Here's your typical Trump supporter video


Entry #34


Avatar amber124 -
Hey you go folks, your lovely Trump supporters who are not violent right? Racist bigot on the Rampage. Kind of reminds me of somebody I know, not personally, but he lives in Texas and is toothless LOL
Avatar Todd -
You're going to say a generalization that Trump supporters are racist bigots? Seriously? That makes you just as bad the the idiot in the video. What an incredibly vile thing to say. You really should either apologize to everyone you just offended or else delete this garbage.
Avatar amber124 -
You're right I shouldn't have generalized I'm sorry. But you have a couple of people on this site run a regular basis tell me to go back to my country and I and that I should get deported. And that is very hurtful to me especially when I'm an honorably discharged United States Navy veteran.
Avatar amber124 -
Also, just about every Republican I've ever personally met always showed tones of racism. They didn't show it right away, but as you get to know them better and talk to them more often, especially if you anger them in anything other than politics, the racism start creeping out so I see their true colors.
Avatar amber124 -
Can't wait until we throw you over the border wall. You can make your way back to where you came from on your own.
# posted by mikeintexas : 4:51 PM
Avatar Todd -
Being in the United States military would put you in the company of people the majority of whom are Republican/conservative. So are you saying that the majority of people you've met in the military are racist? God help you if that's what you're saying.
Avatar amber124 -
No I didn't say in the military I meant in general.

Be careful - ICE is on your trail!
# posted by mikeintexas : 5:00 PM
Avatar amber124 -
Get out of my country!
# posted by mikeintexas : 4:36 PM
Avatar amber124 -
broken record, that's what you are. You and your butt buddy Sleezy need some new material.

You need to be deported.
# posted by mikeintexas : 2:55 PM
Avatar Todd -
I would assume that the military involves many people you've met "in general". Unless you're saying "Aside from the hundreds of Republicans I've met in the military, everyone else is racist." And that would just be a very suspect thing to say. It's fine to say that you have met Republicans who are racist, because there are undoubtedly both Republican and Democrat racists out there. In fact, there are racists in every demographic group under the sun. Your generalization is the problem.
Avatar Todd -
And I would not go cherry-picking comments from others to support yourself, because they could just cherry-pick YOUR comments in the same manner -- like this blog post you made above!
Avatar amber124 -
They could cherry-pick all they want but they won't find one racist remark from me. And if they did find something it was only in response to something racial that they said.

I'm 54 years old and join the Navy when I was 18 so that's 36 years of adulthood, and only four years of those 36 years were in the military. I didn't really get involved with politics or talk much about politics until about 20 years ago or so. That's a lot of people to meet during that time.
Avatar Todd -
It is not "racist" to tell someone to get out of their country. It may be nationalist, but that makes it based on your country of origin, which has nothing to do with race. So you have not presented anything racist from anyone else.

AND TO BE CLEAR, I am not asking you to scour the comments section of every blog to cherry-pick something you regard as racist. In fact, I am saying the opposite. I'm saying you should QUIT IT and just stop the attacks.
Avatar amber124 -
That's fine I'll stop. I just wanted to expose the racist people here. Also I disagree on the part where you said that nothing racist was written here. Ice is on my trail is not being racist? I'm not even Mexican lol
Avatar Todd -
ICE is Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It is not a law enforcement organization that goes after people based on their race. It enforces the country's immigration and customs laws. So no, it is not racist. I have no idea why you are mentioning Mexico. I don't see any reference to Mexico in anything you've posted from other people. I think you may be confused.
Avatar amber124 -
Also Todd, you're not on the Blog section all the time so you don't see this, but I can't make a comment in a blog without the guy I quoted above attacking me. So if anybody is attacking anybody else it's him. He follows me around like a lost puppy trying to instigate fights where I only making a comment about the actual blog itself.

Avatar amber124 -
Okay come on Todd, surely you're not saying he means otherwise and being racist really? Technically you're correct, but the undertones of the comment is very revealing don't you think? Border wall, ice, get out of my country, what else could that mean? You tell me cuz I want to know.

If I told a Mexican straight to his face to get out of my country, or I'd like to throw you over the wall, or ice is looking after you, how else is that Mexican person supposed to take it?
Avatar Todd -
I have seen lots of people -- you included -- making nasty comments in the blog section. I have called YOU out because you made a comment basically saying that all Trump supporters are racist a-holes like the idiot in the video. That is a lot different than individual members attacking each other. You are offending and attacking a huge section of society and perhaps half the people visiting Lottery Post. It is a rather outrageous attack, and I'm not going to allow you to turn that around with a red herring about individual members attacking each other. Especially when you are doing just as much attacking. You're not an innocent lamb here.
Avatar amber124 -
You are right as far as making similar comments but that's only because I was provoked with those same types of comments. I don't go around making trailer trash remarks unprovoked, I'm not that type of person. I know how it is to be labeled as something racially influenced. For years I was called a cow had because I was born in Iran. Not just by one person but by many many people throughout the years.

I've also been called a goat effer. Send you know what I won't mention the word. And a whole host of other racist remarks, so I'm a little sensitive to it.

But I know this is your website and it's natural for you as a republican to defend other Republicans on this site so I get it.

I assure you I won't make anymore blog posts in the future. If I'm not free to write what I want, then I won't write anything at all. I don't want to get banned again. I'll just suck it up anytime someone makes a racist remark.
Avatar amber124 -
I meant to say Towell head
Avatar Todd -
Oh please, woe is me. Just own up to your comments and stop trying to excuse everything with "He did it first". And stop trying to change the topic yet again. Your horrible remarks about all Trump supporters have nothing to do with me, mikeintexas, or anyone else. They are your remarks, and you should disown them and stop trying to shift blame.
Avatar amber124 -
But I did own up to it in the first response to you go back and look, I said I'm sorry.

You don't have to worry about it anymore, I just won't make any comments at all in any of the forums that's all.

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