Now We All Know What Putin Has On Trump


Entry #25,687


Avatar jarasan -
Another load of derangement syndrome sh1t.
Avatar Sarge0202 -
Lets talk about Obama Derangement Syndrome for a second.
Lapel pin
Tan suite
Salute with coffee in hand
Born in Kenya (he wasn't)
Secret Muslim (he wasn't)
Feet on desk

NONE of these involved our national security or economy.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
He ignores the fact Russia influenced our election
He fires whitehouse cybersecurity coordinator and removes position
He refuses to order Security Councils to counter Russia's cyber attacks
He praises dictatorships and insults and belittles our allies
His trade"wars" our hurting our economy
His tax cut is increasing our yearly deficits to over 1 Trillion
He lies about everything from crowd sizes to having the biggest or best whatever
Etc, etc

Feet on the desk does not affect national security or our economy, Trump's stuff does

When I signed up for the Army, I swore an oath (similar to the President's oath) to protect our country from threats, foreign or domestic.

But apparently more people care about "stiggnet to the libs" then our nations security, our democracy, our economy and our way of live.

And this is where you chicken out, call me a "leftist demonRAT" then block me.
Avatar KAL035 -
What a load of happy horsesh*t that was! Are you kidding me? Did you post that with a straight face? Trying to make the the Sneaky Snake/Kenyan Impostor out to be some kind of American hero? LOL! You really do need to back off of the Kool-Aid. NEVER was there a more treacherous, devious, conniving, incompetent, deceitful, traitorous so-called "president" than Insane Hussein Osama. I would think that somebody that claims to have done military service would have better sense than to support than to support a President overtly antagonistic/hostile to traditional American values. But I get it, the leftist pukes love them some Obammy. You still driving around with an Obongo bumper sticker on your car?

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