Obama Rips Fox News Viewers: You Are Living on A Different Planet


Entry #25,003


Avatar Soledad -
It's true. Unfortunately sometimes people want to live in a fantasy world.
Avatar rcbbuckeye -
"F" Obummer. This is a guy who has a fake birth certificate. Who hid his college transcripts. Who kept he early years completely under wraps so people wouldn't really know who and what he is.
Avatar KAL035 -
And of course, we can't forget that the Obozo administration was as transparent and pure as the wind driven snow. Not even a smidgen of corruption or malfeasance! LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Fox news is trying to make themselves relevant after going up in flames in scandal after scandal from the top to the bottom. What goes around, comes around. Fox is mainly for the low informed and gullible. LMAO
Avatar KAL035 -
Right. So says the DeKalb County cheerleader for the low IQ crowd that gets their daily dose of fake news from the Crybaby "Lemon Boy" at Cannabis News Network, otherwise known by their slogan- "The Most Trusted Name in News": For Potheads, Democrats and Communists, LOL
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Any News Media is better than Fox. What a name, except the fox paid for putting his nasty and perverted hands on the women employees. What a joke of a network.
Avatar KAL035 -
I completely understand your preference for Cannabis News Network and MS-LSD. Fox News has the unusual habit of telling the TRUTH which is anathema to Demon-rats.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Fox is a conspiracy network. It's like a soap opera for mentally challenged repubs.
Avatar KAL035 -
Umm, excuse me but I'm pretty sure that it was Cannabis News Network and MS-LSD that were breathlessly promoting and gleefully perpetrating the Hoax of the Century on the American People, to-wit: the false narrative of the"Russian Colluuusion" conspiracy theory, ever since Trump told a joke at at 2016 campaign event. Some really dumb and dishonest employees at those networks that dedicate themselves 27/7 to putting out totally fake news for the viewing pleasure of Dimwit Mental Midgets.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
It's OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE and MONEY LAUNDERING stupid. Keep up slow learner.
Avatar amber123 -
They should be called "FIXED" News....Have you looked at some of those mugs?...They look like freaks!

The right wing nut jobs are definitely mutants.
Avatar lejardin -
I think I know who is living on a different planet and has been since he was elected President and since THANKFULLY vacated the office. Guess again Obama, it ain't me. I am a PROUD Fox News Watcher. Get it guys? And before you three liberal mental midgets start...... have a coke and a smile and.....
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Fox news is made for people like you. The proud, stupid, and dumb. You go girl!
Avatar KAL035 -
Try to stop being a troll Lil'dummy, for just one night. You need to hurry up and get back to Cannabis News Network or MS-LSD. You don't want to miss the latest breaking developments on the "Russian Colluuusion" investigation! CNN "Lemon Boy" has some real juicy updates on the Macaroni Man investigation! He would probably be willing to meet you one-on-one so he can whisper all the salacious details in your ear! You just have to be nice and meet him in the CNN parking lot with a small gift after he gets off shift. Be sure to post back what you find out!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Go look at fox fool...I'm going to look at SNL and laugh for a while. See YA!
Avatar KAL035 -
Take your time. SNL always has plenty of lame anti-Trump material for nitwits and birdbrains so you will be in good company! You sure you're not off to meet Lemon Boy?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Unlike you KKKAL, I have more life experiences than you. I don't expect you to react the same as me. I have to laugh at you when you try to lecture me about things of the past that you were not present to witness first-hand. Many of the things I talk about is from actual experiences whereas all you have is second-hand or stereotypical rhetoric passed down from the racist past. You talk a good game but you lack the life experience to back up anything that you say with convictions. In other words, it's all gibberish. It's just down-right laughable.
Avatar KAL035 -
Lil'dummy, I hardly think SNL qualifies as a "life experience", but you go ahead and list it on your resume, if you are so inclined. You are however, 100% correct in your assertion that I don't react in the same manner as you do when confronted with incontrovertible hard facts pertaining to the realities of our walk through life. Your views are skewed and warped since you've been laboring under the self-imposed burden of delusional paranoia for the better part of your existence. You were taught to play the race card at an early age while still attending High School. So, instead of enjoying the nice walk to the neighborhood corner store to buy your lottery tickets, you are fearful and apprehensive because you see invisible Russians, Racists and Bigots and KKK hiding under every bush along the way. Your beady little eyes dart around from left to right as you hurry by, lest they be plotting to jump out from the bushes and snare you in a trap. This type of paranoid behavior is self-defeating and counter-productive. You don't have to live that way. The current year is 2018, not 1955! I've tried to help you many times, but you're an obstinate old fool that would rather continue down the wrong path rather than turn around and go in the right direction.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, how many times do I have to tell you that your advice lacks sound judgment because you lack the experience...gained only by age mixed with experience, neither of which you possess. That is just a fact. You must have been a real obnoxious child growing up in the South. It's probably why you became a police, you say at 17. However, I don't find it hard to believe. You were the type of individual that was easy to mold and indoctrinate in the white supremacy way of thinking. Much of the police force in Albany, GA was made up of people like you. It is a known fact that people of color during your tenure were arrested more, harassed more, and were denied their civil rights under the constitution. You have no credibility when it comes to speaking about Trump. Both of you, except for wealth, came from the same SH!THOLES.
Avatar KAL035 -
Can you get anything right, Lil'Dummy? Just once? No Police Department hires 17-year olds! I never said any such thing. You should stop lying, but what do I expect from a Democrat? I was washing dishes, making salads and bussing tables at 17. Not riding the beat in a patrol car, LOL! Your post #19 above was yet another prime example of the inherent self-defeating nature of willful, sustained and ingrained ignorance acquired over the course of a lifetime.

