The world according to Trump


So get this, Trump said that his interview trashing the Prime Minister of England was fake news. So he's basically saying cameras are fake, the interview where he sat or whatever he did during the interview was fake, he was never there, his comments if he was there were misconstrued, only a total moron would back that up.

This dictator is definitely losing his mind!

Entry #3


Avatar KAL035 -
Guess what Amberjack? The Prime Minister also agreed with President Trump that all the sensationalized hoopla in the The Sun interview were in so many words "fake news". Trump made it known during the interview that there existed some differences of opinion that might hamper a future trade deal between the two countries, but no, he did not "trash the Prime Minister of England" In her own words, Theresa May told Trump during yesterday's live press conference: "Don't worry, it's only the press. I thought it was very professional". She backed up what Trump said so therefore, in your estimation, I suppose the English Prime Minister is also a "total moron" ?
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amberjackoff do yourself a favor, get off the oxy.
Avatar Sarge0202 -
The Prime Minister was being DIPLOMATIC, look up the word you wrongist.
Avatar KAL035 -
STFU and get your head out of your azz you dipsh*t leftist freakazoid
Avatar Sarge0202 -
Thanks for proving my point.
Avatar KAL035 -
You have no point, no understanding nor any discernment. You are addicted to drinking the leftist Kool-Aid. You need all the help you can get. I do endeavor, on a daily basis, to provide helpful hints or advice for those poor souls not so quick on the uptake in matters of politics. Therefore, if you felt my comments were in any way helpful, your thanks are accepted. Without regard to the intended snarkiness. Always glad to help!
Avatar jarasan -
Where is detective shortbus? Is there a detective in the house?
Avatar KAL035 -
Last I heard from Detective Shortbus was earlier in the week on one of the safe-space blogs announcing with bated breath that Strzok/Strzuk/Smirk was going to spill the beans on Trump during his public testimony on Thursday. And that the shocking revelations to be made public during that testimony were going to mark the beginning of the the end of the Trump Administration. Oops! Guess he's working on the next short-bus analysis now, LOL
Avatar sully16 -
Short bus is busy , he's looking for a corner in a round room.
Avatar amber124 -
All of you are a bunch of brainwash right-wing nutjobs who will never get it ever ever ever get it   what a bunch of dumbasses

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