Baltimore has highest homicide rate of U.S. big cities


Entry #25,956


Avatar MADDOG10 -
Wow, and the City is Run by a Democrat. Now who woulda thunk that could ever happen especially since their sister city is Chicago.
Avatar CARBOB -
Anywhere you see a minority in charge, you will see the same results. I only see one Black in the Senate worth mentioning. Pulling for James in Michigan in November. Always thought Powell would have made a good President, as he was an excellent SOS.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Democrat-controlled cities are cesspools of crime and corruption. The overwhelmingly "blue" cities in "red" states are responsible for the statistic that some red states get more welfare than blue ones.

"The Wire" wasn't a fictional TV series, it was more like a documentary, facts portrayed by fictional characters.

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