FYI- if any person survives 35 continuous years of a career in Law Enforcement, that person has a veritable WEALTH of experience and VERY sound judgement that FAR exceeds the gamut of anything you will ever encounter and be required to deal with. That, coupled with the benefit of knowledge is essentially what the job of a police officer revolves around. Judgement, discernment, knowledge, integrity and skill are all crucially important attributes and qualities to possess if one aspires to survive and prosper in the profession of Law Enforcement. Otherwise, you might as well go put in an application at the school system where all you have to do is show up and collect a check. You would not have lasted a month as a police officer before getting fired due to your obvious lack of judgement and corresponding lack of discernment. Both are necessary to be able to distinguish and differentiate between right and wrong, foolish and wise, ethical and unethical, so on and so forth. If you possess and correctly apply these essential attributes, you have the ability to succeed and increase the likelihood of going home alive every day.

So please don't talk to me about your superior "judgement" and purported 'experience", LOL! You know nothing about judgement, discernmen, much less integrity! And incredibly. you seem to have no qualms about proving it with your every post! Furthermore, despite your advanced years, you seem to lack the corresponding level of maturity that would be expected by this time. Like a rebellious teenager, as you keep coming back for more punishment and instruction! I assess you are an old fool that is wise in his own eyes.

BTW- President Trump, unlike his predecessor is a Pro-Law Enforcement President. All the Police support President Trump. The thugs, dope-smokers, gang members and other street vermin, not so much! I have the highest possible degree of credibility in speaking of these matters. And I prove it every time. You got that?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKKAL, while you were pissing in your pants and shooting marbles, I was fighting for bigots like you. So don't give me any of your sanctimonious garbage about how you protected and served and risked your life fool. Where I was the enemy shot back. The difference between me and you is that I did it for my country, not for recognition, reward, or a preferred race.
Avatar KAL035 -
For you, the choice came down to serving hard time at the notorious Boy's Reformatory in Florida, or ship out for military service in order to get your act together. Those old school boy's Reformatories were serious business! So, it wasn't too hard to make the decision to enter into Military Service, especially after your parents laid down the law. But I hear you made the grade and did prove to be quite useful in keeping the latrines from becoming overly filthy and disgusting for the benefit of the fighting grunts. You later acquired useful dish washing skills and learned to peel a mean potato while assigned to KP duty. So it must have done you some good! I commend you for a job well done! Those are a set of skills that carry over and endure after making the transition back to civilian life.

FYI- the thugs, dopers and street vermin also shoot back and randomly target police officers patrolling the streets. Your beloved Kenyan Messiah encouraged the thugs and street vermin to rise up in reckless homicidal violence against the evil police officers. He also signaled his approval when they were rioting, looting and burning the cities. Obummer and his goon Eric Holder did everything in their power to cripple police agencies while simultaneously increasing tensions and volatility in urban metropolitan and inner-city areas. It got so bad in 2016, that 64 police officers were killed by gunfire, 21 as a result of ambush style attacks. Thankfully, the thugs and gang members are being beat back as safety and security for US citizens again takes precedence over the street gangs. Safety and security for US citizens are among the top concerns of President Trump. He is also seeing to it that surplus military equipment summarily taken from Police Departments by Obummer and Holder, are being returned in an expeditious manner. This is equipment that they desperately need to help in winning the on-going daily battle of reclaiming our cities.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
You were a reject. You did want to serve your country because you were terrified of being sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Pussy.
Avatar KAL035 -
Potato Peeler.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
You're right! I peeled a lot of potatoes with my M-16 rifle.

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