Bigoted Don Lemon the Perfect Example of Why the Left is Losing


Language warning. Styx, interesting discussion.

Bigoted Don Lemon the Perfect Example of Why the Left is Losing

Entry #4,661


Avatar mikeintexas -
Of course there are bigots on the right, but many on the left are, too...and the rest of the leftists excuse their bigotry, which makes them bigots as well.

I've quit watching Styx; he made his third slam (since I'd been watching him) against Boomers in his recent Simpsons video and that was the last straw for me. I have no time for those who insist upon "generational blaming", no matter who/what age group they point their fingers at.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Mike. I'm a boomer and understand millennials blame our generation for a lot of things. When you take into context of problems Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, GHWB, GWB, Schumer, Feinstein along with many others have done to this nation they have a very valid point. I accept their criticism for the group I fall into because the damage wrought by others in my group. I'm not offended because the criticism was not directed to me specifically. Guess I have a skin thick as a Texas armadillo.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Most of those you mention are "The Silent Generation" or very close to it. I'm smack dab in the middle of the Boomer generation (Boomers II or "Generation Jones" by some standards), but I couldn't even vote until "Generation X" was nearly past.

Nothing to do with thick skin, I just object to someone's bigotry and that's what it is or maybe it's "ageism" and that's just as bad if not worse. If you don't like what the previous generation has done, then DO something about it and don't whine about it like Styx and his lot like to do. I didn't like it when they did it when I was a kid, still don't.

Don't lump ME in with the worst of my generation, that's all I'm saying. I ain't accepting SH*T.   Hell, if you want to point out the worst of a particular group, then delve into the so-called "Greatest Generation" and analyze THEIR mistakes...but I don't want to do that. No, we need to quit stereotyping entire generations and maybe start blaming regions of the country instead. (and even that would be wrong, because I'm sure there's at least a FEW conservatives in...oh, San Francisco. Might not be but a dozen or so, but....)
Avatar CARBOB -
@#3 I lived in the heart of Silicon Valley, Pao Alto from 1981-1997 and most of the individuals had the same views as I. The most despised politician was Assembly Leader Willie Brown. He had a hit and run on I-5 and never got a ticket. I called into a talk show he was the guest, asked him about the hit and run, never got a response. The dirty SOB later became Mayor of San Francisco, typical Democrat.
Avatar mikeintexas -
@#4 "Most"? Did they keep you from voting?
Avatar konane -
Thanks Mike. I think what I was saying is I ignore being lumped into a particular group if I didn't embrace their mindset. I've always been pro US, but sure see what the greedy self serving psychopaths and sociopaths who misused power (because that's what their ilk does) have done to destroy it for the rest of America. Their mantra seems to be greed above all, the one who dies with the most toys wins.
Avatar konane -
Thanks CARBOB. I wonder if those election scales were 'weighted in favor' of, or people were gullible enough to believe in the fairy tales promised by politicians during those years? I've watched events like that and wonder how people can be so clueless.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Other than twice voting for local city offices -older ladies who were doing a good job and had been Dems from the early 60's- I've never voted anything but Republican and Libertarian. I refuse to take the blame for the choices of the leftists in "my" generation. While I understand the delineation between progressive and conservative and can live with that, it's absurd to put other labels on ea. other, esp. on something so insignificant as age. Most of the young folks I know are conservative or like me, conservative-leaning libertarians. That's here in THIS area, though. (where their parents raised 'em "right" - not politically brainwashed them, just set good examples!)

There's a vast difference between left and right but as far as I'm concerned, those of us on the right need to focus on those things we agree upon and not our relatively minor differences. Like ol' Ben Franklin is thought to have said (paraphrasing) "We must hang together or we shall all hang separately".
Avatar jarasan -
You are either for America or against it, and the leftist demoncRATS are definitely against America, so we must defeat these commie basturds. I can't wait to see what happens when the demoncRATS don't get the house or senate again.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Mike. Like has been said many times they want us divided but coming together we're a mighty force.
Avatar konane -
Thanks Jarasan. They're pulling every dirty trick in the book because globalists through them almost won.

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