Trump admin has replaced family separation with indefinite family detention


Entry #25,639


Avatar JAP69 -
At least the family is together until they see the judge.
Need to draw the line on releasing them into the general population. This mass illegal immigration needs to stop. Plain and simple.
Avatar KAL035 -
Get ready for another round of leftist lunacy and "outrage".
Avatar Soledad -
Yeah John McCain said that too. Until he realized the country couldn’t pay their own people the low wages they were paying illegals to pick lettuce. And guess what, we still have the illegals picking lettuce and everyone’s happy making their bs money. What a joke. Have you heard what’s going on with the cilantro? Lol Omg. Republicans don’t have a clue. The party is not the same as it was. People don’t like the left, that’s fine. It was bound to happen eventually. It does not mean it will stay this way forever. You will see one day. The left is the only solution.
Avatar KAL035 -

Communism has failed wherever it was tried. And you think the left is the only solution? Wow

Commie lover.....
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
McCarthyism at its worst. SAD
Avatar KAL035 -
President Trump would be well-advised to reinstate HUAC to investigate subversive activities of the Democrats and aspiring Communists actively working to undermine his Presidency and the future well-being of our great country. Liberal heads would be exploding left and right at unprecedented rates!

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