Hillary Clinton: The President Absolutely Can Be Subject Of A Criminal Investigation


Entry #25,942


Avatar sully16 -
so can ex Presidents, Bruhahahahahahahaha
Avatar CARBOB -
She believes the Clintons' are immune from prosecution.
Avatar rcbbuckeye -
It's still hard to believe that all of the dead people left in the Clinton's wake died by "suicide".
Avatar MADDOG10 -
If we had an Attorney General with a set of testicles, you would already be under investigation.
Clean up your own backyard before you try to clean up someone else's Beast.
Avatar amber124 -
He already is, duh!
Avatar JAP69 -
Is that right.
Avatar mikeintexas -
So says a woman with a string of dead bodies in her wake, numerous sex scandal coverups and involvement in so many "-gates", you'd need a scorecard just to keep track of them.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Sometimes I get so annoyed at the subject, I comment before reading other comments. Sorry, rcb, for parroting your "wake" comment about the dead bodies. That said, if Hillary had been elected, we'd be holding a solemn wake for this country right about now...amidst a pile of rubble, radioactive ash and more than enough dead bodies to satisfy her.
Avatar rcbbuckeye -
Quite alright Mike. It's just amazing that there were no real investigations into any of those people that died of "suicide" under the Clintons. If it had been a Republican administration, all hell would have broken loose.
Clintons must have had a noose around a lot of people's necks to keep all those deaths under wraps.

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