Bill Cosby sentenced to 3-10 years


Entry #25,957


Avatar mikeintexas -
I had heard his own lawyer had asked for a similar sentence. The evidence must have been ing. (I wouldn't know, I didn't keep up with the case) Given his age and celeb. status, I wonder just how much time he'll actually do? I also wonder how the other inmates will treat him or if he'll get solitary or protective custody.    It will be his luck that if not, he'll get put in with a real-life Fat Albert, only not quite so jovial.

"Hey hey hey! Yo gonna be MY woman now!"
Avatar mikeintexas -
Forgot the filters: "...evidence must have been d*mning."
Avatar mikeintexas -
I just found out that's the sentence for a single offense; for some reason, I figured all the charges might be included in a single trial.   Bad news for him, and esp. that this sentence will be served in a state pen.
Avatar sully16 -
Wonder if he'll get some Jello?
Avatar mikeintexas -
^PotD! (Post of the Day!)
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
It's amazing how you people come out of the wood work like roaches when a black is convicted of a sex crime, but are crickets when all the recent white sex predators, including the POTUS, are accused of the same or similar sex crimes. This is being a HYPOCRITE in the extreme. Although I think Cosby did the crime and should serve the time, I am concerned about the unequal justice that is given to people of color verses whites.
Avatar mikeintexas -
You don't know the meaning of "hypocrite" sleezy or you wouldn't toss it around so much. Actually, if you had any self-actualization, you'd realize YOU are a hypocrite.

I'm more concerned about the fact that "people of color" -snicker - commit more crimes than their population demographic should.

Keep insisting on being perpetual victims, though...that's really workin' out for you.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Avatar mikeintexas -
Yes, I know the meaning of FREE and I also know you leftists DON'T know the meaning of the word. I also recognize someone who relishes being a perpetual victim, like I said. Enjoy your life on the Democrat plantation; they might not call you "boy" (to your face) but they sure like to keep you folks in chains. "Chop 'dat cotton, tote 'dat bale!"...and you step and fetch to whatever they say.

Step away from the dark side, come into the light. Come help us MAGA. Who knows, you might be redeemable.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
BIGOTINTEXAS you are living in the past. That period of time is "GONE WITH THE WIND". pun intended. Make America Gag Again.MAGA...LOL

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