Colin Powell: Trump Has Changed 'We The People' To 'Me The President'



Entry #26,007


Avatar JAP69 -
I voted for Trump to be President. Doing a grand job as President too.
Avatar amber124 -
Trump is a tan artist, a womanizer, liar Beyond understanding, racist, bigoted, and a long laundry list of other horrible characteristics. You should be in prison not president.
Avatar CARBOB -
You are stoned again!
Avatar amber124 -
Not yet, I don't start till around 7 p.m., so there you go again with your lies. You know what I think, I think you should get stoned, maybe you'll grow some more brain cells that way. Actually you you'll have boar neurons connecting. That may help you wake up from your stupor.

Avatar MADDOG10 -
Anderjack, you want to tell us where your whining has anything to do with this topic??

"Colin Powell: Trump Has Changed 'We The People' To 'Me The President' "

I honestly wish Todd would have extracted you, from your last tantrum. If anyone has lied, it has been you and your hatred.
Avatar amber124 -
Oh really bad dog? You want me to go and make a list of all your troll friends racist and bigoted attack on me? Every time I make a comment unprovoked and just comment about the blog post, one of you trolls always comes by and makes an insult without any provocation from me, so if you want I'll spend a couple of hours and look copy and paste them all here for you to see, so don't give me that bull s***. You're part of the problem too

As you can see, I'll start with this block first. It's a comment I made a comment and that's all it was, but of course your troll friend has to open his big fat mouth and call me a stoner. So get your facts straight before you spew more garbage.
Avatar amber124 -
And another thing, you and your troll friends have your nose is so far deep up Alex Jones's ass about why he got banned and how wrong it was, but you have no problem wanting to ban me from my freedom of speech on this site. You have no problem with that all hypocrite?
Avatar mikeintexas -
Stop whining and in particular, stop being a hypocrite, amber. YOU come into a thread and immediately start slamming people for their opinions, so you have no moral high ground. "If you can't take the heat...."

We don't HAVE "freedom of speech" in here, just what Todd allows us. He's given leeway to nearly ALL of us who engage in these inane and pointless spats. If you don't want personal attacks from me, then cease with those on me. (I cannot make a deal for anyone else, but I will also defend my friends in here, fair warning)

You started it and if forced to, I will match you tit-for-tat on re-posting the vile things you've said if you want, but I'd rather not; I didn't like reading your crap the first time and I'm sure I wouldn't like it the second time.
Avatar amber124 -
I have a very clear solution. I will write what I want in a Blog, and you can write whatever you want and a Blog would know attacks. Do you agree to this? Yukon I have the right to make a comment and a Blog, and everyone else has the exact same right as I do, so I really felt even realize why we're even having this discussion in the first place LOL
Avatar amber124 -
4 also, yes I did start some of them because troll force was on steroids many times. LOL oh yeah, it was like hatred was so hard on
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
BIGOTINTEXAS you don't run anything on this LP or thread. You come here with your bigotry you will be dealt with hillbilly.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Try it, sleazy. You can't touch me, not in these blogs, not in "real life".

Face it, I OWN you!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
BIGOTINTEXAS, you've been a failure all your pathetic life. The only reason you are on LP is because it's FREE. The minute that is taken away you will be gone, but I will still be here sucker.

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