GOP Senator Defends Maxine Waters Against Trump's 'Low I Q' Attacks


Entry #25,755


Avatar eddessaknight -
Remember GOP President Lincoln ??
Avatar amber124 -
Duh........ he is dumb as a doornail. and please don't tell me just because he's rich, that it makes him intelligent. It should be so obvious to millions of people but it's not unfortunately because his supporters are as dumb as he is.
Avatar jarasan -
crazy maxie, if she was as stupid as she is violent and incendiary...... then she is a blithering idiot.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
It's amazing how some repubs like to revert to RACIAL STEREOTYPES that have been disproved decades ago in order to divert attention from comments made by people of colors in general, Blacks in specific. These people are the true racists in America. SAD
Avatar jarasan -
lil*returdburglar all you have is racism, douche bag.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it's a duck. DUH!
Avatar jarasan -
Good analogy lil*returdburglar! You are a racist douche bag duck.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
JARASH!T, you are one of the racists I was referring to on comment #4.

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