and an atmosphere of irrational fear-mongering. Towards the end of creating and perpetrating the illusion of a looming man-made crisis of purportedly catastrophic and devastating proportions! Of course, the "looming crisis" can only be stopped through means of urgent and massive government intervention. The alarmist Left likes to paint global warming skeptics as "right-wing deniers". The phony "97 percent" statistic that is constantly paraded as evidence of scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming is patently not true and has been thoroughly debunked. It is not "settled science" by any stretch of the imagination. The typical low-information crowd (comprised mostly of dumb and gullible democrats) falls for the hoax every time! President Trump sees the climate change hustle for what it is. He has already saved the country billions of dollars by pulling us out of the Paris Climate Accord. Go Trump!
Avatar KAL035 -
Lil'dummy, you and Sierra Club President Aaaron Mair must get your "scientific facts" from the same source. During 2015 Senate hearings on climate change claims, Mair was repeatedly unable to answer straightforward questions about global warming. Senator Cruz exposed Mair's lack of knowledge regarding even basic climate facts. Maybe they should subpoena you to testify next time since you're such an expert on the subject. Eye-opening video here:

Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I have a Master's Degree in Science and Mathematics. I went to in-services and seminars in science for thirty-one years. What level of study do you have in Science?
Avatar KAL035 -
And your point is? The fact is it doesn't matter if you 10 Master's Degrees; they're worthless if you lack basic understanding and common sense. Some of the dumbest people I ever worked with and supervised loved nothing better than to point to constantly talk about their "MASTER'S DEGREES" , LOL, but they couldn't write a single coherent sentence! Their reports looked like they were written by kindergarten kids. I had to spend an inordinate amount of time correcting paperwork of these brain dead geniuses with MASTER'S DEGREES since they were incapable of doing it themselves. I don't think Ted Cruz is a scientist either, but he sure handed the climate change expert Aaron Mair his butt on a platter, LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, the difference between you and me is that I'm highly educated and you're not. You have no choice but to believe everything that you hear on your wacky repub sites. I have what you wish you had. That is why you are so envious and jealous. It's not too late to go and get a degree. Then you won't have to pretend to be someone that you are not.
Avatar KAL035 -
Bottom line is you're been duped, just like almost all of the so-called "enlightented" and "elite" democrat left-wingers. Always willing to ignore the truth and accept the lie to advance the agenda.
Avatar KAL035 -
Do you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for them. (Proverbs 26: 12)
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Ignorance is bliss. I'm not wasting anymore of my time on foolishness. You have decided to be uninformed for the rest of your life, so be it.
Avatar KAL035 -
I iz not dumbs! I gots me a MASTERS DEGREE! LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
You can't help the way you are. You're uneducated. SAD
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
How far in school did you go? What college did you attend? What did you major in? Did you graduate? Just curious.
Avatar KAL035 -
Just because I'm such a nice person, there will be no extra charge to you for me just straightening out and clearing up in a few concise paragraphs your 31 years of misunderstanding and confusion on the subject of global warming. Your welcome.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Answer my questions on #30. Now if you lie on here there are people that know who you are. That is why I tell the truth about myself. The people that know me outside of my screen name knows that the things that I say about myself is true.
Avatar KAL035 -
Really, Lil'dummy? I'm not on here to toot my own horn and talk about how smart I am. I'm just here to present the facts. But in the process of doing that, you very frequently, if not always, end up eating crow and being embarrassed. Every time I embarrass you on these pages and expose your general lack of knowledge on most everything, you always start hollering real loud about that MASTERS DEGREE that you allegedly possess. LOL! That's really starting to get a bit lame. To avoid future embarrassment and save face, just don't start spouting off on subjects that you know nothing of. I'm not applying for a position with Lil'dummy's Downtown Hand Car Wash, so I really don't feel the need to capitulate to any demands for supplying of personal information. The information you so desperately seek has already been posted once in response to one of your disjointed rants. Go back and find it. Otherwise, post your name and address and I will surely send you the transcripts, LOL
Avatar KAL035 -
Shooting down your never-ending stream of ignorant and lame comments is much like shooting fish in a barrel. So easy, but not very sporting. I need more of a challenge.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Just as I thought. You never went pass 12th grade. That is why you always get off the subject. College graduates learn to stick to the subject. You don't possess that ability. You probably wasn't college material. LOL
Avatar KAL035 -
Excuse me, but who is off the subject? You're the one that had to go butting in on a thread about Crooked Hillary with your worthless 2 cents about global warming. Which was essentially nothing but repeatedly emphasizing and reiterating how "smart" you are, LOL, I rest my case!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I talk about college because I know you never went. That is why you try to down-play it when I mention it. Keep telling yourself you're smarter than a college graduate if it makes you feel better. Poor sap. LOL
Avatar KAL035 -
If I were to inform you that I was a graduate from the University of Cambridge in England, would you believe it? What makes you think that anyone believes you might hold any kind of advanced degree? Because you said so? LOL! I don't think so! I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but your postings on LP certainly don't lend any credence to that supposition. Post it or you've been fibbing. Simple as that.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
The only reason I made a comment is because you made an uninformed comment about Global Warming on #10. I would not have said anything if it didn't sound so dumb. In the future, don't make comments you can back-up. Getting off the subject when you are called out for wrong information only shows your ignorance of the subject at hand.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I've been a member of the LP for 12 years. People that know me know that I am a University of Georgia Graduate. I got my Master's degree from there also. My story have never changed. I am a retired teacher and that's not going to change sonny.
Avatar KAL035 -
I did back them up. I would never post information that I couldn't back up. Poster Soledad initially interjected unsolicited comments about global warming in #9. I responded in the appropriate manner with factual information, not with baseless speculation or "feelings" .
Avatar KAL035 -
Well, I will say that if what you say is true, in order to to protect the good reputation and dignity of the specified institution, you should not be openly spreading that information around with too many people. If they were to get word of the nonsense that you habitually post on LP, your degree would be revoked effective immediately.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
If you went to an undergrad class at Georgia with that kind of logic about Global warming they would laugh you out of the class. SMH
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
FYI, you can't have your degree revoked when you are retired, dah.
Avatar KAL035 -
So you say, but I see you conveniently never bothered to respond to the YouTube video of Ted Cruz owning Sierra Club expert Aaron Mair on the subject of global warming during 2015 Senate hearings. I didn't notice anybody laughing at Senator Cruz. Collecting the accolades yes, but being laughed out of class, no! But I suppose you consider Senate Floor Hearings to be nothing but a platform for "wacko repub sites" as you are so fond of saying, no? LOL!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I like, many others, do not like Cruz missile...if you research any of my posts you would clearly see that. I was the first to start calling him Cruz missile, even before the media picked it up.
Avatar KAL035 -
Of course you don't like Cruz, he's a thorough-bred conservative and and extremely intelligent, duh
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
This is off the subject again, but Cruz missile was rejected by most Americans when he made a failed attempt to run for POTUS, and he is not popular with many of his colleagues. He's a lone wolf.
Avatar KAL035 -
Better watch out for Cruz after Trump's second term is over!
Avatar KAL035 -
It was a failed attempt because he had to contend with Trump. Tough act for anybody to follow!
Avatar KAL035 -
Trump forced all the players to rethink conventional establishment wisdom and strategies.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Then why was Trump so afraid to run against Obama, eh? Oh well, I'm off. I've got other things to do besides keep you company on this thread. I know you are lonely but my time is very valuable to me. See ya, I wouldn't want to be ya. LOL
Avatar KAL035 -
Trump afraid of Obama? LOL, good one! Not bad for an amateur comedian.

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