Colin Powell: Trump Not Acting Like Moral Leader


Entry #26,003


Avatar MADDOG10 -
Consider the source. The POT calling the KETTLE black.
Avatar jarasan -
STFU colon.
Avatar konane -
Is he trying to be relevant again???
Avatar amber124 -
It's so laughable to see the word moral and Trump in the same sentence.
Avatar Soledad -
Hmm yes consider the source indeed we shall.
Avatar amber124 -
Soledad, you have to understand that they don't have a problem with their sources. It's only fake news when it's not coming from their sources.

That same logic can be applied to when they accuse us of being trolls. When they reply, they aren't Trolls, but when we reply, magically somehow we become trolls LOL. This is why I say they are mentally unfit 2 being power of any sorts. The logic simply baffles me. Hypocrites calling the kettle black LMAO
Avatar mikeintexas -
I never considered you a troll, ambturd. Dumb as a stump, but not a troll.
Avatar CARBOB -
Powell was an excellent COS and SOS. I think he would have made an excellent President because of his experience foreign affairs. When he backed Obama, I began to lose faith in him. Now he has turned to insulted President Trump. He never made one negative comment about Obama, no matter how much Obama screwed up, especially on the Iran Nuclear Deal. I doubt if there is not one former Chief Of Staff that agree with him about the Iran Nuclear Deal.If he is capable of criticizing a White man and not a Black man, then he is a hypocrite.
Avatar CARBOB -
Powell was an excellent COS and SOS. I think he would have made an excellent President because of his experience foreign affairs. When he backed Obama, I began to lose faith in him. Now he has turned to insulted President Trump. He never made one negative comment about Obama, no matter how much Obama screwed up, especially on the Iran Nuclear Deal. I doubt if there is not one former Chief Of Staff that agree with him about the Iran Nuclear Deal.If he is capable of criticizing a White man and not a Black man, then he is a hypocrite.
Avatar CARBOB -
Sorry for double post.
Avatar jarasan -
colon cowell is a dc swamp tale party bitch.
Avatar amber124 -
Loose teeth in Texas Tama I have more intelligence in my left nut and you could imagine in your whole lifetime. The mere fact that you voted for this moron and office proves you're f****** idiot.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
CARBO, every thing is racial with you, Why would Colon say anything negative about Obama? People like you is too stupid. Don't expect Blacks to hate another Black because you hate all people of color. That is why you are reaping now.
Avatar mikeintexas -
I"m not sure you even have any testicles, ambturd. You're not so smart; you can't even figure out how to use the speech-to-text.

Shut up sleazy. You show your ignorance every time you post something.   I thought your low IQ might have been from poor nutrition as a child, but now I realize it's genetic.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
BIGOTINTEXAS being an incest baby you inherit certain birth defects. One has to do with your ability to comprehend above a sixth grade lever. This is a handicap of most incest hillbilly babies. I understand how hard it is for you to act normal around your peers. Trying to be something that you're not is hard, huh? POSER.

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