How Nikki Haley played the While House game and won


Entry #26,011


Avatar amber124 -
Win? 1? Won?

Nobody wins when they are related in some way or fashion wooden Trump.
Avatar eddessaknight -
Nicki is a proven winner with the US mainstream

We will defiantly see more in the near future >>>>>>

She has the 'Right Stuff' - Thomas Wolf
Avatar lejardin -
Nikki Haley is one class act. The Demoncraps could learn from her but that will never happen, they are just crooks.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Nikki Haley is not Trumpotized like most low information and uneducated repubs in his base. She is an independent thinker, and a person of color.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Sleazy shows his racism yet one more time.

I used to think your low IQ was from poor nutrition as a child, now I realize it's genetic.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
BIGOTINTEXAS, you make a fool of yourself every time you try to compare your IQ to mine. What kind of life did your IQ provide for you? SAD

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