Latest lucid dream update



Okay guys, I have a good one for you today. I'm not making this stuff up I swear. From time to time I get these depending on the whole host of many different variables that have to be like the perfect storm because I'm getting older now it doesn't come to me as often as I used to be when I was younger.

Anyways, my phone in the lucid dream felt like it was a vibrating really hard, and then that vibration started going through my hands arms all way up to my whole upper torso body hand and down to my toes was the most strangest lucid dream I've had ever, meaning never I had a transference of energy like that, like lucidity on top of lucidity LOL

Entry #20


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Oh my God I forgot to mention one that happened even sooner than the one I posted above. Reason I probably forgot about it was because it wasn't as installing.

Yeah this was this morning actually, it was very very strange but it wasn't loose it, there were Lucid moments but not continually. The most intriguing part was during the Lucid Parts because I remember clearly looking back and a row of chairs that middle-aged men were sitting on and this Uber Rider there was in my car in the front seat next to me on the right then want to leave. I told her she wasn't my rider and I'm waiting for somebody else but she refused to acknowledge that. Her boyfriend got out but she refuse to acknowledge the obvious. You paragraph all in all, I have these weird unprovoked unsolicited, only deep consciousness starts that AR suppressed when we were awake but when we were in a different state they are released and are free once and for all. So it's like this wow tsunami in information in the brain can handle I love it!
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